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To Those Comics That Have Vanished

11 Will Die

Chris Farrington is the cartoonist who creates 11 Will Die. 11 Will Die is an anthropomorphic (animals who take on human-like qualities), serial strip that follows the life of a barbarian dustdragon named Jith-Rith-Ng. 11 Will Die also followed the idea of having a cast of characters go through a plot, where the audience would make votes each week to see which one of the characters they wanted to vote (kill) off. Jith is an inquisitive individual and a studious student, following the teachings of his master, a horned lion named Cl'th'Roth (the cl' th' is pronounced with clicking sounds). Jith can be impulsive and brash at times, but fortunately, Cl’th’Roth is there to help balance him out, and to remind him of his teachings. Cl’th’Roth is a spear master who has been rasing Jith ever since he was a very young child (he still is one), and is teaching him his ways of discipline in order to help instill proper values and morals in Jith. While he is still in training, Jith receives word from a talking taco, that only he can destroy the Crown of Nexino. Following the Taco’s advice, Jith and Cl’th’Roth embark on a journey to find out more about this crown. Little do Jith and Cl’th’Roth know, but they aren’t the only ones who are seeking out Nexino’s Crown. In a land fraught with danger and uncertainty, Jith must find the strength to become the warrior he strives for, and to resist the darker side of his nature that lurks just beneath the surface.
Status - Created by Sam Walker. The comic went on hiatus, then the Keenspace (Comic Genesis) server crashed and lost all of the data.
Status - Created by the artist known as Betaalpha. The comic went on hiatus and then was lost when the Keenspace (Comic Genesis) server crashed.

The 5th Season

Peter Rohal is the cartoonist who creates The 5th Season. The 5th Season is an anthropomorphic (animals who take on human-like qualities), serial strip that follows the life of a fox whose name has not yet been revealed. He is a painter who uses watercolors, but finds them lacking when a rainstorm hits. He lives out in the country, and doesn’t get much money out of his work, but he enjoys it nonetheless. Aside from painting, he loves reading about history and Canadian whiskey.
Status - Archives Vanished, Presumed Never To Return
Status - Unknown
Status - Unknown

Acid Reflux

Emily Bingham and Daniel Panamaoff are the cartoonists who create Acid Reflux. Acid Reflux is a serial strip that follows the life of a struggling god named God. God takes the form of a little girl, and from time to time she acts like one, which may indeed be the case since she turned five millennia old. God was granted a hand-me-down universe named Irving as her coming of age gift from her parents. Her sister, The Goddess, formerly owned Irving, but got rid of him when he got “icky”. Now God has to enter Irving and search it for the manual that her sister tossed inside in a fit of anger. God meets up with two adventurers named Anathus and Roxy. After befriending them, they joined God on a pay-by-job contract and along the way picked up God's first convert and high priestess, Manami. Now God has to finish finding all of the pages of the manual, convince the people of the realm that she is the new God o the realm, and kick out all of the godlings (a form of parasitic god-like being) that are infesting her universe.
Status - Comic Ended, Archives Vanished


