Integrating the Heart
1x2, 2+3+1, 4+R, 5x13
Notes: Here is the second part of the Epilogue to clear up any confusion I left you readers. I hope you like it.

Part 24

The bridge was decorated beautifully in white and lavender. Flowers were imported from all around the world to line the corridors of the Peacemoth. The Earth and the Colonies would be united this day. WuFei sat in the front row impatiently, eager for the ceremony to start.

"Problem, Dragon?" Treize's elegantly gloved hand wrapped around WuFei's smaller one.

"I just can't believe it's over." WuFei murmured, snuggling into Treize.

Treize looked up to where Heero stood patiently beside a very nervous Quatre. He remembered their agony when they thought that Japanese boy had self-destructed in Wing Zero. It was with mixed feelings of relief and worry when Quatre called them to say that Heero was alive but Duo was gravely injured. They flew to Gemini to retrieve them immediately.

They both looked up when a slim figure approached them. Trowa bowed slightly to them both, wincing slightly at the pain from his still healing wounds.

"Would you mind if I sat with you?" Green eyes looked through the concealing bang.

"I would be honored." Treize stood and returned the young man's bow. WuFei snorted and gestured to the pew.

"Sit down, Barton."

Trowa smiled and sat. Glancing around the room, his eyes rested on a tuxedo clad Heero. The Japanese boy returned his stare with a wink and Trowa looked away, blushing.

"So, what are you both going to do now?" He asked the Chinese boy.

"We are going to search for Mariemaia. There is a father here that would like to see his daughter. WuFei looked up at Treize encouragingly. The older man smiled back and murmured.

"There is a girl out there who needs a father."

Trowa solemnly gripped both of their shoulders. "I wish you both the best of luck. If you need any assistance, we are all there for you."

The room went silent as the music began to play. Relena walked into the room, escorted by Duo. The blonde woman was resplendent in he white gown and her face glowed happily. Duo stood next to her proudly, despite his recent injuries.

Heero watched as the two made there way up the aisle. Duo's hair flowed free around his slim shoulders and his tux fit him wonderfully. He came so close to loosing this angel, and all because of his misguided jealousy.

He glanced at Trowa. The two had a long talk while Duo was unconscious and Heero felt foolish for his earlier anger at the boy. The Latin pilot had taken a bullet meant for the braided boy. His love for Duo was just as strong as Heero's was. And Duo loved them both.

Trowa caught his glance and smiled, nodding at the couple beside of him. Heero watched as Quatre and Relena held hands, gazing into one another's eyes. Unconsciously Heero's hand crept out to clasp the delicate hand beside him. Duo smiled up at him briefly and the witnessed their two friends binding their lives together.

As the vows were spoken, the two boys silently repeated them in their hearts. The others looked on, their hearts full. Applause went up all around as the bride and groom kissed softly.

Six lives started anew that day, each thankful for the presence of someone dear to share it with. A family tied together by blood and tears and friendship. They may not live happily ever after, but they would love each other, forever.

Shin Kidousenki Gundam Wing © Sunrise, Bandai, and Sotsu Agency.