Welcome to the Best women of Anime!
Hey! Welcome to the forum where you can vote for your favourite female anime characters!
NEW!! PAGE 2 of Best Females ^_^!!

Pirotess Next up! Pirotess 
From:  Record of Lodoss War
Nominated by: Muffin Revolutionary Leader Joao  

Who says: 
Well, She is too hot to be out of any list

Sakura- Isn't she pretty? ^_^ Hm.. I think this is my first Lodoss nomination.. ^_^;

Sana Next up! Sana Kurata
From: Child's Toy / Kodomo no Omocha
Nominated by: Adrian VanRassel  

Who says: 
I chose Sana Kurata because she really expresses a lot of emotion. Another reason why is that she makes cool rap music

Sakura- First appearance of anyone from Child's Toy ^^

Tira Next up!  Tira Misu
From:  Bakuretsu Hunters / Sorcerer Hunters
Nominated by: James  

Who says: Tira is my all time favorite from Sorcerer Hunters. She so cute with those glasses! You can tell she really has deep feelings for Carrot (the anime's cool, although professional idiot). She has a lot more self control than her sister Chocolat Misu who always like to strip in front of Carrot and chase him down while he screams like a woman.
Under a cute and innocent facade lies a woman who could beat the crap outta any guy, which makes my vote for Tira a must. She's cute, smart and strong (but not a b
£+ch ^_^).

Sakura- Tira Misu ^^ First appearance of Tira. A BIG thank-you to Here for finally hosting a pic where this girl wasn't half-naked O_o;;

Saturn Next up!  Sailor Saturn / Hotaru Tomoe
From: Sailor Moon 
Nominated by:
                                       Who says:                                                       Now, here's why sailor Saturn should be on your list of the best females of  anime ...
1) because I said so
2) she has the same birthday as me!
3) she's pretty!
4) smart...I think
5) she has the power to heal, by touch
6) she has the same birthday as me
7) she can destroy the entire universe in about .5 seconds, and she hasn't
8)  I'm your friend, and your my friend, and if you don't put her on your damn
list, I'll beat you with an ugly stick
9) just kidding
10)s he has the same birthday as me ^_^

Sakura-  ::lol:: Guess I'd better do what she says... Sailor Saturn, First nomination ^^

May Hopkins Next up! Minnie May Hopkins
From: Gunsmith Cats
Nominated by: Ryuukaze, Who says:
She is the perfect partner to the tough girl Rally. May is so innocent on the outside but when you get to know her there are some pretty strange stories in her past. Her presence is unmatched, the art is so clean in the Gunsmith Cats manga. I've you want more pictures I will be glad to donate.

Sakura- Ah, the grenade-happy cutie  Minnie May Hopkins. Jeez, you gotta put a gag on this girl to keep her quiet...... her first appearance ^^

18 Next!! Android 18
From : Dragonball Z /GT
Nominated by: Mantis who says:
She knows how to kick some serious booty. 18 may not be human, but she does have pizazz. How would someone feel if they could purchase multiple outfits and not pay at all by just giving a KO to the clerk? Unstoppable answers that question. She's also powerful, but do not make her mad unless you want to be blasted to the next galaxy. She never allows anyone to push her around and does what she feels like. A real independent individual if you ask me. She and 17 are a couple of cool 'bots, but she is the better of the two. She never gives up and this resulted in her coming out whole when Cell spewed her out. Her voice is kinda sweet, too and so is her attitude. Amazing how she let Krillin go instead of destroying him. I'm kinda glad Gero did create this digital diva. Although, it's a shame the dragon balls couldn't make her human. Either way, she's hot, bot or not! (growl!)