J. L. Brown is the cartoonist who creates Adonis. Adonis is a serial strip that follows the life of a museum intern named Alice. It’s Alice’s job to catalog new pieces of art that the Mayfair City Museum of History receives. Of course, when she finds that one of the new statues has vanished from the museum and looks exactly like the young boy following her around, she realizes that perhaps legends are a little bit more based on fact than we might have imagined. Adonis is a young boy from ancient Rome who was raised the gods, mortally wounded because of Aphrodite’s jealousy over his beauty, and turned into an eternal statue by the pity of Calliope. He was to remain an eternal statue until such a time when someone would take pity on him just as Calliope did, and when that happened, he could return to being a human being again as long as he found that person their perfect love within a month of his revival. Now Alice finds that she has entangled herself in a 3000 year-old prophecy where she is supposed to “find her perfect love” within a month, and find out a way to explain to people who Adonis is, cover up the fact he looks strikingly like the stolen statue, and teach him all about life in modern times. Piece of cake, right?.
The Adventures of Vindibudd
Andrew Williams is the cartoonist who creates The Adventures of Vindibudd: Superhero In Training. The Adventures of Vindibudd: Superhero In Training is a serial strip that follows the life of a budding superhero named Vindibudd. Vindibudd is a student at the International Academy of Superhero Sciences, and is working on his eventual graduation to become a full-fledged superhero. He doesn't have any actual superpowers, but hopes that his quick wit and sarcasm will allow him to defeat his enemies. Unfortunately for him, Vindibudd still has a long way to go, as he usually solves cases through blind luck or through the help of established superheroes, but he does have a fellow student named General Safety who accompanies him on his missions. General Safety doesn't actually have any superpowers, just like Vindibudd, and often spends his time insulting Vindibudd or just hanging out, rather than fighting crime. General Safety's main concern is that everyone does everything safely, no matter what they might actually be doing, even if it is legal or not. Most new recruits to the International Academy of Superhero Sciences will have a visit by a superhero named Common Sense Girl, who watches the new recruits closely, and when a recruit goes against common sense, she steps in to point out their mistake. Vindibudd and General Safety often end up having visits from Common Sense Girl, who practically has to work overtime policing the two of them. Even as a recruit, Vindibudd has a nemesis named Not Vindibudd, who is Vindibudd's counterpart from another dimension who dislikes the fact that someone else exists who could be as good as he is. He schemes with Miss Illogical, Common Sense Girl's counterpart, in order to try and remove Vindibudd. Miss Illogical's goal is not to kill or get rid of Vindibudd, but to keep him for herself, as she has an irrational attraction to Vindibudd.

Altered States

Tiffany Ross is the cartoonist who creates Altered States. Altered States is an anthropomorphic (animals that are attributed human-like qualities), serial strip that follows the lives of two children: a ram/rabbit offspring named Raume, and a rabbit named Cass. Cass comes from a troubled home, being the thirteenth daughter of Tibar, she is forced to live the life of a prince and not a princess. Tibar desperately wanted a male heir, and after praying to the god Ishan, he had a course of action to follow. He had a vision that he was not only just a king, but also a god, so all he would have to do in order to have a male heir, was to take the female child (who was just being born at the time) and raise her as a boy. Once Tibar ascends to take his place in the heavens, he would be able to make Cass into a prince and thus ensuring his bloodline. Five years passed, and now Tibar wants to expand his empire, unfortunately for Raume, his family lives in the area where Tibar wants to expand. Altered States is set in the same world as Tiffany's other online comic, Cyantian Chronicles.
Status - Archives Removed, Being Worked On

Amuse Me!

Betsy R. and Molly H. are the cartoonists who create Amuse Me!. Amuse Me! is a serial strip that follows the lives of it's creators, two college students, Betsy and Molly. Betsy, the extroverted of the two, is an active individual who is always seeking that next sugar rush. She enjoys coming up with silly plans that involve costumes (you always need costumes) and involve a fair bit of wackiness. Molly is the shy one of the two, as she is Agoraphobic (afraid of crowds), but more acutely, she is Androphobic (afraid of men). Usually, she needs about a good ten-foot space (roughly) between her and most people, but when she is on a nice sugar rush, she will sometimes forget that she is afraid. This, of course, comes crashing back to her if someone ends up hitting on her, or she notices that a guy is far too close to her. Molly and Betsy created two guys for their strip, Jinto and Dimitri. Jinto, a English major from Japan, is the brains of the two guys, but he ends up getting sidetracked often while chasing the two girls, much to Molly's chagrin. Dimitri, majoring in dentistry, is a happy-go-lucky kind of guy. Molly allows Dimitri's presence around her because he focuses on his dentistry career so much that he is clueless when it comes to winning the affections of women.
Comic Status - Ended, Never to Return

Ancient Messages
Status - Created by Katherine Nelson. The strip ended and the archive vanished from keenspace (comic genesis) due to a disk accident.

Angst Technology

Barry T. Smith is the cartoonist who creates Angst Technology. Angst Technology is a daily serial strip that follows the lives of the employees of a computer game company of the same name. The employees of Angst Technology have to deal with their varying interests and ideas on what a good game should be, that is why it takes them so long to come out with a game! Angst Technology uses humor from various sources, but mainly draws from Internet to video game humor. Using interesting characters like a contingent of I.T. ninjas to a web monkey who really is a monkey!
Anxiety Cafe
Status - Created by Sharon Ferrell. The strip ended and archive was accidentally deleted, may return in a new incarnation.
Status - Ended, Archives removed from internet, never to return.
Status - Unknown
Attack Of The Anime Catgirls

Susan Jones is the cartoonist who created Attack of the Anime Catgirls. Attack of the Anime Catgirls is an anthropomorphic (animals who take on human-like qualities), strip that features only the drawings of a few of the characters. The only one who has a name so far, is the youngest of the catgirls, Miao.

