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Face Your Fears Part 2

Part 2

Usagi sighed. It had been a month since she left Tokyo. There were a few differences between living there and Osaka. One, she actually paid attention in school and was passing all of her classes. Two, she missed her friends. And three, although she sometimes dreaded being Sailor Moon, she missed that as well. Usagi knew that everything would be all right in Tokyo. The Senshi were there to protect the city.

But Usagi wasn't sure that she herself would be all right. Ever since she left Tokyo because of Nephrite, she had dreams of the encounter. Why was she the only one who heard that him say he was alive? Was it to scare her away? If so, it certainly worked. She then thought about Naru. Naru. Was she all right? Usagi hoped so. Nephrite had turned Naru against Usagi. Poor Naru had disappeared along with the General. The other Senshi thought she had just died as well because she was so in love with Nephrite.

“Usa-chan! Time for dinner!”

“Coming Aunt Ayeka,” she called out. Usagi suddenly felt sick. Putting a hand to her head she fought the dizziness she felt. “What’s wrong with me?” she whispered, falling to her knees. Usagi then collapsed to floor unconscious.


“Hibari, would you please check on your cousin?” Ayeka asked setting the table.

“Hai, mama,” Hibari replied. “Usa-chan! What are you doing? Mama called you five minutes-- Usa!” Hibari knelt next to the unconscious girl. “Mama! Come up here, hurry!”

“Nani, Hibari, what’s wrong?” Ayeka gasped when she entered Usagi’s room. “Usa-chan, wake up, Usa-chan! Ano, Hibari, call your father from outside.” Hibari nodded and ran to get Haiki, who was also a doctor. Ayeka continued to try and awaken Usagi, with no luck.

“Ayeka, what happened?”

“I don’t know, Haiki. I called Usa-chan to dinner about ten minutes ago. She said she was coming right down but when she didn’t, I told Hibari to get her. She found her like this.”

Haiki gently picked up his niece and carried her to the bed to check her over. “Usa, can you hear me? Usa?” He turned to Ayeka. “If she doesn’t wake up within the hour, we should take her to the hospital and call Kenji and Ikuko.”

“Papa, will she be all right?” Hibari asked sadly.

“I hope so, Hibari, I hope so.”


“Aurora-san,” Ami said. “I have a question about something.”


“Why have we not seen Tuxedo Kamen-sama? He always used to come to fight with us, but we haven’t seen him since our last battle with Sailor Moon.”

Aurora thought for a moment. She wasn’t certain if she should tell them about the past or let it be revealed on its own. She decided to answer in a roundabout way. “Tuxedo Kamen only arrived when Sailor Moon transformed. Since she hasn’t, he won’t come.”

The girls exchanged glances because they knew the young girl wasn’t telling them everything. However, before they could say anything, someone cried out, “YOUMA!”

“Mercury Oracle Power...”

“Mars Oracle Power...”

“Venus Oracle Power...”

“Jupiter Oracle Power...”

“Apollo Oracle Power...”

“...Make Up!”


“Helios Flash!” Apollo screamed, sending a laser of fire at the youma. The attack stunned it, but not enough.

“Supreme Thunder!” Jupiter grinned. “Okay, who’s healing is it today?”

“That’s me!” Venus replied. “Venus Love Healing... Escalation!”

Instead of disintegrating into nothing, the youma turned into a shining crystal. “Nani?” All the Senshi but Apollo said.

“The Ginzuishou...” Apollo whispered. “The Moon Princess will be revealed!”

“Who is the Princess?” Mars asked.

“I know but I cannot tell you, however, the Prince will reveal himself tonight. I’m going to pay him a visit as he has no idea who he is yet. I will see you all at Hikawa Shrine. Ja!”

Before anyone could answer, Apollo leaped away. “How does she do that?” Jupiter wondered.


“Princess Serenity.”

Usagi sat up. “What am I doing on the Moon?” she wondered aloud, then looked at herself. “What am I wearing?” She had on a long, white dress.

“Princess, daijobu?”

“Nani? Are you talking to me?” Usagi laughed. “I’m not a princess.”

“Yes you are, Sailor Moon. You are the Moon Princess, Serenity, and you are my daughter.” Usagi gasped as a woman with the same hair style, but silver, appeared in front of her. “It is so good to see you again, my darling.”

Usagi stared at the woman. There was something familiar about her, but something regal as well. This is the Queen of the Moon? From a thousand years ago? “I am your daughter? Then how did I get to Earth?”

“After Queen Beryl attacked the Moon, I sent the children of the Moon to the future Earth. I did this so you could all be happy and live in peace. I sent with you, five warriors to help defend the Earth should Beryl reawaken.”

“Five? But I only know of four.”

“There is one on Earth now, Sailor Apollo. You will recognize her immediately when you see her. She is taking your place until you return. Serenity, you must return. It is imperative that you do. If you do not you will never meet your Prince, Endymion and fall in love again. Your love for him must be so for the survival of the Earth.”

“But, what about Nephrite? He knows who I am. If I go back, he’ll hurt my friends and family. I can’t go back where he can find me. I won’t!” Usagi began to cry softly.

Queen Serenity put her arms around her daughter and held her tight. “Take your time. I know you will go back, but you don’t need to right away. Apollo is doing a fine job as are the other Senshi. When you’re ready, just go.” Usagi nodded. “Now, I must send you back now. Do not ever give up the Ginzuishou, my darling. And here is the Crescent Moon Wand. Use it to protect your new world and it’s people.”

“Hai, mother. I will. Arigatou gozaimasu.”

“You’re welcome, Serenity. I love you and I will always be with you.”

Part 3
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