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The Cypris' path

You take the path to the cypris. The path is black and dim. As you turn a corner, you can hear talking. You see a sigh that saws 'Every single one of the cypris that Miracle ever adopted.'

The Cypris Path

You make a sudden right turn, then you hear something roar at you.

Be more careful! You stepped on one of my tails! My name.....My name is Black Life. Yes,
i know that im a blue sand cypris but what can i
say? Just go and visit my family, or should i say
more of just friends that are like family.

Name: Black Life

Color: blue sand

Sex: Male

Born: April 25, 2000

Age: adult

Note: this cypris came from one of my other pages. I put him here along with my yellow cypris!

Hello. My name is Levite. Im a spring cypris!
Have you meet my friends yet? Just go down that
path to see them! They will love to talk to you!

Name: Levite

Color: Spring

Sex: Male

Born: May 16, 2000

Age: adult

Who are you? Me? My name, my name is White Evil.
Im just a normal yellow colored cypris. Nothing to
get out over. I have no business with you, so

Name: White Evil

Color: yellow

Sex: Male

Born: April 25, 2000

Age: adult

What do you want?! Huh? me, well my name is
Freeze Dry. Im a one-of-a-kind cypris. My color
type was only given to my owner, Miracle. You
will never see my color around anywhere else.
Now, be gone evil one!

Name: Freeze Dry

Cyber Pet: My ONE-OF-A-KIND cypris

Color: arctic

Sex: Male

Born: somewhere, LONG ago!

Age: adult

Hi! Who are you? Why, i want to know!
Well, my name is Blu' Sunn'. Yes, I know
that im an emerald cypris. The color doesnt
even look close to Blue. Well. I have stuff to
do. I have to leave now.

Name: Blu' Sunn'

Color: emerald

Sex: Male

Born: June 1, 2000

Age: adult

Who might you be? My name is HowlSong and
iam the first cyris that Miracle ever adopted.
I dont like visiters but, i guess your ok,
for a little while...

Name: HowlSong

Color: yellow

Sex: Male

Born: i adopted it like the day they came out..

Age: adult

Watch where your going! You stepped a one of my tails!"

You ask him why he just does not keep his tails up?

I NEVER put my tails up. I like them down, it shows im always sad. But the sad part is not because of were i live. He signs. You will never understand...Oh yes, by the way my name is MarooNetic-Knat. Please, be careful while you are here!

With that, he glares at you again, the walks off with his back turned to you, with his tails, down.

Name: MarooNetic-Knat

Color: stone

Sex: Male

Born: a long time ago

Age: adult

Hello. My name is AshKon. Iam a, well strange color
of cypris. I dont really like having humans by me
so could you go bother some of the other cypris here?

Name: AshKon

Color: egyptian

Sex: Male

Born: a long time ago

Age: adult

Hello. My name is Ky'tu. Iam a Christmas cypris.
They were only given out on christmas. Cool huh? go
visit Vapo, he is another christmas cypris!


Color: christmas

Sex: Male

Born: somewhere in December of 99

Age: adult

Well, hello there. Who might you be? Just someone
passing by? well thats strange. My name is Vapo.
If you are wondering, iam a christmas cypris. Yes
they only hatched in December. Cant get one now!!

Name: Vapo

Color: christmas

Sex: Male

Born: December of 99

Age: adult

Hey! i havent seen a person in so long! How are you?
My name is SkyDancer, NO, WAIT! I know what your
going to say, im black so there is NO way i would
dance around in the sky. Well, thats true but, its
my freaken name! What could i do about is? Thats
what i was named when i was born!

Name: SkyDancer

Color: black

Sex: Male

Born: sometime way back when

Age: adult

Hello stranger. My name is Labtec Caivmjer. Strange
right? Well, its been my name for all i can remember.
Wont you take a look around this wonder site that
we call home? Its very beautiful and it has more
then nessarey about Slayers!

Name: Labtec Caivmjer

Color: sea

Sex: Male

Born: somewhere back there..

Age: adult

Farther down the path?

HEY! I made this banner!!! =3