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*Samson's Story. *My Gang .* Sunny & Simmy,* Friend's Gallery.* In Loving Memory.* Links.*
*Feline Humour. * Foot and Mouth Update. * Guestbook.*

*Bonfire Night Party at Longlease* updated Nov 5th '01

Welcome to Longlease.
Home of Jean & the Gang.
This picture was compiled for my Christmas card, December 1998, by my very good friend, Marian Wilding-Jones. Me and my Gang at that time! The two ponies, Arthur and Andy; my two goats, Abbi and Elli; my two ewes, Hoppy and Poppy; three cats lurking in there, Pipsqueak, Sooty and Snowflake, and my two beautiful Bernese Mountain Dogs, Samson & Sunny.

Me and Gang
Sadly, Samson developed cancer in the Spring of 1999 and after a very brave fight lost his life on September 30th that year. He is still much missed by us all, but we now have a new puppy, Simeon, who joined the Gang in October and is growing as fast as he can to fill the empty space in our hearts. Here's Simmy at just seven weeks!

Wee Simeon

Go to:
*Samson's Story*
*My Gang through the Years.*
*Sunny and her new brother Simeon.*
*A Gallery of Friends.*

* In Loving Memory*

*Favourite Links.*

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