Integrating the Heart
Written by AstroKender
1x2, 2+3, 4+R(Don't kill me!), 5x13
AU, shonen ai, angst
Notes: Umm...Everything is the same as the series, 'cept Treize wasn't killed, Libra didn't break apart, and Zechs didn't give up.


Part 1

"It has been completed?" It was more of a statement than a question.

"Yes, milord. Everything is in order. Now all we need is the proper subject." Zechs Marquise continued to stare out the window.

"You have someone in mind?"

The figure in the shadows cackled. "Indeed, I do, milord. Indeed I do. Though, the others might not agree with my choice."

Zechs turned swiftly to glare at his companion. "We don't have time to be picky. Any one of them would do."

The figure seemed to visibly deflate. "Yes milord. I will inform our colleagues. The trap is set, it only waits to be sprung."

"Very well." The blonde turned back towards the window, the blackness of space reflecting the emptiness in his eyes.

The other turned to leave.

"Oh, and Professor?:

"Yes, milord?" Neither man turned around.

"This project is crucial to me winning this war. Incompetence will not be tolerated."

The Professor smiled grimly. "Understood, milord."

* * *

Duo Maxwell bounced enthusiastically into the parlor of Quatre's mansion, his energy, boundless at the start of this new day. Never mind that it was almost noon.

"Hey Tro! Is Quatre around?"

Trowa glanced up from his newspaper and regarded his fellow pilot from the safety of his expressionless mask. Duo seemed to light up the room as he stood there, hands on his hips, and head tilted forward inquisitively. His indigo eyes shone with a brilliance that dimmed the light of the afternoon sun. With his typical impetuousness, the American was wearing nothing but a pair of ripped up Levi's and a smile. His unbound hair clung wetly to his well-toned shoulders. Trowa had never seen the chestnut tresses freed from their ever-present braid. It was breathtaking. He struggled a moment to find his voice.

"He's at a meeting with Relena."

Duo flopped on the couch next to Trowa, brushing irritably at the hair that hung damply across his forehead. The rips in his jeans gave the HeavyArms pilot an enticing glimpse of tanned flesh.

"Great! He'll come back in a bad mood for sure."

"......" //If Heero knew what I was thinking, I'd be a dead man.//

Duo sidled closer to Trowa, hoping for a glimpse of the Sunday comics. "Whatcha readin'?"

Trowa discreetly breathed in the sent of Duo. //Coconuts...Dios! Did he have to have just gotten out of the shower?//


"Fascinating." Duo got tired of trying to read the paper upside down and rested his head briefly against the Latin boy's shoulder.

"......" //Heero's gonna kill me...Heero's gonna kill me...Heero's...//

Sensing that his companion wasn't going to entertain him Duo reluctantly got to his feet. //Although...that did feel kinda nice.//

"Well nice talking to you, Tro-man! Ja ne!"

"......" Trowa watched the DeathScythe pilot leave, a soft sigh escaping his lips. Though he couldn't tell if it was one of relief or disappointment.

"Hey, Heero! Whatcha doin'?"

Heero almost groaned as his lover traipsed into the room. //Just when I was starting to get some work done!// The fingers never paused on the keyboard, nor did the eyes stray from the screen.

"There are rumors that White Fang has some sort of research facility on the moon. I'm investigating it."

"Whoa! I think you just went over your word quota for today!"Duo leaned over his partner, placing slow, lingering kisses on the nape of his neck. "Why don't you leave the laptop alone for awhile? I've got better ideas on how you can use those fingers."

The Japanese boy closed his eyes to the sensations those lips were giving. But Heero would not be swayed. He shrugged the American off.

"Not now, baka. This is important."

Duo huffed in frustration. "Aw, c'mon koi! That laptop gets to see more of you than I do!" Duo slipped on a plain black t-shirt and began plaiting his hair. He looked imploringly at the back of the perfect soldier's head. //C'mon Heero, show me you still have a heart under all that programming...//


"Fine!" Heero winced as the door slammed shut behind his beloved. //I'm sorry, Duo, but the mission comes first.// Even with the scientists dead, the earth still needed the Gundam pilots. //Once this stupid war is over...//

Duo bounded into the courtyard.

"Hey Wuffie! Whatcha doin'?"

WuFei grunted. There goes my meditation. "Practicing my katas, now go away."

The American leaned up against a nearby tree, watching the Chinese boy silently...for about five seconds.

"Wanna go to the mall?"


"The beach?"


"The park?"


"The moon?"

WuFei groaned. Duo was his best friend, but he was also the most irritating boy alive. "For the last time, no! Go amuse yourself elsewhere, Maxwell!"

Duo pushed himself off the tree. "Geez! What's with everyone today? You'd think I was a member of OZ or something! Quatre's probably home by now, as least he's aware that I exist!"

He brushed angrily past WuFei, leaving the Shenlong pilot feeling a vague sense foreboding.

"Hiya Quatre! How'd your day go?"

The Arabian was slumped over the kitchen table, fingers gingerly rubbing his temples. "Rashid! Some tea please!" He called tiredly to his servant.

"That bad huh? Queen of the World getting you down?" Duo slapped the Sandrock pilot good-naturedly across the back, almost causing him to spill his desperately needed cup of tea.

Rashid came up swiftly beside the American, gently ushering him towards the door. "Forgive me, Master Duo, but Quatre-sama has had a very rough day. He really needs his quiet time right now. Perhaps if you came by later..."

Duo sighed and brushed the big man's hands away. "Yeah, sure. See ya later, Q-man."

The only answer was the door sliding shut.

"I guess I was wrong." He whispered to the door.

Chapter 2

Shin Kidousenki Gundam Wing © Sunrise, Bandai, and Sotsu Agency.