Comic Status - After going on hiatus, Keenspace had a disk error and lost all of the archives. Never to return.

Status - Strip went on Hiatus and then account was canceled, website deleted.

The Backyard Adventures Of Moe & Ron

Jeff Paige is the cartoonist behind The Backyard Adventures of Moe and Ron. The Backyard Adventures of Moe and Ron is a serial/gag-a-day strip that follows the lives of two children and neighbors, Moe and Ron. The Backyard Adventures of Moe and Ron deals with things that children love and question, and dealing with a give-and-take friendship that is so common with children. Moe and Ron share a backyard tree house, and through their imagination and attraction to video games, they interact with one another and slowly start to become better friends.

Comic Status: Archives Vanished

Status - Created by G.K. Davis.Unknown
Basement Studios
Status - Unknown
Status - Created by Brian Meredith. When Big Bad collapsed, so did the comic.
Status - Unknown
Status - Unknown, link removed.
Status - Unknown
Status - Unknown


Scott Thigpen is the cartoonist who creates Boomslang. Boomslang is a serial strip done entirely in flash animation, that follows the life of Dr. Lydia Stone, formerly Sissy from Scott's previous comic. Lydia is currently in Africa to prove to her colleagues beyond any shadow of a doubt that gorillas are man's missing link ancestors. So far, not only has she had a lot of trouble with even finding a gorilla, but she has to deal with meeting up with her former teacher-gone-ape, Dr. Hello. If she only could find a purple gorilla named Willy, and learn about him, she would realize how intelligent he is. Willy's intelligence ranges from knowing various martial arts styles, to asking complex questions about the universe.
Status - Unknown
Status - Unknown
Status - Unknown
Status - Unknown

Dead Sea Squirrels

Chris Ressler AKA SSJKulilin is the cartoonist that creates Dead Sea Squirrels. Dead Sea Squirrels is a gag-a-day strip that generally follows the life of a monkey named Schubert. Dead Sea Squirrels covers topics from gaming, to daily hassles at Chris's work that he feels needs to be shared, to even just random ideas that pop into his head. Recently Chris killed off Schubert, and is attempting to start a serial strip titled Super Alex and The Misadventures Thereof following a character named Super Alex. He is still, keeping Dead Sea Squirrels as the overall name though.
Status - Unknown
Status - Unknown
Status - Ended, Archives removed from internet, never to return.
Status - Unknown
Status - Unknown
Status - Unknown
Status - Unknown

Eat The Roses

Meaghan Quinn is the cartoonist who creates Eat the Roses. Eat the Roses is a serial strip that follows the lives of the agents of a secret spy organization called Nemesis. Gabriel Hardy, an FBI agent, left the FBI to form Nemesis, taking several agents with him. Gabriel doesn't seem the sort of person who'd be running a secret spy organization since he seems too nice of a guy. A little too nice it seems, when one of the good reasons for leaving the FBI was when his ex-girlfriend and reporter, Dorcas Nimrod would pump him for information on the media-worthy cases he was on. The spies that he requited from the FBI to form the core group of Nemesis is as follows: Sean, the aggressive self-centered sort, with his signature blue-grey hair; Kara Davies, a go-getter who was looking for more freedom and financial opportunities; Rishard Williams (nope, not a spelling error!) a good friend of Gabriel's, but tends to overstep his bounds of the boss-spy relationship when he good-naturedly bullies Gabe around; Rhea Davenport, a fashion-conscious girl who knows how talented she is, but is preoccupied with looking for her missing boyfriend Rael Wildeve; and the newest member, Melquiades Inish (Mel), a sassy woman who hesitantly is drawn toward Gabriel. They work with FBI director Matthew Phuket, to stop those who would try to take over the world or cause chaos. Their current assignment is to stop a woman named Jane Anthony from taking out the leaders of the United States and asserting her control over the world!


