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  By: SSJ Goku
These are written by me, so you are not permitted to take them.

Android #8
Android #8 was the first Android created by Dr. Gero. He was in the Red Ribbon Army and was sent to earth to kill Goku. Android #8 refused to kill Goku and joined him. After a major fight, Android #8 lives a peaceful and happy life.

Android #16
Android #16 was first released by Andrpid #17 and #18 whan they first got done killing Dr. Gero. Android #16 was only an experiment by Dr. Gero and wasn't supposed to be activated. Android #16 was first killed by Cell in the begining of the Cell Saga. he joined the fight, overwhelmed Cell, then Cell emerged from a pile of dirt unharmed and then Android #16 was then killed. Bulma collected the parts and rebuilt Android #16 and also programmed him to fighter on the Z-Fighters side. He was then going to kill Cell with the Androids back-up plan a bomb, but Bulma removed it and he couldn't ignite the bomb. Cell then again killed Android #16. Android #16's head flew near Satan. Mr. Satan threw the head infront of Gohan. Android #16 encouraged Gohan to fight and Cell stepped on his head, ending his life.

Android #17
Android #17 is the twin brother of Android #18. Android #17 was activated by Dr. Gero. After defeating most od the Z-Fighters he went to kill Goku, but Piccolo took all the Androids to an island to fight. Android #17 fought Piccolo and defeated him. Cell then showed up and Android #17 bullied him, but Cell absorbed him and Cell went to his second stage. After Cell was defeated, he was deactivated. He shows up in DBGT as Super #17. This was created by an artificial Android in Hell by Dr. Gero. It was sent to to fuse with Android #17's body. Super #17 defeated all the Z-Fighters, but after Piccolo opened the gateway between hell and the real world, Goku killed Super #17.

Android #18
Android #18 is the twin sister of Android #17. Android #18 killed Dr. Gero and released #16. She was absorbed by Cell making him perfect. After #16's death, Gohan's rage erupted and it it caused Cell to spit out #18. After Cell was killed, she was going to be killed, but Krillin said to let her go. Krillin and #18 got married and had a child named Marron. Android #18 was wished to become a human. In the Super #17 Saga Krillin and #18 died.

Android #19
Android #19 is Dr. Gero's/Android #20's servant and body guard. Android #19 has the power to take people's power. He starts to do this in the first fight of the Android Saga against Goku. Android #19 is killed by Vegeta. Android #19 has to constantly get more enrgy because his power runs very low, very often. Android #20
This is really Dr. Gero. Dr. Gero had his mind planted in Android #20 3 years after the defeat of Frieza. He feared death, so he had his mind planted in Android #20. Android #20, attacks Bulma and Chibi Trunks and Future Trunks, as a distraction while he activates Android #17 and #18. After they are released, they kill him.

This is the son of Bibidi. He uses the enrgy from Vegeta and Dabura, his slaves to release Majin Buu. Babidi has the same goal as Garlic Jr., to get revenge for his fathers death. After a while, Buu decides to stop listening to Babidi because he realized there is no reason to listen to him.

Bibidi is the father of Babidi. Bibidi created Buu so he could rule the universe. Buu does kill all the Kaioshins except one, who kills Bibidi in a fight near the end of the Buu saga. His sone continues their evil millions of years in the future.

Bardock is the father of Goku. Bardock was hit with a strange beam that gave him the ability to see into the future. Bardock sees the destruction of Planet Vegeta, but everyone thinks he's crazy. Bardock attempts to kill Frieza, but his energy ball was absorbed and then Bardock was killed in an energy ball that Frieza shot and destroyed the Planet Vegeta. In his last moments of life, he sees Goku in a show down with Frieza and then he says to Goku that it is him who must kill Frieza, so Frieza dies at the hands of a Saiyan.

Berter is the biggest member of the Ginyu Force. He is huge and blue. Berter is defeated by Goku and killed by Vegeta. Berter and Jeice usually team up for their attacks. Berter does make another appearance when Goku dies and when Goku meets up with Frieza, Cell, the Ginyu Force and some other enemies from DBZ.