Sakura- I haven’t gotten through the whole series yet.. But, didnt she have a kid with Krillin? ...Then, If she’s not human...how does that work? @_@

Leona Next!!Leona Ozaki
From :Dominion Tank Police
Nominated by: Slash, who says:
She's not one of those damsel in distress type girls. She's very tough and (like me) loves heavy machinery. I also like the way she treats Bonaparte (her toy tank) as if it were a human. This is an awesome manga/oav and i suggest it to anyone who hasn't seen it yet! ^^

Sakura- Leona.. She’s cute ^_^ Even the name for her tank is kawaii... her first appearance..Actually, the first Dominion Appearance :)

Rini/ Chibi Moon Next!! Sailor Chibi Moon / Rini
Nominated by: Mitchell VanRassel who says:
I think Mini Moon is one of the best woman of anime because she always puts on these cute/funny faces. If anything, she should be leader of the senshi. She is also cute unlike the other salior senshi. Rini is the best by far.

Sakura- Rini was also voted (twice) as Worst Female =^^=

Ami/Sailor Mercury Next!! Ami / Sailor Mercury
From : Sailor Moon Series
Nominated by: Shaq who says:
.I have chosen the one who is commonly called Sailor Mercury because of the many reasons which will be typed after the sentence which you are now currently reading. My reasons are as follows. She is the coolest anime character in the entire world because her mind is unparalled which would make her one of the dedliest of foes even though she may not be the best at hand to hand combat. She also has better tools that most of the other scouts. Her mini computer can give her any stat she would need in order to disable her enemy. The most important reason that she is the best lady in anime is that she has blue hair. I have to say that many other people have blue hair but she know what she is doing when it comes to having blue hair. Thank you and have a nice yesterday.

Sakura- ^_^ Sailor Mercury is also in the worst female section ^_^

Miyu Next!! Miyu
From:Vampire Princess Miyu
Nominated by: Hanami Sakura who says:
She just kicks @ss. Beautiful, noble, devoted- There's nothing bad I can say about her. She simply IS.

Sakura-hm.. I’m gonna see this series very soon ^_^ Miyu’s first appearance :D

Sora Next! Sora Takenouchi
From :Digimon / Digital Monsters
Nominated by: Mantis who says:
When it comes to the word thoughtfulness, this girl would have her picture listed next to the word in the dictionary. Many of her traits have made Sora my all-time favorite of the Digi-Destined. First of all, she has the cutuest of the digimon. I'm talking about her pink birdie, Biyomon. It's the only one that can become a phoenix (Birdramon) and then a wicked cool Native American eagle (Garudamon). In helping her friends, she's done multiple tasks. She stopped Tai and T.K. from eating amnesia-producing mushrooms. She prevented Joe from working forever at the restaurant. At the palace, Sora convinced Mimi that her tyranny was wrong. In addition, it was her love that stopped Myotismon's fury. (her crest glowed allowing Birdramon to become Garudamon) She's also very resposible when she has to lead. This was especially important when she had to look after T.K. and Kari after the team got separated in Machinedramon's tunnel labyrinth and during the battle with Piedmon. She also sticks up for Tai a lot and encourages him to lead the group. To conclude, she almost.., no! She is Misty's opposite in every way.

Sakura- Heh, I like the 02 series better... Except for Davis, he’s proving to be most annoying..-.-**

Sailor V! Next is! :Mina/Minako/Sailor Venus From: Sailor Moon
Nominated by: Alex, Who says:
Of all the inner Senshi, Venus is my favorite. She's got the power of Love on her side! Despite being the sailor scout of Love, she doesn't have a love life (until WAY LATER I've heard). It's such a waste: she's SO KAWAII!! That figure, the flowing blond hair, that ribbon (enhances the kawaiiness ^_^), those legs when she's transformed... okay I'd better stop. I hope she finds personal happiness soon.? !

Sakura- It wont be long till i have all the sailor senshi ^_^

Sakura Kasugano Next! Sakura Kasugano
From: Street Fighter
Nominated by: Ala who says:
I have never loved an anime character more than Sakura. She is sweet, caring, kawaii and has a child in her. Through and through she's the only video game character I've stuck with, and have declared victory with each time I have, so Chun Li fans, go take a hike, Sakura rules. ^_^

Sakura- it ain’t easy finding pics of this girl.. A BIG BIG thank you goes out to the owner(s) of This site!!

