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23.10.01 9:51 AM CST - Beg4Me
Hey all. I was stopping by to get the layout for my school project, so Idecided to post an update.. Yeah, I might restart this site over, cuz I miss working on it. I just need a break from all the DBSF/ AX shit, so yeah.. talk to you guys later.

13.10.01 2:04 AM CST - Chibi
I quit, this site is doing horrible. If anybody out there who actually visited this site needs a CCG Expert for their site, e-mail me. Later.

28.09.01 8:54 pm CST - Chibi
In today's episode, Trunks defeated a 15 year old kid in 2 hits which was about 3 seconds long. Tommorow, we will see Trunks and Goten duke it out in the Finals. Score is taking a little break from answering questions so don't expect a responce from them anytime soon. A new DBZ CCG Hummer Tour is expected to start soon, I'll keep you updated on that.

27.09.01 11:44 pm CST - Chibi
I added a deck building strategy. The tournament will finally start 2morrow starting w/ the Jr. Division. It's titled "The World Tournament".

26.09.01 6:04 pm CST - Chibi
Score released an image of the Android 18 Level 1 High-Tech. Click here to see the image. Goku came back in todays episode. 2morrow's episode is called "Camera Shy".

25.09.01 5:24PM CST - Chibi
No new updates, but Babidi: The Dark Prince Returns and Babidi: Rivals were released on VHS today. Check em out!

24.09.01 7:54PM CST - Chibi
I added a Krillin deck. If you missed today's episode, it was "The Newest Super Saiyan". Gohan and Goten begin to train and Goten reveals his true power. Tommorow's episode will be Gohan teaching Goten and Videl how to fly. In other news, FUNimation raised and donated $10,000 to the Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund.

23.09.01 8:49 pm CST - Chibi
I added a new CotW. Check it out. Expect a Krillin deck 2morrow.

21.09.01 9:04 pm CST - Chibi
No new updates but I do have some news. A new card has been added to the Tournament Prize Package. It will now include Red Blocking Hand and the Android Saga Tournament Promo Planet Vegeta. Score will also be releasing a new card image from the Cell Saga everyday at their site. Today they added an image of the High-Tech Level 3 Piccolo, Earth's Protector. Click here to see the image.

20.09.01 9:54 pm CST - Chibi
I added the scores for the Top 10 in the League. Today's episode called "Gohan's First Date" was skipped due to the resemblence of the skyscraper on fire and the tradegy of the Twin Towers. I truely believe that Funimation shouldn't have done that, like Bush said, the country needs to move on.

19.09.01 7:04 pm CST - Chibi
I added a new tournament report. Score released a card image of the Krillin High-Tech you can get by submitting your Trunks Saga wrappers. Click here to see it. There's a contest in the October 2001 DBZ Beckett on page 56 where the prize is a PSX Dragonball GT Final Bout in ENGLISH! BTW, if you subscribe to the magazine you can get a FREE 5" Trunks Action Figure in the Saiyan Uniform. That's it, peace out.

18.09.01 9:29 pm CST - Chibi
I added a Krillin deck, I'm gunna add a tourny report 2morrow. Frieza: Desperation DVD was released 2day, check it out.

17.09.01 6:04 pm CST - Chibi
I added a new tournament report and added information about Tuff Enuff in the Tournament Information. Score announces that there is a misprint on ALL Android 20's Energy Burst card. The card is apparently missing the character subset on the bottom left hand corner. Score also announced that there is a FREE promo card in every October 2001 Beckett DBZ. The card is Krillin's Search #P4. That's all 4 today.

16.09.01 2:03 AM CST - Chibi
This has officialy been the worst week of my life. I still can't believe the Twin Towers are gone. I vacationed in NY about 4 years ago and I never got a chance to visit it. My prayers go out to everyone in this country. I hope Bush will make the right decision on what to do. Homework's been keeping me busy, I have to write an essay on a book I never finished reading, THANK GOD for Cliff Notes. I bombed my Geometry test, but I think I have a B in english now. Well, I added a NEW Card of the Week, hero deck and tounry report, that's it. I know it's not a lot, but I have a lot of things on my mind especially with Homecoming which is comming up.

