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The Origin of Bat-Pig

Here you will find the mysterious origin of the Bat-Pig...okay, so it's not so mysterious...anyway, to see the comic version, go here.

A not so long time ago, the six digidestined and their digimon defeated Malomyotismon, saving both the digital world and the real world. Much time had passed (a few months) since their victory over the powers of darkness. All the children returned to their normal lives, which consisted of chores, going to school, hanging out, etc.
Though most of the digimon were content with this easy-going lifestyle, there was one who was not! Patamon, T.K.'s small pig-like digimon, felt restless as well as neglected. T.K. had become rather busy in the past few months, what with school, basketball, and his friends, and Patamon began to think that he did not have time for his digimon partner anymore, though he fully understood why.
The little digimon moped around the house for a while, not sure of how to handle his new found boredom. Then one day he saw Gatomon watching a T.V. program. It was one of their favorite shows, about a masked crime-fighter who went around battling the so-called forces of evil in and around the city. Patamon was then struck with a brilliant idea!
If he couldn't fight evil in the digi-world, he would fight it in the real world! All he needed was a costume and a name! Later that day, Patamon came upon T.K. going through a bunch of old clothes. He watched as the boy threw an old, black T-shirt into the good-will pile. The feisty little digimon snatched it up and went off to make his costume.
Once complete, he went to seek the approval of Gatomon, who seemed to be an expert on the masked crime-fighter show. Gatomon gave him the thumbs up, now all he needed to do was come up with a name. After much consideration, he settled on the name Gatomon had come up was dark and mysterious, and suited him well. He was sure it would strike terror in the hearts of villains everywhere.

And so...Bat-Pig was born!!!

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