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Page O' Tenchi






As you should be able to tell from the title, this is the part in my little page where I tell you to go out and see the wonders that my friends and the like have go already 

Jake's Page O' Gundam - Like I said in the beginning: I have an alliance with this guy. Go see his site. It should be good....really, I don't know. I have never been to the site. Tell me if it's good

Vampire Hunter D - This site was created by a friend of mine named Andrew. It is expertly crafted with all the skill and technique of the old country. If that site doesn't work then try this mirror --click me--

My Ramblin' Page  - This page is sorta hackneyed, but it is worth your time...I guess. It was made by my good friend Michael. Anyway, it's a variety pack of stuff to look at. Everything from RPGs to paintball - This site sells anime. It is a professional site, so don't worry about that ol' fraud problem

Squaresoft -These are the people that brought you all the Final Fantasies and that loveable Chocobo.

Zophar's Domain - this place has everything for your emulating needs