Bad Crossover! No Biscuit!

Hello folks! Here's a zany little section that we came up with that has bits and pieces of things that don't fit anywhere else. We'd like you to believe that all this came up after an inspired night of brainstorming and development, but it happened more like this...

Jaek: That was a really creepy episode of "Cowboy Bebop."
Kate: Please, that was hysterical.
Jaek: The only way that could be more messed up was if Sailor Moon got involved.
Kate: What do you mean?
Jaek: Well, I mean like...
Kate: Wait, let me write this down. I'm sure we can put it on the site next update...
***Three weeks later***
Kate: Ack! Time to update the site! I guess I'll post this...dear God, what's wrong with us!? Oh well, too late now...

You get the idea. Please enjoy these bite-sized tidbits of crossover-y goodness.

Let's start off with the thing that started this debauchery...

Cowboy Bebop meets Sailor Moon

(Bad guy attacks random innocent people. Suddenly, there is a light.)

Sailor Moon: I’m Sailor Moon, and in the name of the moon I will punish…oof!

(Sailor Moon is elbowed in the stomach by Spike.)

Spike: Clear off. This is our bounty!

Sailor Moon: How dare you! Moon Spiral Heart…

(Spike looks quite annoyed, pulls out his gun, and fires it.)

Gun: *Bang!*

Sailor Venus: You shot Sailor Mercury!

Sailor Moon: Okay, that’s it! In the name of the moon, I will punish…

Gun: *Bang!*

Sailor Venus: There goes Mars…

Sailor Moon: Fine. Take this, stick boy!

(She lunges for Spike, smacking him over the head with the Moon Spiral Scepter. Spike strikes back with a quick punch. Soon, dust clouds the camera as the two continue fighting.)

(Cut to the Bebop. Spike is lying on the sofa in bandages.)

Faye: So, you finally got beat up by someone dressed more slutty than me.

Ein: Woof.

In a very misguided attempt at trying to get Sailor Moon on other channels, The Food Network tried to combine it with one of their most popular series. With many apologies, we are (not) proud to present:

Emerald Legasse

Emerald: Welcome to my show! A ha ha ha ha ha! Bam! Today we’re going to make a lovely cheese fondue that not only tastes magnificant, but that I can use to defeat those pesky Sailor Scouts. First, you need cheese and a few herbs, so let’s see…what the? Where’s the garlic?

(Kitchen helper shrugs helplessly.)

Emerald: What? No garlic? Die, you useless fool! Bam!

(Emerald throws the pot of hot cheese on him. He becomes a youma.)

Emerald: Add a touch of parsley, and this youma serves eight! Don’t forget the French bread. A ha ha ha ha ha! Bam!

(The door busts in. Sailor Moon and the rest of the Scouts run into the room.)

Sailor Moon: Hold it, you Pain-in-the-Stomach! You bring a bad name to perfectly good food and we’re here to stop your plans! In the name of the moon…

(Emerald throws a pie in Sailor Moon’s face.)

Sailor Moon: Mmmm! Pie!

(Begins cramming slices into her mouth.)

Scouts: Sailor Moon! Stop!

Emerald: Now where was I? Oh yes…taking over the world! A ha ha ha ha ha! Let’s kick it up a notch! Youma, attack!

(Youma attacks and immobilizes the scouts in hot cheese.)

Sailor Mars: We’re trapped!

Sailor Venus: Yes, but the fondue is really tasty.

Sailor Mercury: It sure is!

Sailor Jupiter: Emerald, you’ve outdone yourself!

Emerald: Naturally. Tune in next week to see if the Scouts escape, and to pick up my fabulous reciepe for Crème Brulee! See you later! A ha ha ha ha ha! Bam!

Souler Moon

Why isn't this on the Soul Calibur page? Because it crosses the line from simple crossover to downright disturbing.

We would like to apologize in advance and add we have no idea how it got here. Like all things on this site, it probably involved lots of caffiene at three in the morning.

Disclaimer: Sailor Moon is copyright 1992, Takeuchi Naoko, Toei Animation, TV Asahi, DIC, Cloverway, Bandai, and other associated companies. We are not affiliated with any restaurants mentioned on this page in any way. Any copyrighted terminology on this page was used as parody/satire under fair use laws. This is a fan page and does not earn profit in any way, shape, or form. Yeah right, like people would pay money for this. Most people wouldn't waste time on this (except us!), let alone money.

This page was copyrighted October 2000 upon creation by J & K.