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Winter Wonderland!
December 28th 2000

Bernese Mountain Dogs and ponies.

"Ok, Ok! You have to feed everybody before we go for a walk!
Just it's my first real snow" says Bernese Pup, Simmy.

Welsh Mountain Ponies in the snow

Well, that's Arthur and Andy happy!

lambs in the snow

There, that's Ella, Bella and Little Fella done!

Goats come for a walk?

Blimey! Are Abbi and Elle coming with us?

Bernese Mountain Dogs love the snow!

Oh, Wow! This is just so beautiful!

We Bernese Mountain Dogs just love the snow!

Wiggly Giggly SnowBone.

It's OK, Karen and Angel!
We found the Wiggly Giggly Bone you sent us for Christmas, it was in our den!

This is such fun! Say Sunny and Simmy

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