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In Loving Memory of Bernese Mountain Dog


Richenbern Breok


Sadly missed by Jayne and Terry Richards

Bernese Mountain Dog, Brue
Bernese Mountain Dog, Brue, Christmas 2001

Brue was sadly lost to cancer at just five years old.
"On Tuesday we were walking through the daffodil field and had a wonderful time and good walk with him running in and out of the daffs completely well, came home from work on Thursday to him rasping, its the only word I can think of, so straight off to the vets who thought he could have a chest infection bring him back Friday morning. When they X-rayed him they found that he had a tumour which was pushing his heart out of place and pushing on his wind pipe. The vet said there was nothing they could do so he was given sleep. At least he did not suffer but I cannot believe he is not there he was always by my side and now he has gone. I loved him dearly."

Bernese Mountain Dog, Brue
Bernese Boy Brue in the snow

Bernese, Brue, sadly lost to cancer

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