15.09.01 5:00 PM CST - Mr.Chuck
Oh man, the Chuckster is back. After surviving my constant seige of homework, I can now update freely without my parent dictators badgering me. Anyways, I'll be updating the Spanish section and my Corner alot. Oh yea,if your a sick staker who wants more info about us and the site, Beg and I got the old updates section up. I also fixed up the suggestions page......whatever,nevermind.

14.09.01 8:28 AM CST - Schlomo
And you stupid cockroaches that thought I was gone! Bah to you! But guess what?.... *whispers* I'M STILL HERE. *returns to normal voice* There we go. Anyways, I'm trying to figure out my next portion to add to the Information section. I might just spruce it up a bit, using my slang and stuff. Correct errors *cough*Beg*cough*, and then maybe something new. Mm-kay? Sound good to you? Sound good to me too! Buh-bye, now.

14.09.01 10:48 PM CST - Beg4Me
Ok, now I'm officially back. School really blows. Anyway... if someone will do the gifs section since I suck at gifs e-mail it to me in html format at korn00freak@msn.com and I will give you full credit and all that hooha. I think this site will be for the fans, by the fans. So if you have anything you want to see put up, or wanna help me out, send any sections to me or whatever you want to send to me, and if it's not horse shit, then I'll put it up. Ok, I'm gonna do a Beg Speaks editorial then see what else I can put up... Cya.

11.09.01 8:44 PM CST - Beg4Me
I was finally ready to begin updating again, but due to today's horrendous travisties, I will begin updating tomorrow. I wish everyone who has family members, friends or anyone important to them that was in the WTC and Pentagon good luck and may God be with you. I posted an editorial in Beg Speak's about todays events...

11.09.01 5:57 PM CST - Schlomo
I would just like to ask everyone to include every one in their prayers, be it to Buddha, Jesus, God, whomever... This has been a horrible tragedy. However, we must bounce back from this tragedy and move on with life. Updates have been slow, obviously, but that will change soon. That's all for now...

08.09.01 4:26 PM CST - Schlomo
Rejoice, my minions! My long-awaited next editorial has been posted! If only I knew how to properly link you to the editorial, I would do that! But.... I don't! So you'll have to click into Schlomo's Truth and do it the hard way! While you're there, check out my first editorial about football and its coaches! It's a riveting article! Enjoy!

05.09.01 9:11 PM CST - Beg4Me
*sigh* Unfortunatly, I didn't even get 1/4 of what I wanted done today. I have to go clean now, I might be able to get some stuff done before I go to bed, but I doubt it. Tommorrow, I can only spend maybe an hour on the computer because my friend is coming over and we're going to the football game at my school, then we're going parting. So, this will probably be my last update till Saturday (because I will be too drunk friday night) So, looks like we have to wait another day or two to submit our site. However, I did get the cels and Gifs STARTED (I added about 9 cels and 10 gifs) and I will always be adding more Cels and Gifs and Pics, so yeah. I also managed to squeeze in an editorial (a damn good one at that ;)) In Beg Speaks. So, I'm leaving it up to my other updaters to get a lot done. Cya.

06.09.01 6:10PM CST - Mr.Chuck
Okay Folks,the first couple of spanish lessons are up. ^_^. I've also added a few thing's to Chuck's Corner, so check it out. IMPORTANT - FROM NOW ON ALL UPDATES TAKING PLACE IN EITHER CHUCK'S CORNER OR THE SPANISH SECTION WILL ONLY BE POSTED IN THE MINOR UPDATES,SO CHECK IT OUT OFTEN..........whatever,nevermind.