Tim Fries is the cartoonist who creates EverCrest. EverCrest is a serial strip that follows the online adventures of a medium leveled mage named Drysart. Drysart plays a satirized version of a popular online role-playing game called EverQuest. He is of the trusting sort, and has little experience with women, and several other players and computer-driven characters take advantage of this flaw. Now, Drysart is an easygoing kind of guy, except when a new player named Galliwyn is concerned. Galliwyn plays a dwarven fighter, and always makes demands of everyone he meets, and if they end up tricking him to his doom, he plots revenge. Fortunately for Drysart and anyone else in the game, Galliwyn is easy to trick, and is not that powerful in the game because he is constantly dying. Drysart usually spends his time with Mystiana, a fighter who spends most of her time trying to raise her drinking skill than going around adventuring. They sometimes go on quests to increase levels, skills, and get interesting magic items, but usually they are thwarted by changes to the game itself. Aradune is one of the lead moderators for the game, as well as a program designer, and there is nothing he likes better than toning down player's abilities (also known as nerfing). He does this because he enjoys the player's reactions, but also because he constantly wades through a barrage of inane requests and complaints. Despite getting the short end of the stick most of the time, Drysart does usually end out ahead in the end, much to Galliwyn's annoyance.

Comic Status - Archive vanished after the comic ended. Never to return.

Fate Drifters

Elena S. and Lemuel P. are the cartoonists who create Fate Drifters. Fate Drifters is a serial strip that follows the life of an avid UFO watcher named Tyrus. Ty is am inquisitive college student, spending more time watching the stars and wondering what is out there, rather than on his studies. Ty, like other UFO enthusiasts, feels that the government has been censoring all of the potential information on UFOs, and isn't shy about letting others know about his theories. Pago, a computer science major and Ty's roommate, tries to keep him grounded in reality and on his studies, but it's a losing battle. Pago plays the sceptic of the duo, requiring proof from Ty before he will buy into the alien conspiracy. Even worse for Pago, a green-haired, humanoid alien named Faelie ends up having to make an emergency landing on Earth when her ship develops problems. Faelie can pass for human, and goes off in search for potential replacement parts for her ship. Faelie's life becomes entangled with Pago's and Ty's when she loses her personal robot after running into Jett. Jett, an art major, goes to college with Ty and Pago. Once Jett get's home, the Faelie's robot, PRO, shows himself in order to find Faelie. Faelie finds that several people know her secret; she has to rely on them in order to help protect it in addition to find a way to get off of the planet. Now all they have to do is remain out of the notice of the government and rebuild her ship with current technology.

Status - Unknown, site missing.

Status - Unknown

Forgotten Memories

Tim Sarson and Angel Louzao are the cartoonists who created Forgotten Memories. Forgotten Memories was an anthropomorphic (animals who take on human-like qualities), serial strip that followed the life of a wolf named Alabaster. Unfortunately, the strip ended after two pages, even before the plot was fully formed.

Comic Status - Ended, Never to Return

Fox Fire

David Gonterman and Drew Rhine are the cartoonists who created Foxfire. Foxfire was an anthropomorphic (animals who take on human-like qualities), serial strip that follows the life of a human cartoonist named Jim and his symbiotic, living fox-suit named Scarlet Foxfire. Jim is an up-and-coming cartoonist who one day receives a package in the mail. Inside the package is what he believes to be a female fox (vixen) costume, but turns out to be a living entity of its own right. The “costume” tells Jim that she is an alien race called a Zoot, which seem to be modeled after anthropomorphic animals. She then tells him that she is also a policeman for her race and is tracking down some rogue Zoot suits. She then tells him he has been selected as her next host to wear her, as she can only go a little while (90 minutes or so) without warm temperatures, so coexisting with a human is the logical choice. Despite his reservations at the fact of wearing a living thing and the fact that she is a female suit, Jim decides to bond with her. Now Jim is getting used to wearing Scarlet and participating in her adventures as she tries to catch all of the rogue Zoots.

Freeze Frame

Jamie is the cartoonist who creates Freeze Frame. Freeze Frame is an anthropomorphic (animals that are attributed human-like qualities), weekly strip in the gag-a-day format (having no ongoing storyline, but keeping the same characters for the strip) that is set in the state of Alaska. Freeze Frame is full of jokes about all sorts of aspects of Alaskan life ranging from the wildlife and nature, to hunting, to even the mindset of the people who live there.

