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Shout Outs!

Bulma - (hi sweetie :P~~)
Forcedog - force = Faggot!
SSVegeta - You owe me money.
Zelgadiss - You too.
LetoHood - Link to me already! (I have a special kinship wiht him-- we are both 13 and have kick ass webpages!! :D)
Kogo - Actus non facit!!
BeBVegeta - dont hurt me.... here's my lunch money....
sorceror - 00010011 00100101 01001000 00010011 (Translate it.... :D)
ellusion - Hola Kemo Sabe
BLLDG - thanks for the pretty bots
dreamer - you too
Siggs - yeah yeah you too
SSJBra - Who's yo Daddy?
Sayn - you crack head

These are all people I know from IRC. You can find me on EFnet in the channels #dbz_arena or #shenron.