The Colonies - Mechas


Wing Gundam
Heavy Arms Gundam
Gundam Sandrock
Gundam Shenlong
Gundam Deathscythe
Gundam Tallgeese
Gundam Wing ZERO
OZ Mobile Suits
Gundam Mercurius
Vayeate Gundam
Gundam Epyon


What is a Mecha? A mecha is a Mobile Suit or gundam. There are many more than five mechas. Although only five heros came to Earth with them, there are more Gundams. As another point, gundams aren't the only mechas. OZ has several models of non-gundam mobile suits. In my opinion, this is the best part of the page besides the episode summaries. I love every detail of the gundams and will have no problem explaining them to you in completely ORIGINAL summaries. Enjoy!