Alright, my concert review of the first concert I have ever been to of the band that means (sometimes) the world to me:

Me and my still best friend Jonny C. go there, get out, smoke cigarette after cigarette, pushing thru people, staring at hot chicks...until we finally get up to the main doors.

We're in there and the band isn't going to play for at least another half hour, so we were bored with furious anticipation. We bump into this dude who was trying to sell drugs. I was 15 at the time, so I said "yea, what u got?".

Shrooms. So we get these dirt quality shrooms and we're like "Yes!, seeing SP while trippin' on Shrooms!" We were both so stoked. Then the concert is like 5 minutes or less from starting.

I get done chewin' a cap and tryin to find my seat and then out of nowhere i hear the beginning of the MCIS instrumental and I almost collapsed...or at least it felt like my balls were in my throat.

Then I regrouped, and got in my seat. They opened with that typical instrumental intro for 'Where Boys Fear to Tread' of my favorite songs of that double-album that continues to change my life...I don't know if it is for the better or not yet.

Our seats sucked by the way, and there were a bunch of girls screamin' "Billy I wanna suck Your Dick!!" repeatedly right in our ears.

Me and my boy Jonny C. startin to feel a bit fucked up off the shrooms, decided to jet down to the floor level where almost everyone was after SP had been playin' for about oh say 7 seconds??

So, I grabbed my lil brother and made sure I still had my wallet + shit with me. My kid bro had to came with us and is just as big an sp fan as me, or even bigger so i didnt mind babysittin' him.

Finally, we're all down there. After we got down there, we instantaneously started fuckin around, jumpin up and down and shouting/spitting out lyrics...the rest of the night was a heavenly blur...seeing the Smashing Pumpkins for the first time (not last, I saw, met, and talked with them about a week ago), words can not describe what was racing thru my head all night.

So, a lot of is still a happy blur, except for a few times, especially the time when James said: "You people are CRAZY!" right after finishing a song, and Billy's like "oh fuck...dont fall for that, he says the same shit everynight". then James looks around for a sec, and says "Ok, you're a rather INSIDIOUS crowd." "Billy goes, ok James, you know something about them, tell 'em a bit about yourself." James just stands there like he always does, and goes: "I like to eat toast in the morning." It was hilarious, anyways...

Lights flashin, hot girls bumping bodies with you...and the most heavenly music playin...insanely joyous...never gonna feel like that for a long time... but then Jonny C. fucking hurls cuz he was sick of the shrooms...all over somebody. We ran over to another section of the crowd and hid in it.

We didn't want this night ruined by a stupid fight. This night was just pure unadulterated bliss. I didn't sleep that night. Thank you SP, Thank you Mr. Brant Nolan for the tape (I still think I owe ya), & thank you, for readin' this.



the smashing pumpkins rock us


© 1999-2000