So what exactly *did* the Sailor Starlights do while waiting for Princess Kayakuu to show up? Write songs? Do the laundry? Torture small animals? Until now, these questions have gone unanswered, and probably with good reason.

With the development of the people simulator "The Sims," we here at The Real Sailor Moon Exposed realized that we had the perfect tool to recreate the everyday life of the Sailor Starlights via some nifty skins we snagged from the now defunct Aeryn's Sailor Moon Skins. We created the Starlight Family, set them in a crappy house and let them go. And now, we present...

A Day in the Life of the Sailor Starlights

Our story begins with the three intrepid Starlights inside their new home...

The Starlights watch TV.  Yay.

Taiki: Well, here we are inside new home, guys.
Yaten: Thank you, Captain Obvious. This sucks. Look at our crappy TV!
Seiya: Don't worry! Our music will make us more than enough money to buy better things!
Taiki: You'd better be right...
Yaten: Or else we'll make you get off your flabby butt and get a real job!

Seiya does reps.

Seiya: I can't believe Yaten called my butt flabby. I'd better work out. I'll show her...


Seiya: Whew. On second thought...maybe I'll just redecorate to get my revenge...

Don't ask.  Just...don't.

Seiya: Aww, come on!

Taiki likes Timmy!

Taiki: Whew. With those two squabbling, at last I can watch my soaps in peace! Alright! "Passions"!

She hasn't noticed she's switched to Springer...

Yaten: Hey! What are you watching?
Taiki: AHH! Nothing! Nothing at all! You want to play chess?
Yaten: No, not really...
Taiki: Great! I'm the white pieces!

A house without paint.  They really ARE on a budget.

Taiki: You know, you're right. This house is so ghetto.
Yaten: Why are you sitting outside in your pajamas?
Taiki: Uh, why are you in a business suit?
Yaten: Um...hey look! A new neighbor!

Self-insertation rules!

Kate: Hey, welcome to the neighborhood!
Yaten: Thanks! I'm Yaten.
Kate: I'm Kate. I'd like to be your friend!
Yaten: Really?
Kate: Isn't the big green smiley face over my head proof enough?
Yaten: Well, I *was* kind of wondering...

Trust me.  She IS playing Chopsticks.

Taiki: There. I've changed clothes. Hey look, a piano! Maybe if I practice enough, I can upstage Yaten...
Piano: Plinkplinkplinkplinkplinkplink...plinkplinkplinkplinkplinkplink...
Taiki: "Chopsticks". It's a start...

Um, continuity...

Yaten: Boo! You suck!
Taiki: Come over here and say that!
Yaten: What do I look like, an idiot! Anyway, Seiya made us some lunch...
Taiki: What is it?
Yaten: Kind of looks like styrofoam peanuts in giblet gravy.
Taiki: Blech! I'll keep practicing, thanks!

Not great dinner music...

Seiya: So what's with the business suit?
Yaten: Mostly to annoy Taiki. I'm trying to get her to think she's hallucinating.
Seiya: But she's changed clothes more than you have!
Yaten: Hey, you're right! What gives?
Kate: Uh, why do I keep hearing "Chopsticks"?

Why are they talking about law?  Just a Sim thing, I guess...

Seiya: What? What do you mean I can get sued for terrorizing that Wal-Mart?
Yaten: Oh, believe it.

Finally!  We don't have to reach for a gag! ^_^

Yaten: Wow, I look great! Charisma rating, here I come!

This is one messed up neighborhood...

Seiya: Odango! I didn't realize you moved into our neighborhood!
Sailor Moon: Yup. Rent in Juuban is really expensive now! Want to come over?
Seiya: Only if I don't have to reenact the towel incident from before.

Would you beleive they live down the street from Colin Mochrie?

Seiya: Hey! And Mako-chan's here as well!
Sailor Jupiter: Hi, Seiya-chan!
Seiya: Will you come cook for us?
Sailor Jupiter: Heck, no. Usagi is enough of a challenge.

Hey look!  It move-ded!

Seiya: Whew! This work thing is hard!
Taiki: We didn't even work today, Seiya.
Seiya: That's what you think. Guess I should have warmed up before I worked out.
Taiki: But you only worked out for about two minutes.
Seiya: It's hard. You try it sometime, bookworm.
Taiki: I'm ignoring you for the rest of this mission.
Seiya: Yeah, like that will last. Who will you have intellegent conversations with?
Taiki: Yaten.
Yaten: King me!
Taiki: *groan*

Sleep is good...sleep is good...

Seiya: At last! Bedtime! Sweet dreams, guys!
Taiki: Good night!
Yaten: Nighty-night!

These pictures haven't been manipulated...

Taiki: a big star...screw Yaten and Seiya...zzzz

Not one bit.

Seiya: zzzz...loud guitar...Odango will pay attention to me...zzzz

But it took us a long time for the little bubbles to come around...

Yaten: zzzz...drop piano on Seiya's head...don't let her decorate again...zzzz

And so ends our day in the life of the Starlights! What will tomorrow bring? The Princess? More money? Or perhaps... MURDER! Who knows? (Except us, I mean.) Come back, for the further adventures of "A Day in the Life of the Sailor Starlights!"

Special thanks to Julie for helping us get the pics and captions!

Disclaimer: As mentioned, Sailor Moon and the Starlights are not owned by us. "The Sims" is the property of Electronic Arts Inc and Maxis. We are not making a profit on this, just having fun. Starlights skins courtesy of Aeryn's Sailor Moon Skins (RIP). The other Senshi skins are from Blue Nuku, who not only has the fabulous Sailor Moon skins, but a few other surprises as well!

Page, pictures, and captions are copyright J & K Productions. Steal them and we will hunt you down and destroy you. We mean it.