Well it's flu season again, and I've been revisited. This time I've not only got a Nyquill buzz but a nice caffeine high and chocolate trip... Oh well, makes for some interesting randomidities... Nyquill induced dreams are the best, no? Just remember, Never mix Nyquill with four liters of Mountain Dew, several pounds of chocolate, and Benadryl at the same time then expect to get normal dreams... and if you have high blood pressure I suggest you not do that at all... Of course I also say never give out advice... but isn't that giving out advice? Headache......


She falls off her chair to the floor. A tall young man walks up, helping her to her seat.

*sigh* "You'll have to excuse Ahri, she's not her self lately." He explains holding her up.

"No, I'm my id right now!" she laughs.

"Ok.... you should go lie down now," he's confused by her strange rantings, of course three years her roommate has accustomed him to that.

"Oh come on Mel! I still have fifteen pages of Psychology to read!"

"And you're typing up e-mail." he gives her a disapproving glare.

"Well, I was going to do that next." she justifies.

"Yeah, right. You're going to bed." he pulls her over to the bed next to the computer.

"No! And you can't make me!" she sits up, crossing her arms in indignant challenge.

"Ok, fine. If you don't go to bed, I'll sick your Gundam Pilots after you." he smiles to her.

"Yeah, sure. I'd have to be pretty far gone to believe that! You don't even know their names. Besides, I'm the only one here that can do that." she laughs manically.

"Yes, you can move around ink and paint... but the important thing is that your faith makes it possible for me to draw on that delusion and use it against you in your weakened mental state." he smiles malevolently, gently pushing her down.

"I always knew you were evil." she yawns.

"Yes, but you won't remember it in the morning." he smiles. She tries to get back up but...



*Thud* she doesn't.

~Nyquill Induced Dreams~


Not-So-Standard-Standard-Disclaimer: Gundam Wing isn't mine, it's just my obsession. I don't own ‘em, probably a good thing too- for them and the rest of the world- Bandi and Sunrise do. If this were a perfect world I wouldn't need the disclaimer but it's not and there's nothing short of massive protest I can do to change that but that's how revolutions start, and nobody likes a revolution. Well, at least not the British but they're just bitter...


Warnings: Extreme silliness and much nonsense, as well as a surprise ending and personal involvement. Hey, it's My dream!


Ahri: Oh look I'm seeing stars!


Hey it's the falling dream again! I like this one, except for the waking up part at the end, I hate that part. You know when you wake up like that it means you died in your dream... even if the shrinks don't think so. Wow, such nice even blackness. Don't believe I've seen such black in my entire life... outside of that one time... but that's another story. Oh no, here it comes, the ground. * braces for the inevitable wake up.*

*Thwack. Thud. Boing!*


*Thud Spring!*

Whoa.... onamonapiea


Owch... Hey! I bounced! Twice!... Ooh, where am I? *looks at even grey walls, down long empty halls* Hmmm... looks deserted.


Oh people! How nice, I hope they're friendly.

*Rank of three people approach from one end of hall*

Hiya! How ya doin'? Hello...?

*they pass without acknowledging* Man, not very nice people... hey wait! They were... in Anime! I thought those walls looked a bit two dimensional. I'm dreaming in anime again! About time I dropped the Dhali influence, those melting clocks were so hard to read... speaking of clocks, I wonder what time it is... No clock, nothing but grey walls and corridors... Man this is one of the Most boring dreams I've had in a long time!


Hm? It's... no it couldn't be, could it? *looks around door to left to see*

Duo! And there's Trowa and Quatre and Wufei too! I spoke too soon, this may be fun after all. But where's spandex boy?

*looks for Heero*

That's odd... well not really, he's never where I want him...

*catches on to what They're looking at outside the window*

Oh! Now I know where I am! It's the Peacemillion and Heero just left to save Relena! Boy, I really do have no life... I've often wondered what Duo was thinking at this particular moment... I wonder... well, it is My dream after all.

*Bounces up to Duo. Stops to inflect*

I sure do bounce well in anime...


... Ok so how would one go about reading minds...


hmmm... I'm drawin' a blank here


Oh I know!

*Reaches out to touch Duo's shoulder, hand passes

right through*

Wow! That's odd...

*Moves hand out of Duo's chest, boy shivers*

Hmmm... this could be fun

*gives braid boy the chills again*

I wonder...

*Walks through/ into Duo*



Ahri: Whoa! What happened. I was just starting to

have FUN! Not fair!

~: Who said life was fair?

*~ a voice in the gloom*

Ahri: Huh? *turns to see Duo stroll out of the

shadows looking unusually somber and cynical* Duo?

~: No, now go away.

*When confusion reigns, it pours*

-: I'm sorry, but you really must leave.

*- Another voice, another Duo... and this is the monsoon season*

Ahri: Um... *Confused beyond belief* And you are?

~:I'm Braidboy's Id, that's his Superego, and you're gone.

Ahri: Oh, now I get it! Like Freud! [1] Wow, I actually got something out of Psychology!

Duo's Superego: I believe we said leave.

Ahri: I thought the Id and Superego were opposites.

*looks confusedly to the two nearly identical Duos*

Duo's Id: Leave it to Duo to find consistency in the Chaos.

Ahri: Ok... hmmm, can't I stay awhile, Please!

No *Duos in unison*

Duo's Superego: You should be going, before the Id displays his differences.