Sasami Next! Sasami
From: Tenchi Muyo (Also: Magical Girl Pretty Sammy)
Nominated by: Mantis who says:
.Her blue hairdo is really cool, especially the twin pony tails. Plus, she's very nice, sweet, and she can kick major keister by turning Ryo-ohki into a mechanical fighting creature that she can pilot. (Makes the Power Rangers look like nothing) Plus, she can be very funny and really gets along with her older sister, Aeka. She is sweet to a fault, but don't cross her.
And also by Larry Who says:
Sasami is very young, but is a lot more mature than all of the older characters from Tenchi Muyo. She's sweet and does a lot of work and plus she isn't hanging all over Tenchi all the time. Most of all...SHE'S ADORABLE!

Sakura- Two nominations, both in this category ^_^

Haruka Next! Haruka Ten'ou
From : Sailor Moon
Nominated by: Daedra Lord, who says:
She kicks @ss! Man, she's the best senshi by miles! What with that Space Sword and her World Shaking, she could probably do without the other Senshi....(Not that I want to throw the others away....) :) Anyway, she's simply the best woman out there :)

Sakura- Sailor Uranus/ Haruka is also in my Kawaii couples section! (Yay!) With (aw c’mon, take a guess..) Michiru ^_^ .

 Sakura! Next!! Sakura Kinomoto / Avalon
From :Card Captor Sakura/ Card Captors
Nominated by: Adrian who says:
.She is very funny and cute. Li, Sakura's friend, journey to capture all the clow cards

Sakura- oi, The voices in the english version I'm not too crazy about, but pretty good series anyway ^_^ sakura’s also in my Kawaii Couples section ^_^ . br>

Ryoko Next up! Ryoko From: Tenchi Muyo!
Nominated by: Sam, Who says:
Ah, yes. Ryoko. Now THIS is a woman of power. She may be a demon and a space pirate, but she's the type of gal who would do anything for the man she loves. She seems to be the one who really loves Tenchi, rather than Aeka who only seems to care about him because he's of Jurai lineage. She has great power at her disposal, and her little sister is also her spaceship. O_o ... Weird, I know, but give me Ryoko over Aeka anyday.
and by Christie who says
Ryoko is the best period. She's young, sort of, She's smart, she's beautiful, she's powerful, and (in my opinion) she's the one that cares about Tenchi the most. I think that, because of an episode in "Tenchi Muyo" where Ryoko was half dead and Tenchi was about to be killed, and Aeka didn't do squat, while Ryoko was crying herself to death begging the bad guy not to hurt Tenchi. And she she told the guy how much she loved Tenchi. I STRONGLY think Ryoko deserves Tenchi.
AND by Ryan, who says: because i think she is cool

Sakura- I seem to be building quite a lot of TM characters too... But Ryoko was also nominated as Worst Female Anime Character!!

Miaka Yuuki Next! Miaka Yuuki
From: fushigi yuugi/ Mysterious Play
Nominated by: Rini, who says:
First of all, Miaka has problems that teenagers face everyday so she is someone anyone could relate to. She is very brave and courageous surviving in a place she had never seen or been in before...AND she made the most difficult choice.. choosing between her best friend or the one she truly loves...Miaka just plain rules!

Sakura- Hm, never seen this one yet, :) Miaka’s First appearance on the page ^_^

Ayeka Ayeka/Aeka
From: Tenchi Muyo!/ No need for tenchi!
Nominated by: Sakura Who says:
Ayeka is one of the best Tenchi Muyo characters. She is so sweet and kind, the only time that she gets mean and angry is when she is around Ryoko. But I'm sure anyone would get mean and angry around that demond. Anyway, Ayeka is also creul to Tenchi with "the whip." But the only reason she does that is because it is Jurain tradition. And Ayeka is not a woman of loose morals. In my opinion Ayeka also is very beautiful. Also, I feel that in the end she will be the one to get Tenchi. ^_^
and RoSeS10293@aol.com who says:
To be honest. It's the purple bangs!

