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Rei Ayanami
The First Children
Pilot of EVA 00
Child of Nothing

Her world:

: Name: Rei Ayanami.
: Meaning: 'Nothing', 'Zero', 'Soul'.
: Evangelion Unit: Unit 00.
: Age: 14 years.
: Height: unknown.
: Weight: unknown.
: Hair color:Pale Blue.
: Eye color: Red.
: Blood type: unknown.
: Nationality: ---
: Family: None, though Gendo Ikari acts as her father.
: Home: A small apartment.

~ History: Rei is a clone. She is a the result of a genetic experiment, a humanoid child. Her soul is that of Ikari Yui, Shinji's mother, and NERV created numeries 'bodies' or 'vessals', to contain the soul. In the event of her death, the soul is transferred into a new body, which explains her memory lapses. In her first life, Rei was a child, killed by Ritsuku's mother. In her second, she grew to be the Rei everyone knows, but then she dies in a self-sacrificing attempt to kill an angel. In her third life, she is the Rei that finally stood up for herself, and merges with Lilith.
Rei was raised in a small room, and various people visited her to establish relationship, which formed her personality. She was always very cold and emotionless, caused by the fact that she truly had no idea what to feel or how to act. Rei knows she is only a vessal and a tool, and so sacrifices herself willingly. Through Shinji, she learns to have some emotion, and this helps her in her third life, when she decides no longer to be a mere tool. Rei Ayanami is a brave girl, struggling to discover herself in a world that would rather kept her a doll.
-Nachiko, 2, '00

This antechamber and the knowledge concealed will be updated as facts are revealed, etc., not to mention the show itself, so check back often. If you have any personal stats on Rei, send a message to the temple.

_ Main Hall_