06.09.01 5:46PM CST - Chibi
Character strategy added. Good news everybody! I just signed up for my FIRST local tournament taking place on Saturday! I'm gunna test out the Tien deck and see how good it is. I'm still missng sum cards but hopefully i'll get them by saturday. i'll make sure i'll write a report. i'm gunna help beg if he needs any but thats it for the CCG 2nite

05.09.01 9:11 PM CST - Beg4Me
Ok, I wasn't able to do ANYTHING today. I'm sorry. I started the Dragonball section, cuz I normally update at night, but my sister needs the computer. Once again, sorry. I will update a LOT tomorrow. I plan to finish the Dragonball section, Hopefully get a GT Summary up, Get the Cels page up, hopefully get the Gifs up (I need to find some first), and POSSIBLY get The Dragonball Summary up. I hope to achieve all that tomorrow, so we can submit to DBZ Top50 by Saturday. Umm.. I had soemthing else to say, but I forgot. Oh well, I'll update A LOT tommorrow. Bye.

05.09.01 6:48PM CST - Chibi
I added that Nail deck and added a tourny report. I got my progress report today.... 78 in English! Oh well, i'm not gunna update a lot in the next few days cuz i need to start working out agane. i'll catch u peeps later.

05.09.01 3:29 PM CST - Schlomo
Mwahahaha... Feel free to grimace and make painful noises as you read my first editorial. Most will like. Some will hate, but we won't talk about them. Enjoy! More editorials... on the way.

04.09.01 11:44PM CST - Chibi
I added the Tien deck today. I got the Tournament Info up 2day and added a list of Sanctioned Tournaments. I'm gunna add a Nail deck and a Tournament Report 2morrow. Good night, btw school sux :b

04.09.01 7:16 PM CST - Mr.Chuck
Hi,All. I've added some more crap to Chuck's Corner,so check tha shite out. ALSO! I'm gonna be adding a section called Learning Spanish with Chuck. Stay tuned for more updates in that area.....whatever.peace.

04.09.01 6:57 PM CST - Beg4Me
Ok, I added two sections. Frieza Forms and Cell Forms. Also, I added an editorial in Beg Speaks, I might add another one tonight, I don't know. Also, that big surprise I metioned might not be ready in time, but I will debut it eventually. I need to finish the Multimedia section, but that section is not my specialty as you may have noticed by the God aweful jumble I call the pictures section. If anyone wants to help, be my guest. **UPDATE: 9:29 : I added another editorial. Check it out.**

03.09.01 11:24PM CST - Chibi
Hope everybody had a good Labor Day Weekend. I added one of Chuck's CD reviews, Strategy section is up. I also added the COMPLETE price guide for Saiyan Saga INCLUDING Promos. I got a Tien deck I'm gunna add 2morrow. YES, I SAID TIEN DECK. Good Night peeps.

03.09.01 10:09 PM CST - Beg4Me
Just a reminder, SoaD's new CD comes out tomorrow, so buy that. I'll review it probably Saturday since that'll be the next time I'll be able to get to the mall. Advertise us. Once I get SoaD's new CD, I promise you something BIG. It's an underground project that I'm working on. I'll debut it on the day I get that CD. Man, this page is getting big, I'm going to add a section called "Old Updates" tommorrow, since this is getting so big. Well, I'm off to bed. Good fight, good night.

03.09.01 7:55 PM CST - Schlomo
I told you all I'd be doing something else soon... As Beg already mentioned, I wrote the Majin Buu Saga. *applause* And as he hasn't mentioned yet, I've completed the section called... It's something like "When They Went SSJ". I forget at the moment because I'm tired as hell and I need sleep. Enjoy... and e-mail me with any comments, questions, etc.. G'night.

03.09.01 7:51 PM CST - Mr.Chuck
Hello all.This is my first update as of yet,and might I add that HTML can freaking go screw itself! Anyhoo,stay tuned for more updates with some crap at chuck's corner etc.....whatever.

03.09.01 7:04 PM CST - Beg4Me
Ok, finally! All the DBZ sagas are up! Thanks to Schlomo for doing the Majin Buu Saga! Also, we have a new updater, Chuck. Also, I registered this site on Cjb.net so you can reach it by typing in : http://www.absolutexero1.cjb.net

03.09.01 6:00 PM CST - Beg4Me
Ok, I had to redo this about 3 times in two hours, lol. Anyway, I have a MAJOR update for you. I added three sections : Planets, SSJ Levels and Couples. I added a review in Beg Speaks and I typed up the summary for the Android Saga. Also, I posted a review of Chuck's, which is his first update in Chuck's Corner.

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