Fur Daze

Status - Ended, archives removed.
Status - Unknown
Status - Unknown
Status - Unknown
Status - Unknown

Hang And Catch Fire Inc.

Status - Ended, archives removed.
Haul Trek
Status - Unknown, link removed.
Hobnob Inn

P. Logan Anderson is the cartoonist who creates Hobnob Inn. Hobnob Inn is a gag-a-day strip that follows the life of a radio-talk show host named Nick Dean. Nick used to work in a large radio station in Fresno, California, but after becoming dissatisfied with his situation there, he decided to move. After riding on a bus, just riding to see where a place might strike his fancy, he ended up getting off at a small town named Logan's Point. He went to stay at an Inn called Hobnob Inn for the night, but has since ended up living there for over three years. He found a new place to stay in Logan's Point, a place that seems to satisfy him for the moment. Now he enjoys his life and his new job with own radio show at the only all-talk radio station in town, KTLK.

Status - Unknown, site missing.

Status - Unknown

Ice Cream For Breakfast

Aimee Smith is the cartoonist who creates Ice Cream for Breakfast. Ice Cream for Breakfast is a serial strip that follows the lives of five roommates. The five roommates are as follows: Alexandra, nicknamed Xan, a female gamer who loves coffee; Miranda, a spiritualist who loves animals; Gatt, nicknamed Gatsby, an artist; Celene, a gardener with a dislike for computers; and Simon, a young lad who is infatuated with Xan. Simon likes Xan, but feels awkward around her, and certainly feels even more so after getting drunk and ending up naked on the roof claiming Xan was his Holy Grail. Xan has her own problems, with trying to get over her ex-boyfriend, when he comes back around with gifts. Ice Cream for Breakfast deals with topics ranging from relationships to the interactions and stresses with living with four other people.

Comic Status - Site vanished after going on hiatus.


Jason Milfred is the cartoonist who created Ink. Ink is a strip in the gag-a-day format (having no ongoing storyline, but keeping the same characters for the strip) that follows the life of a little girl named Julia and her family. Julia is nine-years-old, but already she seems to have gathered some wisdom that gives her the appearance of being older than she already is. When not bickering with her three-year-old brother, Argyle (also known as R), she balances her time between making pointed observations and being just a little kid. Julia's family is like any other typical family and has their normal share of minor family disagreements, ranging from keeping Argyle in line at the dinner table, to staying up past bedtime.
Status - Unknown
Status - Unknown

It Could Have Happened

Kevin Wadlow is the cartoonist who creates It Could Have Happened. It Could Have Happened is a weekly strip in the gag-a-day format (having no ongoing storyline, but keeping the same characters for the strip), that follows the life of Kevin. Kevin (the character) is based on the artist, and sticks with his cynicism for humanity as a whole. Having graduated college, his biggest concern is finding a job, any job, that doesn't drive him insane. Even still, bills need to be paid, and he takes a job in a bookstore. In order to keep himself sane (and try and limit the amount of times he sees a small floating version of himself), he hangs out with several of his friends. He continues to strive for a job of his liking that is even in his field of study, in order to improve the quality of his life (or at least his perceptions of it).
Status - Unknown
Status - Unknown

Jason And Randy

Brandon White is the cartoonist who creates Jason and Randy. Jason and Randy is a serial strip in that follows the lives of two children named Jason and Randy. Jason and Randy are like two normal kids, if two normal kids built exploding ducks, blew up a Wal Mart, and had some problems keeping a bisexual Mr. T from raping Jason every once-in-a-while. They also have varying guest appearances ranging from: Fonzie, to Kermit the Frog, to even Yoda. Jason and Randy recently lost Mr. T to his big commercial career, so they are currently interviewing replacement actor/actress to fill in their quota of ass raping jokes.