Sakura- Nope, the Sakura that voted isn’t me ^_^ Aeka’s first appearance on my page ^_^

Aya Next! Aya Brea From: Parasite EVE
Nominated by: Aiva , who says:
I find it hard to believe that anyone could NOT find this character cool. As the main character of the "cinematic RPG", Aya never cries or whines (like SOME certain female characters...), is always strong-willed and brave, is smart (thereby abolishing the 'dumb blonde' stereotype), has mystical powers that I wouldn't mind having myself (for the purpose of smiting enemies), and has a wicked, chic hairstyle (which changes slightly in PE2, but still looks neat). Working as a cop in Manhattan, she's frequently packing heat and knows how to use pratically every firearm made (it would appear), and even knows how to pilot a helicopter (I doubt many cops can do that). She can easily take charge of a messy situation and professionally execute orders given, being very devoted to her work. Her transformation into a blue, angelic creature when she liberates her mitochondrial powers looks cool too. Of course, she isn't without compassion, always looking out for her friends (Daniel, Maeda, etc.), and taking care of the child Eve (from PE2). On top of that, she's designed by Tetsuya Nomura (the guy who designed the characters from FF7 and FF8), who is my personal God. Yes, Aya Brea kicks @ss.

Sakura- Aya Brea’s first appearance on the page ^_^

Sailor Galaxia Next! Sailor Galaxia From: Sailor Moon Series
Nominated by: Ice-chan , who says:
Galaxia just kicks butt all together. She killed the Inner Senshi, the Outer Senshi, and Usagi. But! Usagi kept coming back...-.- should have remained dead. And who was it that entraped Chaos within herself? The most powerfull Senshi ever-Galaxia! MUAAHHAHAHA!!! See?! Galaxia does kick butt!! And it was GALAXIA who saved herself, well...it was Chibi Chibi...her star seed..O_o; which she killed as well!! In a nut shell, the world would have been a much better place if Galaxia ruled. there. ^_^

Sakura-We didnt get these eps o’er here in Canada, but.eh, she looks coo’ ^_^*

Kari Next! Kari Kamiya
From: Digimon
Nominated by: mantis4400@aol.com , who says:
She has the coolest digimon, Gatomon. Plus, she is always caring for others and rarely thinks about only herself. She lends a hand whenever possible and is a good friend. Also, with her kindness, she has the power to wipe out any evil digimon.

o_0 not the most orig. pic in the world, but I’ll search for a better one ^_^

Modoka Next! Modoka Ayukawa From:Kimagure Orange Road
Nominated by: Avalon , who says:
Madoka is quite unlike any other person I know of in anime... she's sometimes cold and harsh but has a really good heart and can be tremendously loving when one gets to know her. She always stands up for her friends and makes Kyosuke into a more mature person. She has the courage to stand up straight even though rumours about her are flying all over school. And she's so gorgeous!!!!! *.*

Sakura- Hey! she plays the sax! me too, i like her already!

Extra Next! Extra From: Idol Project
Nominated by: Porsha , who says:
She is so beautiful!A lot of my friends like her,just like i do.Her hair is very charming,and made so good. I love the bows all over her body,it's cool.Her dress is really good on her and really matches.

Sakura- =^^= it has a subtitle on it, but ah well. i obtained the pic from Here 2nd IP character to appear on here. Corvette is on the Worst Female Page ^_^

Utena Next! Utena From: Revolutionary Girl Utena
Nominated by: Ice-chan who says:
She kicks butt!! She won the first duel with a practice sword, and won over the Rose Bride, a.k.a Anthy! :D plus she's very kind, and wants to be a Prince!! ^_______^ And her hair is sooooo cool!! So, go Utena!! Woohoo!

Sakura- Hm.. I think I saw a volume of Utena in that store....... 0_o

Princess Terria Next! Princess Terria From: Tail Concerto
Nominated by: Porsha who says:
For one thing, almost every one in the game likes her .Her dress is so neat and beautiful on her,and it also matches her to! Her hair is so preety! She is also funny. She likes to sneak out the castle.Funny,huh ?Her crown has nice jewels on it. She is so cool! She can drive her ship on her own. She loves to drive her butler crazy .Her voice is really nice and calm. She looks kinda like Mimi.She is a good lookin girl.

