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Another fun filled day... 12/23/00 ~Jamie
Hi welcome to the first update of my site.. Since this is the first update i doubt if anyone will read this for oh, say a week maybe. I'm working on getting the site and all of the pics and banners done. Shouldn't take too long.





- Anime Series
-- Sailor Moon Super S
--- Story
--- Character Bio's
--- Image Gallery
--- Full Episodes
--- Manga
--- Sound Clips
--- Movie Clips

- Anime Reviews
- Anime Ratings
- Fansubs

- Nintendo
- Playstation
- PC
- Sega
- Emulators

- Quote of the day
- Message Board

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Sailor Moon Super S

The Dead Moon Circus has arrived in town, and they're looking for a creature, called a Pegasus, and a golden crystal. Their leader, Queen Neherenia, is trapped in a mirror and needs these objects to escape. Only the person with the most beautiful dream will contain the golden crystal, and the Dead Moon Circus is set on finding it and releasing their queen. It's up to Sailor Moon, Chibi-Usa and both Inner and Outer Senshi to stop them.

Character Bio's
Image Gallery
Full Episodes
Sound Clips
Movie Clips


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Best Viewed in 800 x 600 Screen Resolution in High Color Mode

Copyright © Anime Revolution, do not use anything on this site without permission, if you do... Well, just don't.
This site was started on the date of 12/20/00. Anime Revolution is not trying to make a profit on anything, we just
want to get the fans to know what true anime is.