Jonathan Morris is the cartoonist who creates Jeremy. Jeremy is a serial strip that follows the life of a grade-schooler named Jeremy. Jeremy is a normal nine-year old boy, or as normal as a golem grown from test tubes and stitched together from the remains of criminal corpses, could be. Jeremy, a creation of Dr. Frankenstein himself, was lovingly created by the doctor, since he wanted to have a family. Unfortunately for Dr. Frankenstein, the bride he created doesn't really possess any faculties for speech, and is a bit lacking in intelligence, but makes up for it with violence. Jeremy still loves his mother, and all of the other creations that his father dutifully creates for him. Going to the local school, Jeremy has some strangely tolerant friends, who don't mind that he is a monster, but they are a minority in the village. Jeremy has to struggle with the constant reminder that he is a monster, when all he wants to be is a normal boy. In short, he strives to live a normal life, but sometimes the little oddities that make him unique pops up from time to time, freaking out the fellow kids at school. He is very sensitive about this issue, especially when it reminds him that the girl who he likes, Rebecca, may have to eventually side against him. Fortunately, she knows that Jeremy has a tender side (despite the show he sometimes puts on for her), and finds him interesting and unique. This is a pleasant contrast for him, as compared to another little girl named Sara, who just wants to experiment on him, or just give him a hard time. This isn't as bad as when the neighbors sometimes forum roving bands of angry villagers when Jeremy freaks them out a little too much.
Status - Unknown
Status - Unknown
Status - Unknown
Status - Unknown
Status - Unknown
Lethal Doses
Lem "Hot Soup" Pew is the cartoonist who creates Lethal Doses. Lethal Doses is a comic in the gag-a-day format (having no overall storyline, but maintains the cast of characters) that follows the lives of several roommates. Hot Soup, an artist, is loosely based on Lem, and draws his own Internet comic off-screen. Hot Soup tends to get immersed in his video games along with his good friend and roommate, Kaz. Kaz is mechanically inclined, and enjoys working with computers. Matt, another roommate, enjoys gaming just as much as the other guys, but spends more time reading. Out of all of the roommates, Matt tends to be the one who acts as the voice of reason, but because of his dislike of people in general, he tends to be cynical. EP, another roommate, tends to be the most childlike out of all of the members, enjoying an active imagination, and maintaining a sort of innocence that the others lack. The last of the roommates, Cabul, is a sort of philosopher, and spends a lot of his time watching people and giving his friends his thoughts on various situations as they come up.
Life As A JPG

Ross Burns is the cartoonist who creates Life as a JPG. Life as a JPG is a strip in the gag-a-day format (having no ongoing storyline, but keeping the same characters for the strip) that follows the life of a boy named Ross Burns. Ross takes pictures from his daily life, he gives us a glimpse into what his life is like. The horrors that he has to endure daily, ranging from: sentient dirt living in his room that threatens to eat his skin off if he reveals it's existence, to getting his head stuck in the wall, to even a french fry of Doom! Ross loves playing video games and even enjoys enacting out some of the elements from the games he plays, like the time he tried to grind the arm of his couch on a skaeboard (see the problem of his head getting stuck in the wall, if you want details), so perhaps he is a little too involved in his games, but he means well.

Status - Unknown, site missing.

Life Of Wily

Jim Newberry is the cartoonist who creates Life of Wily. Life of Wily is a serial strip that follows the adventurers of the popular video game character, MegaMan. Being a parody of the original game, MegaMan is a humanoid robot created by Doctor Light after fellow colleague Doctor Wily took Doctor Light's templates for worker robots and turned them into evil engines of destruction. Life of Wily picks up after several of the games have taken place, where Doctor Light creates a new MegaMan after the old one was seemingly destroyed by Wily. The new robot, a green version of MegaMan, is dubbed MegaTug. MegaTug struggles to find his place within the universe, but after Wily sends some minor robots to deal with him and ProtoMan, he finds that he enjoys beating people up. So he joins Doctor Light's crusade against Doctor Wily, and sets off on a quest to destroy him once and for all. Not that Doctor Light is all right in the head either. He has his own little quirks as well, such as when he made a dog robot that would turn into a rocket board for MegaMan to fly on. Fortunately for the world, MegaMan, ProtoMan, and MegaTug, Doctor Light's female housekeeping robot, Roll, ends up meeting them when they encounter trouble. Where MegaMan, MegaTug, and ProtoMan are headstrong, and rush into combat situations, Roll is the more pragmatic of Doctor Light's robots, and uses her keen intellect and Doctor Light's robotic combat suit to help fight Wily. Sometimes, however, it pays to be lenient with punishing the bad guy, as something invariably goes wrong.

Status Unknown - Archives Vanished, Site Blank

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Blue Dragon Online Comic Resource and website are Copyright 2000-2006, David Zelasco. All comics are copyrighted by their respective authors.
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