Ahri: Make Me! *is my battle cry... gets jumped by both Duos*

Ahri: Yoink!

*Thwack! Two mentalities collide knocking each other out*

Ahri: Haha! Well, we can all tell the intelligence is in the Ego, I hope...


Quatre: You ok, Duo? You look a little... Pale.

Duo: Hm? *Shivers* No, I just got a headache is all.

Quatre: Maybe you should go lie down.

Duo: Naw, I'm... *Clutches head* Maybe I will...

*Staggers off*

Quatre: Poor Duo, he's so worked up over this.

*Duo wavers through the hall, very strange thoughts running through his head.*

Duo: Feels like there's a fight going on in there...


*He hits the floor, unconscious.*


Ahri: Oh Shit! What'd I do! Duo, Wake Up, man, come on you gotta get up!

*Duo's eyes flicker open*

Ahri: Hmm... *looks back to Id and Superego* Without them... I'm in control! This could be fun!

Where shall we go today? Let's get out of this hall before we get sent to the clinic, come on my little Shinigami, you can do it...


(In Duo's Room...)

Ahri: Hmmm... What shall we do today, what shall we do...

*Duo sits on the bed, swinging his feet looking very bored*

I know! I'll-

*Thud, shmack, Fling*



Owch. *Gets up shaking head* Hey! What happened!?

*Looks back to Duo looking very confused on his bed*

That damned duo (pun) must have thrown me out! No

fair!... Oh well, I'm sure I can find someone with a... Weaker unconscious... but who?

*Looks out to Libra*

Oh won't this be fun! Wonder if the Astral thing works in Vacuums too.

*Leaps out into space*

Weeeeeeeeeeee!!!....... Nothin' quite like Zero G!

*Dog paddles to the Spaceship*


Ahri: The Purple Malkav Strikes again! *Smiles to the scowling Heero* Wow, there's not much in here... where is everyone?

~: Right here.

*Heero's glare*

Ahri: Oh, look, the glare, what a surprise... Hi, I've come to play! It'll be fun!

~: I don't have time for this, get out of my way, I have a world to save.

Ahri: Aw, well then I can play with the Superego?

~: I am the Superego.

Ahri: Oh, then where's the Id?

*Superego smiles, glances to a dark corner*

Ahri: Huh? *Looks to corner*

-:Help me!

*tiny voice cries*

Ahri: *Look back to Superego striding into consciousness, back to corner, creeps closer*

*Large little Heero eyes stare out*

Ahri: Aw, you make a very cute six year old... Why are you locked up?

Heero's Id: They put me here ‘cuz I was bad, I was weak and they said I'd do the Mission harm... *Sob*

Ahri: You poor thing... That's just not right, that's just cruel, that's just UNJUST! *starts to sound like Wufei- laughs at the idea* But it explains soo much... hmmmmmmm... I wonder.......

*flick open lock* come on, it can't do too much damage *Helps little Heero Id out*

Heero's Id: Thank you *evil grin as he trips off after Superego*

Ahri: I'm beginning to think that was a bad thing... Oh well, it's only a dream, and after all, what could possibly happen?


*Outside Heero has just gotten back his blaster and is preparing to destroy the last of the Libra and save the Planet* Ahri: *Watches in Awe as the whole scene plays out, enjoying the angles from Heero's point of View, catches the loud crash in the unconsciousness as the Id locks up both the Egos.* Ahri: This could be bad, but interesting...


"I- I Won't..." Heero breaks off midsentence, there is a long pause before he finishes, "I won't forgive." He declares in a dark voice as he lowers the riffle and flies out of the falling Libra's way, headed straight for the Peacemillion. Ahri: Well, that was unexpected *watches as the Libra hits the earth, puts on Metallica's Unforgiven just for effect*

Heero raises his riffle to the Peacemillion and fires...

Ahri: Hmmmm... you know if I stop him now he'll have to live with the fact that he destroyed the earth, and then...


Ahri: Relena. So I should...

*suddenly the other Gundams, which have been standing pretty much in shock, jump to action and fire on Heero.*

"Traitors!" Heero sneers through the com.

Ahri: Wow, never thought they'd actually fire on him... well he did just... oops, there goes Quatre. Oh look, Trowa's mad. Think I'll make my exit right about... Now!


**What I've felt, what I've known never shine through in what I've shown. Never be, never see won't see what might have been. What I've felt what I've known never shine through in what I've shown. Never free never me so I dub thee unforgiven...**


I told you Nyquill dreams were the best. Hey, I wrote something rather supposed to be funny! Wow, that's a first!

You see something new every day.

And if you don't then your life is pitifully dull and boring, you should go ahead and end it right now. No, not really! I'm just kidding! It's the sugar... or the caffeine... or the Nyquill!

Ok, so I've ranted!


[1] Freud, Sigmund. The father of psychoanalysis. Among his many theories one of the best known is that of the id, the ego and the superego, the forces that drive the human unconscious mind. The ego is the person, the middle ground in which the action takes place, the id is the person's desires wants and needs, the superego is the person's sense of right and wrong that tells them to obey the rules.

It's the chapter we were on in my psychology class. --------------------------------------------

Thought for the day~

"It is better to name thy accomplices and have them with thee in prison than to die by grenade."

-Dominion Tank Police

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ POIT~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Shin Kidousenki Gundam Wing © Sunrise, Bandai, and Sotsu Agency.