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In Loving Memory of Bernese Mountain Dog


1988 - 5/09/93

Still missed by Laura and Garland Haskell

Casey, BMD, sasdly lost to Histio

Bernese , Casey

"We lost our Casey to this evil disease on May 9, 1993. Casey was a rescue dog---we found him at the pound. We only had five years with him but I still miss him every single day...He took part in the study at UC Davis in 1993. So we aren't really sure of the DOB, but the day we lost him I will never forget. 5/09/93 Almost ten years ago. I found you while doing research on canine cancer. My Fila now has cancer---fibrosarcoma. She's ten I got her and her brother Thor after Casey was gone... So this is Casey, well loved and still missed every minute of every day"

Laura & Garland Haskell

*Histio Roll Call Main Page*

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*In Loving Memory*Links. *Humour. *Guestbook. * Bernese Art*

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