Bojack is the villain form movie 9. He is extremely powerful and his power is not to be taken like it is nothin. Bojack wears a bandanna and he has a turqoise skin colour. Bojack takes over a martial arts tournament and beats up the Z-Fighters. He is killed by Goku and Gohan.

Broli is considered the original Super Saiyan. Broli was born with a power level of 10,000. His father is Paragas. Broli was crib mates with Goku and gets annoyed by the constant crying of him. Broli then gets a grudge on him and all saiyans. Broli's power is what saves him and his father from Planet Vegeta's destruction. Broli's is first attacked by the Z-Warriors on another planet(don't know which one). He comes to earth and he is killed here by Goku, Trunks and Gohan. In movie 11, Broli is cloned and turns into a giant green blob.

Bulma is the second character introduced in the Dragonball series. While she was searching for the Dragonballs, she runs into Goku with her car. Bulma persuades Goku to come along with her. Bulma is in love with Yamcha, but marries Vegeta and they have a kid named Trunks. Bulma is a genius and really smart with electronics. Bulma has no skill as a fighter.

Buu was created 5 million years ago by Bibidi. Buu began attacking the universe and the 5 Gods or Kaioshins tried to stop him. Three got killed and Dai Kaioshin got absorbed, making Buu fat in appearance. When Dai Kaioshin was absorbed, he had some control over Buu. East Kaioshin, the last remaining Kaioshin killed Bibidi freeing Buu from Bibidi's control. Buu was put in an egg shape chamber and sent to earth. Babidi, Bibidi's son summoned Buu on earth and Buu was once again free to wreak havoc. Buu disobeyed Bibidi because he thought there was no point. Buu absorbs most of the Z-Fighters, but Vegetto saves them all and escape through one of Buu's pores. Buu is killed on the Kaioshin's planet by Goku's Spirit Bomb.

Cell is like Trunks and is from the future. He killed Trunks in future time and took his time machine. Cell is made with DNA from some of the strongest fighters in the universe, like Goku, Gohan and Piccolo. Cell was a project of Dr. Gero's, but it was taking too long so he abandoned the project. The computer kept going and finished Cell. Cell has three forms. Cell starts out in his first form and to go to his second form he needs to absorb Android #17. To go to Perfect Cell, he needs to absorb Android #18.

Chao is Tien's best friend. Chao-Zu is also a master of telepathy. Chao-Zu has died two times, once in Dragonball and once in the Saiyan Saga when he tried to save Tien. Chao-Zu's PL stays about even with all the other Z-Fighter until the Android Saga. Chao-Zu is left behind from fighting the Androids because he is too weak. Chao-Zu doesn't make many appearances after the Android Saga.

Chi-Chi is the mother of Gohan and Goten. She is a very protective mother. She makes Gohan study, a lot and Gohan doesn't like it when he returns back from the Frieza Saga. Chi-Chi tries to get Goten to study, but he is always out with Trunks or in a battle. Chi-Chi does die once, Buu turns her into an egg and steps on it.

Dabura is lord of the underworld. Dabura is a Majin and is controlled by Babidi. Dabura is about as powerful as Cell in his perfect form. Dabura can change people into stone and turned Piccolo and Krillin into stone. The only way to turn people back is to kill Dabura. Dabura is eventually killed.

Dai Kaio
Dai Kaio appears in movie #12 as the overseer of the Galaxy Tournament. He like's rock music a lot. The Z-Fighters are much stronger than Dai Kaio, even though Dai Kaio would never admit it.

Dai Kaioshin
Dai Kaioshin is the God of all the Gods. Dai Kaioshin is absorbed by Majin Buu and when Buu absorbs someone, he takes an appearance of them. That is why Buu is fat . Dai Kaioshin's spirit lives on with Buu and this is shown when Mr. Satan and Fat Buu become friends.

Dende is the last surviver from his village. Dende has the power to heal people and he heals Krillin and Gohan in the Frieza Saga so they wouldn't die. Dende is killed by Frieza in his 4th form. After Kami and Piccolo do the Namek fuse, Dende becomes the Gaurdian or God of Earth. Dende has no Ki, only the power to heal people. Dende also upgrades the Dragonballs so they can grant 3 wishes instead of one.