Sakura- Neko.. Kawaii ^_^

I Love this Series!! Its so sad though.. NEXT! is..Cybersix From the Series: Cybersix
Nominated by Cyber 338, who says, I'm voting for her. Why? Not only is she gorgeous without being slutty and has a kick-ass costume, but she is strong and has a unique personality too. I mean c'mon, any normal person would be crushed under the pressures of having to dress as a guy to go to work and have the guy that you love think you are in an affair with yourself! ^__^
And by Jenny Jaguar who says:
Cybersix has enough strength to live on the run, live as a male (and that in its own should get the award), hide her love from the man she loves, and battle against her own father! And you consider anyone else for this? Not to mention she has a totally kick @ss outfit and attitude! Go Cybersix!

And By Alyssa who says:
She is the coolest,i also LOVE data-7,a few saliors,and other show. C6C6C6C6C6C6C6C6C6C6C6C6C6C6C6C6C6C6C6C6C6C6C6C6C6

Sakura-*l* all of it true!!
This series is a very good one, i know its not Totally anime..heh..=^^= But its got really great art.. and cybersix is my favourite character..so there ^_^

Shaina Next! Shaina Nera Shaina From: Silhouette Mirage
Nominated by: Porsha who says:
This is one kickbutt babe!She can even beat big people,Like Shaft.I just love her hair and her cloths!She'll be on Nelsha's list I bet!
and by Sakura. who says:
Oh man,What can I say?She is such a cutie!Her hair is so cool,and it matches her dress to!I laughed when she beat up those big people!SHE is one preety babe that will be on Nelsha's list.

Sakura- Whew, pic hunting.......... 0_o..Who’s Nelsha?? @_@

Ratchet Next! Ratchet From: Thousand Arms
Nominated by: porsha , who says:
Rachet is sooooooooo sexy.look at her.She wears such a cute skirt!!!She looks compared to wyna kinda,don't ya think?She is also a nice person.She takes care of the damashi.OH,how sweet!!!!!!!!Makes me cry tears.Her eyes are so catlike!!!!They look so pretty,and those earings are so ancient!!!!!!!!This is deticated to Rachet!!!!!!!

Sakura- This games neat. I like Soushi the best, though :) This is a temp. pic until I can find that other one of the Mecha five standing in a line....

Serena/Sailor Moon Next up! Serena/Usagi/Sailor Moon From: Sailor Moon
Nominated by: Danielle, Who says:
I like Serena because she is a lot like me, but she also has to save the world. She is winy (like me) always late for school (like me) a crybaby (like me) a blond (like me) and gets bad marks in school (like me), but she still has time to be a Sailor Scout, take care of a kid, have a wonderful boyfriend (drool) and put up with Rai all at the same time. I also think she is the strongest of all the Sailor Scouts , even though she couldn't do it without the rest ^_^
and by Sakura,
who says: She might be a cry-baby at times, but Princess Serenity is a care-free careing girl. A perfect leader.

Sakura- Hee ^_^ Sailor Moon. Well, no ones surprised, right? Half of the cast of Sailor Moon fell in love with her ^_^ ....
Full Credit for the pic goes to

Mihoshi Next! Misoshi/ Mihoshi From Tenchi Muyo!/ No Need For Tenchi!
Nominated by: Gen Blair who says:
ihoshi is the second hottest babe in Techi Muyo!She is very beutiful and sexy; as well as a comic relief in the series.Too bad she has give Kiyone bad luck.. But she makes the series better when she destroys washu's retarded machines!

Sakura- I’ve heard aboot her, a ditz, she is. ^_^

Tifa Lockheart Next! Tifa Lockheart From Final Fantasy 7
Nominated by: Gen Blair, who says:
. Tifa is the hottest babes in ANY video game! She's so beutiful and sexy and an excellent cook, as well. She put up with a lot of s££t from fat @ss President Shin-ra and Clod. Tifa is definitely the #1 video game babe!

Sakura- different pic, aint it? Well, its NoT fan art, so i didnt steal it, ^_^ Tifa was also nominated in the Best Couples Forum ^_^

Iris Next! Iris Chateaubriand From: Sakura Wars / Sakura Taisen
Nominated by: Mike, who says:
She's the funniest character in the game - her best friend in a teddy, and when she gets mad she fries everything around her with a psychic attack! She's also nine which adds to the kawaii image.

