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Celebrating our Berner Veterans

In Loving Memory of


August 22nd 1997 to May 12th 2009

"We just said goodbye to our beautiful Brady on Tuesday May 12. She would have been 12 years old in August! And this after two knee replacements and treatment for cancer in her right hind leg with radiation and chemo. We were hoping this might give some hope to the many owner’s of Bernese, so many die so young. Brady, who was diagnosed in July of 2008 with a malignant tumor involved on the right leg and bone – underwent radiation treatment at Davis University from late September into October of 2008. Post treatment they had reduced the presence of the cancer throughout the region. One shaded area on the bone was suspect, and never determined if it was scar tissue from her prior knee procedure or radiation. Ulitmately, they suspected the cancer and re emerged in the bone marrow which is what ultimately brought us to the end with her this week – too much pain for her to endure – even though right up to the end she fought on – more for us I think than for herself. Having her around so long – was such a gift – and so rare I think for the breed. But miracles do happen – and I do think Brady was for sure a miracle.

We have another berner, Brody – who is two and a half and in time we will get another puppy.

We love these dogs with all our heart.

Brent and Lori Novick"


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