Dodoria is Frieza's left hand man. Dodoria is really fat and pink. He doesn't show any mercy on fighters weaker than him. Dodoria is no match for Vegeta and Vegeta kills him. Dodoria likes to pick on fighters weaker than him.

East Kaioshin
This is the last remaining Kaioshin left after Buu attacked them all. East Kaioshin comes to earth to warn the Z-Fighter of Babidi's plan to revive Buu. East Kaioshin was there when Gohan's energy was absorbed. East Kaioshin is the most powerful being in heaven and is somewhat near the other Z-Fighters. East Kaioshin is also shocked that Goku and Vegeta are stronger than him.


Frieza was the most powerful being in the universe at the time of the Namek Saga. Frieza owns group of warriors that take over planets, then Frieza will sell the planets to the people with the highest bid, sort of like an auction type thing. Frieza has 4 forms. In his first, he is puny and has small horns sticking out the side of his head, in his second form he is really tall and his horns turn into bull horns. In his third form, all the purple marks stretch out. To go to his final form, all his shell cracks and he becomes small again and he is grey with the purple marks back to their original size. Also he has no horns. Frieza nearly killed by Goku, but his father King Cold gets some of the best Doctors and robot specialists to rebuild him as part robot. He comes to earth and is killed by Trunks.

Garlic Jr.
Garlic Jr. is the son of Garlic Sr. Garlic Jr.'s first appearance is when he wishes for immortality. Garlic Jr. appears as the villain in movie 1. Goku, Piccolo and Kami fight him and he is sucked in to the Dead Zone. He survived like his father, came back and spread the black water mist on the world. Garlic Jr. reopens the Dead Zone and Gohan knocks him into it and imprisons him inside it. After the Frieza Saga, Garlic Jr. comes to earth and is beaten by the Z-Fighters and powers up with the Makyo Star. Gohan destroys then knocks him into the Dead Zone.

Captain Ginyu
Captain Ginyu is the leader of the Ginyu Force and by far the most powerful member of the Ginyu Force. Ginyu does a Body Change with Goku and tries with Vegeta, but Goku jumps in the way. Ginyu tries again on Vegeta and Goku throws a frog in the way of the beam and Ginyu go stuck in the body of a frog. He does change again with Bulma but goes back to the frog.

Guldo is the weakest member of the Ginyu Force. He can freeze time so he can do what ever he wants and no one can stop him. He can also read minds. Guldo is killed by Vegeta.

Gogeta is the fusion form of Goku and Vegeta when they do the fusion dance. They fuse in the Evil Shenlong Era to try and stop Ii-Shenlong.

Gohan is the first son of Goku and Chi-Chi. Gohan is into studies a lot because of Chi-Chi. He has hidden powers so that when an enemy makes him mad, he bursts with a lot of power. Gohan is the first to reach SSJ2. Gohan has a girlfriend in highschool, Videl and they eventually get married. They have a daughter named Pan. After Radditz was killed, Gohan trained with Piccolo and he tried to respect Piccolo by wearing his clothing.


Goku is the main character of DB/DBZ/DBGT. Goku was sent to earth to kill all lifeforms but hit his head when Gohan(his foster grandfather) was walking him. That erased Goku's programming, making him good. Goku has a wife, Chi-Chi and two sons, Gohan and Goten. Goku dies numerous times throughout DBZ. He dies when Raditz come to earth, and dies in the Cell Saga when he teleported Cell to King Kai's Planet to save earth from exploding. Goku is the first to become a SSJ. He is also the first to go to SSJ3 and SSJ4. In the end of DBGT, Goku absorbs all the Dragonballs and he is then gone for good. Goku appears 100 years later when Pan is watching Goku Jr. and Vegeta Jr. fight. Pan tries to follow but loses Goku in the crowd.

