*Standard Disclaimer: Neither the characters of Gundam Wing or Dragonlance are mine, I cannot lay claim to Krynn or any of it's lands nor can I claim the Gundams and their colonies. Gundam Wing is the property of Sunrise and Dragonlance is owned by TSR. The Canticle of the Dragon was written by Michael Williams for Dragons of Autumn Twilight, and is property of TSR. The plot was taken mostly from the Dragonlance Chronicles and Fifth Age, Ok so very little of this is actually mine*

Warning: mild shonen-ai, severe alternate universe, evil G-boys and general strangeness, maybe even some sap later on... Ok- Lots of it ^_~


The Fifth Age came and went, succumbing to a new era, one of peace and stagnant tranquillity as the Dragonsleep drug on. Slowly the elder races began to die off. Qualinost was lost to the woods and Silvanost crumbled under it's own marble stones as the elves wandered away, sailing east on ships of ivory wing. The dwarves retreated ever further into their old halls as Thorbardin was lost forever. The magic slowly slipped away and tales of lost heros were forgotten. No longer was Huma a household name, nor did the old gods reign supreme. So much changed, but so slowly. Over time the people forgot. They called the dragons ‘myths' and magic fell to the ‘fairytales.' Man no longer saw the unicorn in the forest, instead he mistook her for the pure white mare, or the apparition not really there. The old gods were in time replaced and old kings fell to time's embrace leaving new lands and new people to spread a new history. Dark times fell on the magus with the spread of their new god. Never had mages been liked, but never before had they been so indiscrepantly prosecuted. The old ways were abandoned in fear and so the legends died. Fairy and fay tripped lightly through the woods for many centuries after, but even they too disappeared. Legends of dragon's claw and fairy wing fell to children's tales and epic history lost out to works of fiction as the bonfire bards were replaced by printed books, newspapers, radio, television and then the computer. Each step took man farther from the old ways, made him forget. Wars came and went as they always had. Fought for land or peace, justice or just plain blood they were all the same... Only recently, in this new era so far removed from the shaded past has man reclaimed his behemoth mount in battle, like the dragons of old, a single man- or child- may fight the odds in what they call a Gundam... however they too were discarded when their war was ended, like the dragons before, discarded, but not all destroyed...~

Four years after Endless Waltz the pilots have split to go their own ways; Wufei with the Preventers have been patrolling and suppressing the small inevitable incursions upon the newly formed Earth Sphere United Nation's (ESUN) prized peace with utmost efficiency since the last rebellion. Quatre has taken over his father's duties to his colony and is a respected leader for his and many other's people. Trowa wanders the reaches of space with is sister and her circus as Duo lives happily with Hilde on L2. Heero has disappeared into the farthest reaches of man's society, first as bounty hunter, then the bounty. Human civilization has welcomed a new venue in it's expansion, the last frontier, the Outer Rim, colonies located out in deep space near the asteroid belt. The Mars Terraforming has been taken up by a private company under the name of Istar, under the guard of the newly resurrected Oz, and Relena Peacecraft is left to mediate between the new factions, supported only by her brother and her people. The peace is tense and there is something strange in the air, strange and foreboding...

Prologue: Gathering Storm

Chapter One: Broken Peace

Chapter Two: Awakening

Chapter Three: Second Sight

Chapter Four: Face the Demon

Chapter Five: Trial

Chapter Six: New Age Dawns

Chapter Seven: Magic
New: 7-17-02


Shin Kidousenki Gundam Wing © Sunrise, Bandai, and Sotsu Agency.