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Longlease Bernese Mountain Dogs Gallery of Friends

Berner Boots Beats the Heat Wave!

Some "cool pics" from Robert Anema, Lakewood, Colorado

"Quite the heat wave we're having: it has been around 100 F here for a while too. I was able to escape the heat by heading up for a nice hike starting at 11,000 feet and climbing to 12,500 feet. This resulted in much cooler temperatures! I was "babysitting" a 1-year old Bernese Mountain Dog "Abbey Boots", who belongs to a local veterinarian (and she approves of these high altitude hikes). Thought you might enjoy some pictures!".

Berner Boots stays cool!

Berner Boots

Bernese Boots

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Stay Cool, Folks!

*More Cool Pics of Abbey Boots*

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