Son Goten is the second son of Goku, who was born soon after the Cell Game ended (which means Chi-Chi must've been pregnant with him before Goku died). Goten spent his childhood much like Gohan did (with Chi-Chi pampering him and such) but without a major thing that Gohan did go through childhood with- a father. Goten was homeschooled, just as Gohan was as a child. Goten resembled his father almost exactly, with the same hair, blissful ignorance, and innocence. Truth be told, he isn't too bright, but then again, neither was Goku. Goten amazingly went Super Saiya-jin around the age of 4 or 5, but didn't do it often because Chi-Chi told him it was bad. Gohan teaches Goten to fly when he teaches Videl to, but obviously, Goten grasps the art of flying a lot easier than Videl did. Goten's best friend is Trunks, and Goten kind of follows Trunks, giving into Trunks' persuasing techniques if he even proposes an argument at all. Soon, Goten meets his dad, however, when Goku's granted a day of life in order to join the Tenkachi Boudaki. Goku forces Goten to fight in the tournament so he could see his son's ability. Goten's pretty shy around his dad around this time and most of the time keeps to himself. The group meets Buu, however, and soon Goten and Trunks learn that they will have to fuse together to defeat (or even stand a chance against) Buu. Goku tries to teach them to do the Fusion Dance, but the two are pretty unwilling to learn due to the fact that they don't respect Goku(the two call him weak because he didn't rescue Vegeta). However, this quickly changes when Goten realizes his dad's power once he goes SSJ3. Goku teaches them most of it, but has to go back to the afterlife before he can finish the lessons. Right as Goku's about to return to the afterlife, Goten steps forward, nervous and on the verge of crying. Chi-Chi realises what it is Goten wants, however - a hug from his father. Gokou picks up Goten, bounces him playfully around, and hugs him, happily, and tells Goten to watch after his mom. By the time Goku actually leaves, Goten is in tears. Goten and Trunks learn to fuse due to Piccolo's training. However, once, during a period in which they were resting, Goten and Trunks witnessed (from high in a balcony out of Evil Buu's sight), horrified, as Evil Buu turned Chi-Chi into an egg and stomped on her. This enrages Goten, but Trunks holds him back physically while Piccolo holds him back mentally. Piccolo tells the duo to train in the Room of Spirit and TIme while he stalls the monster. Goten and Trunks train as hard as they possibly can in the Room of Spirit and Time for 6 days (which was really just a minute back on Earth). Goten now has a strong motivation to destroy Buu - to revenge the deaths of his mother and brother (at this time everyone thought Gohan was dead). Goten and Trunks train and even are able to reach SSJ3 in Gotenks form Gotenks and his fight . However, Goten and Trunks are soon absorbed by Evil Buu and become inactive for the rest of the fight. However, Goten does contribute his energy to Goku's Genki Dama that finishes of Evil Buu once and for all. 10 years pass and Goten has grown into a teenager. He's changed his hairstyle so he doesn't look like his dad (must be some sort of teenage stage...). Goten has also turned into a ladies' well as a slacker. He doesn't train much, and whines because Goku's forcing him to fight in the next Tenkachi Boudakai, which means he will be missing a date. When Goten realises his opponent for the Tenkachi Boudakai will, in fact, be Fat Buu, he whines even further, and Goku simply replies, "You shouldn't have been so lazy!"

Gotenks is the fusion of Trunks and Goten. They fuse to save the world from Buu. With fusing, they are able to reach SSJ3. Most of the attacks they use are really dumb and a waste of energy, but they do use a few attacks that actually do something.

Gyuu Mao
Gyuu Mao is the father of Chi-Chi. He doesn't appear much in DB/DBZ and doesn't appear in DBGT. Gyuu Mao only pops up sometimes in the boring episodes, like Frieza's Counterattack.

The villain of movie #12, Janemba starts as a very playful fat apparition, looking a lot like the Stay-Puft Marshmallow. However, he eventually transforms into a smaller red-colored demon with a nasty sword. He takes fighting more seriously and loses his jestful nature. He is incredibly powerful, and neither Goku or Vegeta can beat him at full strength.

Jeice is short, has orange skin and white hair. He is also a part of the Ginyu Force and the third strongest member. Jeice and Berter usually team up for their attacks.

