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Here, I'll prove it...

Guess what people? I actually got a flame! I've gotten many before about Haruka and Michiru, but the latest one was the funniest. She told me my proofs were "feeble". But I think that was because she didn't read them...

Exibit 1

Newspaper artical

While surfing the net, I came upon an artical about Haruka and Michiru. This artical talked about the problems that Cartoon Network was having while trying to dub the S series. The problem was that they were *ahem* gay. One quote from the artical says "They are clearly gay, series creator Naoka Takeuchi has plainly admitted so in interveiws." (second column, third paragraph down). This artical also talks about the two being made cousins. Click here to read it.

Exibit 2


The second thing that states the fact that Haruka and Michiru are lovers is, well, the creator, Naoko Takeuchi. These are quotes taken from an interview with her:

Q: The relationship between Haruka and Michiru is quite ambiguos, can you tell us about it?
A: The relationship between Haruka and Michiru is quite special, I think the most important feeling in the world is friendship. The friendship between them is so strong, that it becomes love, there can also be homosexual love, in this case between two girls.
Q: Have you had trouble with you're choice because of you're young public?
A: In Japan, strong girls are very popular. The tradition of my country has in it the Tarazuka, the Japanese theater in which only woman take part, the maximum level of female emancipation. These actresses cover all roles of the plays, even male ones. I was inspired by them to create Haruka, it was not easy to make childeren understand how there could be true love between two women. Haruka is a tomboy, she talks and dresses like a boy, and therefore it is natural that she falls in love with Michiru.

-Kappa Magazine 51, September 1996

But that's not all. I also came upon another interview, this time with Ogata Megumi, the voice actress of Haruka:

Q: A censored version of "Sailor Moon" has been airing in the US. Haruka and Michiru were turned into cousins and much of their dialogue was changed. When the show first aired in Japan, was there any contention coming from parents or religious leaders?
A: When I was cast to play Haruka, I asked director Kunihiko Ikuhara, "Are they gay?" He answered, "Act as if they are married couple." And I asked him again, "Married couple? You, mean, with two ladies?" He replied, "Yes." So they are husband and wife. Their appearance on TV was sensational, something unheard of in TV cartoons. And the show was aired every Saturday at 7 p.m. when every member of the family would be gathering around the TV. Even so, it seems that we were able to grab the viewer's heart. The program's rating continued to rise, and I received a lot more fan letters than before. Because many people watched the show with their family, not only the anime fans but also small children and their mothers became our fans as well. There was a time I was called "a madam killer" [a term used to describe a person so charming that they can get any woman, usually applied to men, however Ms. Ogata's seiyuu career stands as a testament to how appropriate the term is for her].

I'm sure that the anime also appealed to gay people, too. I heard that "Sailor Moon" was the talk of the town in Shinjuku 2-chome, a famous gay street in Japan. Of course, it may have caused controversy in some strict, religious families, but the entertainment won a victory over the religious fanatics. Maybe it's because Japan is not as religious a country as the U.S. But the anime is not only about girls with mini skirts and gay couples. It also has a very interesting story. It focuses on very important aspects of human behavior, and it is very well written. The anime deserved popularity. Of course, the sexiness is also an important thing. Perhaps the most important. I am attracted to anime with a touch of sensuality - without being too indecent like X-rated movies - because sexy things are simply entertaining. [With the voice of Haruka Tenoh] "Don't you think so too, my cute little American kitties?"


Ok, I was thinking about this one day. Why is it so hard for some people to belive that they are lovers? Look at other anime, some yuri relationships are even more subtle then the one between Haruka and Michiru! Take Utena and Anthy, from Shoujo Kakumei Utena, for example: There is only two times when Utena states that she is in love with Anthy.

Juri: What will you do about Anthy?
Utena: What?
Juri: You love her, right?
Utena:'s not like your "love".
Utena: Mine is pure, and...well, I guess yours is pure too, but...

And thats not even really stating it, she said, "its not like your 'love'" ...Its just as controversial as this quote:

Michiru: "A new wave is coming right?"
Haruka: "This could be the biggest one we've ever seen"
Michiru: "Our war seems endless doesn't it?"
Haruka: "I don't care, as long as I can be with you"

Both quotes could be argued to mean it meant friendship, but both could also be argued to mean love. But I have yet to see a rant about Utena and Anthy (I'm on two Utena mailing lists, and about a million sites).
You could go with pictures, and say that at the end of the Ohotori Akio Saga of SKU, they show pictures of Utena and Anthy kissing. But how about the pictures of Haruka and Michiru in the beginning of some episodes?

They're looking at each other the same way, thats for sure!

I'd like to also note, the quote from SKU above, is one of only two times Utena or Anthy has ever said anything suggesting love. And as for Haruka and Michiru...well, just go here---> Quotes, tons and tons and tons...

My point is simply, why do people deny it? Its completely obvious! Stop spending so much time worrying about how there is a slight chance they are not lovers, and look at the big picture. Why would the script directors put in this stuff? To confuse you?
Think about it at Haruka and Michiru's point of veiw. If someone told you "I don't care, as long as I can be with you", how would you take it?? Plus, if they were'nt lesbians, why would they say something that makes it sound like they are? These are rather serious characters who don't joke around. Except of course for the occasional sexual joke... eg. see below
Haruka- "Ouch! You're hurting me Michiru!"
Michiru- "Oh am I?"
Haruka- (coyly) "I want you to touch me gently"
Michiru- "Later, when we're alone"

Heh ^^; as you can see, I'm rather one-sided about this. But hey! I'm just stating the facts! And really, there is lots of other anime with lesbians in them, so why is is such a big deal in Sailormoon?
