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Some of Denise's Friends

In San Diego

University City Steve Shen
Roy Leong an old pal of mine
Jared Enyart
Del Mar Carlos H. Vedovato UCSD alumni, here in the West
Tecelote Emily Minamizono an old pal of mine whose fun to hang out with
Ellen (The convicting Ellen-D) also in the west :) really nice page
Victor Shih one of the smartest guys I know
Pacific Beach Le Quyen Lou she is a very happy sister
Dennis Lou husband of LeQuyen, I know him too
The Fired Up: Jeetendra Manghanii leader in PB
Karah S.
West Campus Eric Aniversario kind of likes the beach boys
Reena Cabasa my new anime buddy, likes Ranma
Nikki Tan now has a web page also!!!
James Chen majoring in CSE
Ben Leong incredibly intelligent
More My Dad Lilly

Joe Richard going places
Everett M. Baker this is an not a recent picture
Vanessa A. making impact at age 1.5 yrs
Raul and Roxy Apodaca parents of Vanessa, they're cool too
Jenne Wong an artist, as you can tell

on-line club

Josh & Gina Leong
Sharon Belville
Mark D'Angelo