Kami was sent to earth during Nameks Global Warming. Kami created the earth Dragonballs and he wanted to be God of Earth, so his evil thoughts created Piccolo Daimoah. Goku killed Piccolo Daiomoah and it threw out an egg that hatched into Piccolo. Kami fuses with Piccolo to defeat Cell.

Karin is the one that grows the Senzu Beans. Karin lives in a tower right below Kami's Lookout. Karin is weak, but intelligent. Karin makes one appearance in DBZ when Goku jumps off Kami's Lookout after being wished back to fight the Saiyans.

Kibit has little physical power. Kibit is East Kaioshin's partner. Kibit has the power to transport people the anywhere in the universe. Kibit and East Kaioshin fuse with the Potara Earring to show Goku how to use them.

King Kai
God of the Galaxy where Earth resides, King Kai lives at the end of Snake Way. When people die, they can travel to King Kai to train with him. King Kai can communicate with people using his antennae.

Keeping a close watch on his brother Frieza, Kooler was sure that Goku would be defeated. After Frieza was killed, Kooler heads to Earth to finish off the last of the "Saiyajin trash" in movie #5. Similiar to Frieza in abilities, Kooler can change into a 5th form, one more than his brother. After being blasted by Goku into the sun, Kooler's remains are found by the Big Ghetti Star in movie #6. Assimilating his brain into itself, the Big Ghetti Star was now controlled by Koola. Unable to fight in his badly damaged state, Kooler used the giant metal planetoid to create metal clones of his original form. These replicas, known as Metal Koolers, can regenerate from a reserve of metal in their bodies. Flaws in the Metal Koolers are instantly corrected when they are found, making each robot a very formidable opponent.

Krillin is the most powerful human on Earth, although his abilities are still dwarfed by Goku and Gohan. He was once Goku's rival when they were young, but they later became best friends. A Buddhist monk, he shaves his head by choice (#18 convinces him to grow some hair later in the series). Krillin is willing to sacrifice his life for Earth (and he has many times), and whenever possible he is at Goku's side.

Lunch appears in DB when Master Roshi is training Goku and Krillin. She is the cook. Lunch has two forms. One is when she is very nice and the other happens when she sneezes. When she sneezes, she transforms into a gangster.

Mai is the servant of Pilaf and obeys every command, except the stupid ones. Mai could defeat Pilaf easily, but doesn't because Pilaf has an army of machinery an traps that keep her in line.

Master Roshi
Master Roshi is a dirty old man who likes to read porno magazines. He has eternal life because of a potion he took. Master Roshi trained Goku and Krillin and taught them the Kamehameha. Master Roshi can't fly but his Ki makes up for it.

Nappa came to earth with Vegeta to wish for immortality with the Dragonballs. Vegeta killed Nappa because he thought that Nappa was a disgrace to the Saiyans. Nappa does escape from hell with a PL of 17,000. Vegeta kills Nappa again here.

Oolong can change forms, but can't fight in all of them. Oolong doesn't get special abilitites in these forms and can't stay in them for more than 5 minutes.

Pan is the daughter of Videl and Gohan. Pan is the most powerful female in all of DBGT. Pan is ¼ Saiyan. Pan goes sneaks on board the ship when Goku and Trunks to go in search of the Black Star Dragonballs. Trunks, Goku and Pan go everywhere together.

Paragas is the father of Broli. Paragas is saved by Broli's power when Planet Vegeta was blown up by Frieza. He asks Vegeta to rule over "New Vegeta" thus masking Paragas' plan for universal domination.


Piccolo-Diamoh was once a part of Kami, who is now the gardian of the earth. In order to become god, Kami had to have all of his evil drawn out of him. Piccolo-Diamoh was now free. He was the devil. Kami was god. Piccolo-Diamoh was the evil half of Kami and was killed by Goku at a young age. When Piccolo-Diamoh was killed an egg was spat out from his mouth. That was the birth of Piccolo. Piccolo started off rough with Goku, mainly because he was the devil and Goku killed his father. Piccolo started to get nicer and nicer when he was training Gohan. His evil side had become kind. Piccolo would then fighter for earth's special forces, and always be able to help Gohan in his time of need. Piccolo died two times, once saving Gohan's life and when Earth was destroyed in the Buu Saga. Piccolo also saves Goku from hell by opening a portal there to let Goku escape.

