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Longlease Bernese Mountain Dogs Gallery of Friends

In Loving Memory of Mitzi

Mitzi Baker 12 Years Young April 30th-06

'Tis now time to Honor and Celebrate the Life of A Bar Mitzvah Blessing,
given to a 13 year old young Man, who now is a 26 year old Man named, Joshua Abraham Baker,
a Sgt. in the United States Marine Corps..
Mitzi was recently Honored by Jean Cheesman, on her Longlease site,
and by, as her 12th Birthday photo was on the front page,
and of course on the Green Gallery of our web site.

The following letter stunned Chris ( who as many of you know is very ill ) and myself earlier today,
May 4th, and written by Sister in Law, Susan. Quoted ~
Mitzi had a stroke sometime late yesterday aftenoon.
I left work to come home for comfort care and to access status with Vet. .
Spent two hous 8-10 pm with Vet and her MD husband with whom I have worked on my crisis weekends.
Brought Mitzi home. She was unable to move but had her sweet happy smile.
I laid down with her, fell asleep briefly amd awoke to not hearing her deep breathing,
She has been my best girlfriend for 12 years, and now Dennis has been her best buddy for 2 1/2 years.

We just buried her in our yard and plan a memorial.
Tearfully with Love, Susan & Dennis

" God Bless and receive Mitzi into Your Kingdom of Heaven, and unite Her with all of Her Family,
and all of your Glorious Creations ! " Semper Fi "

Sweet Mitzi. Be Happy ~ You are Loved !


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