Integrating the Heart
Written by AstroKender
1x2, 2+3
Notes: I don't own GW. "Bent" is by Matchbox Twenty.


Part 3

The morning seemed to come to soon for everyone. One by one, the Gundam pilots dragged themselves out of their warm beds and into the cold world of reality. Breakfast tasted like ashes, and the food was mostly shoved around on people's plates. It was Quatre who finally broke the silence.

"Don't you think one of us should go wake up Duo?"

Heero did not look up from his plate and WuFei declined to reply. Trowa was silent, as always. Just as the blonde decided to get up himself, the topic of their one sided conversation skipped though the doors.

"Morning everyone! What's for breakfast?"

"Good morning-Duo! What happened to your cheek?" Quatre rose up to inspect his friend. "And your hands are all cut up!"

"Aw! It's nothing Q-man. I just tripped over all the junk in my room and was lucky enough for the mirror to break my fall." He grabbed the milk carton off the table and took a swig.

"You should be more careful." Quatre scolded, believing the falsehood. Trowa however was not fooled, and sent a murderous glance Heero's way.

Heero however, wasn't paying attention. He was entirely focused on Duo. //Even after what I did, he's still trying to protect me...why?//

WuFei spoke up before things got out of hand. "It's good to see you properly attired for once, Maxwell." Indeed, the braided pilot was wearing his customary priest's outfit. //Probably to hide the cuts,// WuFei realized.

Duo took his cue and stated that not everyone could sleep in the nude, and WuFei grumbled self-righteously. Their ploy worked and tension slowly eased from the room.

Heero stood up. "Everyone in my room at 0900 for mission status." He left to go prepare.

"Aw, man! That only gives me fifteen minutes to eat!" Duo griped good-naturedly. The truth was, he wasn't even hungry. It was only said to deflect the piercing looks he was receiving from Trowa. //He saw right through that lie. He knows me too well.// Duo shifted uncomfortably under that scrutinizing stare. Glancing at the clock, he jumped up thankfully.

"Well guys, we'd better get going before spandex-boy has our hides!" He grabbed Quatre and bounded out of the room.

"Or we have his..." WuFei muttered. Trowa heard him and stopped the Chinese boy as he moved to follow the others.

"You know what happened to him?" Green eyes battled with coal.

"I do."

"Tell me."

WuFei gave the Latin pilot a measuring glance.

"It is not my place to say." He began to turn away but was stopped by the look of helplessness on Trowa's normally stoic face. He sighed.

"Tread lightly, my friend. I for one have no problem with your attraction to Maxwell, however if that attraction continues to cause him harm, I will see that justice is served."

The HeavyArms pilot nodded, his grip loosening on WuFei's arm. "I understand. I do not wish to cause Duo pain."

"Neither did Yuy."

"The reports of a research facility have been confirmed. White Fang is trying to invent some new technology to aid them in this war." Heero's fingers danced along the keyboard, while the other pilots looked over his shoulder. "These are the coordinates."

Quatre looked at the Japanese pilot. "What type of technology?"

Heero let out a frustrated sigh. "I wasn't able to find out. Whatever it is, they are keeping it highly confidential."

Duo flopped down on the bed. "So what's the mission?"

"Simple. Two of us go to the moon base, and destroy it."

"Why only two?" WuFei asked the cobalt-eyed boy.

"The base is not heavily guarded. Two people have the most chance of success with an infiltrated attack, no Gundams." //Plus, I'll get Duo alone to apologize to him.//

"Aw, man!" Duo whined. "DeathScythe's getting rusty in that lake, ya know!"

Heero shook his head and powered down the laptop. "It isn't safe to take the Gundams into outer space right now. We'll have to sneak in."

Duo jumped up. "Well, I'm ready to kick some ass! Who's with me?" He glanced around at his companions.

"I can't. I have to attend Relena's peace-talks." Quatre sounded honestly regretful. "As one of the few colony representatives, it's vital for me to be there." The Arabian looked towards WuFei.

"Don't even think about it." He told the blond. "I have my own peace-talk to attend. With Treize." A slight blush rose on his cheeks.

Duo laughed. "As long as it's for business, and not for pleasure." He teased. WuFei turned redder. "I assure you, it's not like that-"

"I'll go."

Everyone turned to stare at the HeavyArms pilot.

"You two already have your obligations, and it is important for Heero to stay here and keep track of any more anomalies in the White Fang's doings. I am the logical choice."

Heero stared hard at Trowa, who gazed back impassively. Both knew the other's intentions were less than pure. Right now, he hated Trowa. Hated him for what he was trying to do and hating him for being right.

"Fine." He snarled. "A cargo shuttle is leaving for the moon base tomorrow at 0800. Be on it. The mission should take less than a week. Get to L4 and Quatre's men will provide you a shuttle back to earth."

"Cargo shuttle? Better pack you pillow, Tro-man. It's not exactly gonna be first class." He dragged the Latin boy out the door. The other's following behind.

Heero remained seated in front his computer.


His arm swept across the desk, throwing his laptop to the floor. Heero winced at the sound of the screen shattering. He placed his head in his hands.


Duo was sat on his bed, brushing out his long, chestnut hair. The American winced as he accidentally touched his cheek. Separating the strands into three equal parts, he began weaving his customary braid. The radio was turned on with the volume low, and he listened as the strands of music drifted through the speakers.

// "And if I fall along the way
pick me up and dust me off"
"And if I get too tired to make it
be my breath so I can walk."//

Shinigami laid back and closed his eyes. He was just starting to nod off when a soft knock awoke him. Rising swiftly out of bed, gun in hand; he padded softly to the door.

//"And if I need some other lovin'
give me more than I can stand."
"And when my smile gets old and faded
wait around I'll smile again."//

"Duo." Came the low voice on the other side. "It's me."

Duo lowered his gun and opened the door, allowing Heero to step in. The braided boy turned to look out the window, declining to look at his lover.

//"Shouldn't be so complicated
Just hold me and then"
"Just hold me again
Can you help me? I'm bent."//

Heero stepped behind him, lightly wrapping his arms around the American's waist. Duo stiffened, but did not pull away.

"I apologize. I'm...sorry. I was wrong. Can you forgive me?"

//"I'm so scared that I'll never
get put back together"
"Keep breaking me in
and this is how it will end."//

Duo turned around and faced his koi, his eyes dark and serious. He looked into Heero's cobalt eyes.

"I don't know." He admitted. "I don't know what I'm feeling. I know that I love you and I care for Trowa. How much, I'm not certain. But what you did was unacceptable and I won't let it happen again. I won't let you break me."

// "With you and me

Heero bent his head as Duo pulled away from him. His love turned off the radio and walked across the room.

"I'm sorry, but I have a mission tomorrow. We'll have to talk about this when I get back." He held the door open.

The Japanese pilot shuffled towards the door. He glanced at Duo, heart in his eyes, until his training took over and his mask was firmly in place.

"Right. We will discuss this when you get back. Goodnight, Duo, and..." The mask slipped slightly. "Be careful."

Chapter 4

Shin Kidousenki Gundam Wing © Sunrise, Bandai, and Sotsu Agency.