Pilaf only wants one thing, to rule the world. Pilaf is very wealthy and uses his money to make machinery that will safeguard the Dragonballs. He does come close to ruling the world but never does.

Mr. Popo
Mr. Popo is Kami's best friend. He stays on Kami's Lookout with Kami, he's kind of like a bodyguard. Mr. Popo stays with every Guardian of Earth. He traavels usually on his flying carpet.

Puar is Yamcha's pet. In Dragonball, Puar helped Yamcha rob people who crossed the desert. Puar can also shape shift as well, but Oolong can only stay changed for 5 minutes while Puar can stay changed for as long as he wants to. Puar can also fly. Puar never fight but when a fight starts he is just on the sidelines watching.

Radditz is the weakest of the surviving Saiyans from the explosion of Planet Vegeta. Radditz came to earth to see why Earth had not been ready to be sold. Radditz took Gohan captive and Piccolo and Goku fought him. Radditz was killed by Piccolo's Special Beam Cannon and Goku was killed in the proccess. In the check-in station in another dimension, Radditz attacked King Yemma, but King Yemma put him in one of his desk drawers.

Recoome is the fourth strongest member of the Ginyu Force. Recoome defeated Vegeta, Krillin and Gohan. Recoome was really injured by Goku and killed by Vegeta.

Rou Dai Kaioshin
Rou Dai Kaioshin is released from the Zed Sword to give Gohan a power upgrade. Like many other characters in DBZ, Rou Dai Kaioshin only agrees to help Gohan if he gets to touch Bulma. Rou Dai Kaioshin later gives up his life to Goku to help save Earth from Buu.

Mr. Satan
Mr. Satan is the father of Videl. He is the strongest human on earth that cannot use Ki. Mr. Satan has a large fro. After Gohan killed Cell and everyone was gone, Mr. Satan took credit for killing Cell. Mr. Satan then became a hero. Mr. Satan is really a coward and relies on luck and a lot of his money to defeat his opponents.

Shu is another one of Pilaf's servants. Shu dresses up in a ninja costume and aids Mai when Pilaf gives them a task. Often time, Shu will foil Pilaf's plans.

Slug is the main villain in DBZ Movie #4. Unlike Piccolo his evil side kept growing. Slug is very old, but he gathers the Dragonballs and wishes to be young again. After getting beaten up a bit from the Z-Warriors, he turns Super Namek. This turns Slug the size of an Oozaru.

Tapion is posessed by the demon Hildegram. Tapion is a master with his sword, but is in no where near Goku's strength. In future time, he is killed by Hildegram, but when the Z-Fighters get warned of the future by Trunks, he is saved in that time, but he sacrifices his freedom. Tapion looks a lot like Link from the Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. He has the same sword and ocarina and practically the same clothes.

Turles is the villain in movie#3 the Tree of Might. In this movie Turles come the Earth to plant the Tree of Might, which will sap Earth's life force. Little is known about Turles origin except that he is a Saiyan and that he looks a lot like Goku. Turles admires Gohan and tries to make him a servant. Turles is eventually killed, like all movie villains.

Tien is Chao-Zu's body guard. His power relies on tricking people and multyplying himself with Multi Form. Tien created the Taiyoken and the Kikoho. Tien also has three eyes. Tien plays a good role in Dragonball, but only shows up defending Earth in DBZ.

Trunks is the son of Vegeta and Bulma. There are two Trunks in DBZ. One is from the future. He come to kill Frieza and King Cold, and to warn the Z-Fighters of the Androids. Trunks returns in the beginning of the Android Saga and here you get to see Chibi Trunks and Future Trunks. After theCell Game, Fututre Trunks returns to the future. Chibi Trunks becomes best friends with Goten. Trunks likes to get Goten into trouble a lot and he usually does. Trunks and Goten fuse to become Gotenks to help defeat Buu.

Umi-Game is Master Roshi's turtle. He tries to keep Master Roshi in line when he is around women. Umi-Game has a PL of 0.001.

