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Good Guys ||| Villians ||| Group Shots ||| Manga ||| Miscellaneous ||| TV Opening Sequence
Main ||| Me! ||| Links


Lovely manga renditions of everyone's favorite characters. These are mostly the art of Yutaka Izubuchi. Gaze upon his talent in awe.
If I missed giving credit to any artist, email me so I can do so.

High graphic content! You may want to fold laundry while this page loads!

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Good Guys ||| Villians ||| Group Shots ||| Manga ||| Miscellaneous ||| TV Opening Sequence
Main ||| Me! ||| Links

Does something look painfully familiar? Do you have a problem with some content? Did I rip you off and forget to give you credit? Just email me with your questions and concerns and I'll attempt to fix the problem. <(^_^)>

Background generously provided by Anime Web