Uranai Baba
Uranai Baba is Master Roshi's sister and the witch that shows Chi-Chi, Bulma, Gyuu Mao, Master Roshi, Puar and Oolong the battle against the Saiyans. She can see anywhere and into the future with here crystal ball.

Vegeta is the Prince of all Saiyans. Vegeta was taken captive by Frieza for all of his childhood. Vegeta's father is King Vegeta who was killed by Frieza. Vegeta spent most of his life with Raditz and Nappa. Vegeta came to earth in search of the Dragonballs. He killed Nappa here because he was ashamed in him. Vegeta then fought Goku and defeated him. Vegeta then fought Gohan and Krillin. He got hit by the Spirit Bomb and wasn't defeated. Vegeta then lost to Gohan in his Oozaru form. Krillin was also tempted to kill Vegeta but Goku told him to let Vegeta go. Vegeta went back to Frieza's base and got healed and headed to Namek. Vegeta killed Kui, Dodoria and Zarbon. Vegeta was the first to fight Frieza and told Frieza to transform. Realizing it was a mistake he didn't fight until he remembered that Saiyans grow stronger after nearly dieing. He was blasted by Krillin then healed and then Frieza killed him. Vegeta got wished back because he was a victim of Frieza. Vegeta then went to earth and started acting like normal again. Vegeta then lived at Bulma's place until he found out Goku lived Namek's exlplosion. He took off in Capsule Corp. 3. When he returned, he sensed Frieza and all of them go to fight him. After learning from Trunks about the Androids Vegeta starts training in Capsule Corp. 3. He gets injured at 400 times normal gravity. Vegeta then gets really mad and goes Super Saiyan. He then trains at 430 times normal gravity until the Androids arrive. When the Androids arrive Vegeta arrives and everyone is amazed that he went SSJ. Vegeta killed Android #19 and wanted to fight Android #17 and #18 alone, but Trunks showed up and wouldn't let him. Vegeta is the father of Trunks. His wife is Bulma. Vegeta becomes a SSJ4 like Goku but he can stay in this form because he has a stronger body. In the Buu Saga Vegeta and Goku fuse to become Vegetto.

King Vegeta
King Vegeta is Vegeta's father and ruler of Planet Vegeta. He lacks his minions laziness, while Frieza tells him he shouldn't have been so harsh. King Vegeta is killed by Frieza really easily.
Vegetto is the fusion of Goku and Vegeta using the Potara Earrings. They fused to help defeat Buu. Vegetto let Buu absorb him so he could save everyone who got absorbed by Buu. That caused the fusion which was supposed to be permanent were off.

Videl is the daughter of Mr. Satan. Videl is also Gohan's girlfriend. Gohan teaches Videl how to fly and fight. Chi-Chi wanted Videl to marry Gohan and they eventually do and have a girl named Pan who is ¼ Saiyan.

Dr. Wheelo
Dr. Wheelo is the villain in the movie World's Strongest. Dr. Wheelo is a genius. He wanted to transfer his body into Master Roshi's, but after 50 years Goku was the strongest on earth. Dr. Wheelo held Goku captive hoping to transfer his mind into Goku's body, but didn't succeed. Dr. Wheelo is stronger than all the Z-Fighters in his mech form.

Yajirobe is a master with swords. He is very weak with Ki and flying and his great sword techiniques do not make up for his lack Ki. Yajirobe does not fight much, but he is usually the dleiverer of Karin's Senzu Beans. Yajirobe lives in Karin Tower.

Yamcha first appeared in Dragonball, robbing people that cross the desert. When he finds out about the Dragonballs from Goku and Bulma, he tags along so he can make a wish. Yamcha gets very nervous around giirls but he gets used to Bulma. Yamcha and Bulma go out for most of Dragonball and half of DBZ. Yamcha dies in the Saiyan Saga and does not train much after preparing for the Androids.
Zarbon is Frieza's right hand man. Everyone thinks he is a pretty boy, but he can transform in a monster. Zarbon defeated Vegeta transformed, then in another fight against him, he lost and was killed.


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