Sakura- Iris is also nominated in the Worst Females Section ^_^**

Mia Koji Next! Mia Koji From Ronin Warriors
Nominated by: , Sakura who says:
If you haven't noticed, Mia is the one who brought the guys together & gave them vital information about the armors,jewel of life, ect. Not to mention she risked her life numerous times, housed them, fed them, took care of a young boy & never complained once! People curse her, make horrid lies about her, and much, much, more. But unlike most female anime characters, she doesn't get furious & pull a mallet out of thin air to clobber someone. We need to give miss Koji credit for her work. If it wasn't for her, I'd say the Ronins would have 0% chance of winning against Talpa. Mia is no sidekick, she's the heart of the team.

Sakura- Y’know, its not easy to find Mia pictures.......... not the only appearance by Mia, Check out the Cutest/Perfect couple page ^_^

Belldandy Next up! Belldandy
From: Ah! Megami-sama! / Oh! My Goddess!
Nominated by: James M.
Who says:
I voted for Belldandy and Keiichi in the cutest couples section, and then I checked the best women section and to my disbelief, Belldandy wasn't nominated! *gasp!*. I have to nominate Belldandy because she, in my opinion, is the nicest, most beautiful, most gentle girl in any anime! You have to read the Oh My goddess manga or watch the anime (both are really good ^_^) to see how great Belldandy is. If Belldandy was my girlfriend I'd be the happiest guy in the world! WOOHOO! ...I think I'm getting a little too excited ~_^

Sakura- ^_^ Belldandy was also nominated in the Cutest Couples section. With who? Well now.. That's a secret, ^_^

Senshi of Fire Next up is...Rei Hino/Sailor Mars, From :Sailor Moon Series
Nominated by Sailor Neptune ,
who says,
She holds the power of fire! What else? She's smart and very vengeful. She also has attacks that will blow the heck out of people if she wanted to. That's the reason I picked Rei/Sailor Mars.

Sakura- yee! someone finally voted for one of the senshi ^_^ I love this series..hey, who doesnt? Too bad we canadians didnt get all 200 eps... but YTV just brought it back! with luck maybe we'll get some more.. ah well, Sailor Mars is one of my favourites ^_^

Motoko Next up! Major Motoko Kusanagi
From: Ghost In The Shell
Nominated by: JW,
Who says: She is a human ghost inside of a cyborg's body. They don't come any cooler than that. Plus look at how she can kick almost anyone's ass, and how she can be a real smartass when she does it (Diplomat: "We are a peaceloving democracy!" Major: "Of course you are!" *Shoots him*). She's got brains, power, strength, and everyting else she needs to be the best anime woman of all time

Sakura- hm.. I should check ‘dis series out i s’pose.. ^_^

Lina Next up! Lina Inverse
From: Slayers
Nominated by: Stephanie, Who says:
The reason I'm voting for Lina Inverse is because, well, for one thing, she isn't your everyday big-breasted anime chick with no brain. She's very smart, and that's good, considering that she's been attacked... a lot.. and needs to use her knowledge and planning to get herself out of some really messy situations. She also has some really, really, REALLY cool magic attacks. Well, no, she has LOTS of them (at least 80!!)... she also has the best anime man ever (Gourry-sama!) She's saved the world numerous times. She's incredibly famous (well.. perhaps a better word is "infamous"). She can eat and eat and eat without getting fat (I AM NOT JEALOUS!). She may have an ego the size of Saillune, but hey, she is able to back it up!! You don't have a lot of really good female characters in anime. (Sailor Senshi don't count, folks.. they're lame-brained airheads like most anime girls are) Lina Inverse is a step above the rest. And did I mention she has Gourry? ^_^

^_^ Lina can really kick some butt, but she never stops kicking gourry either...

Battle Angel Next up! Alita/Gally
From: Battle Angel Alita/ Gunm
Nominated by: Meia-chan Who says:
Why do I think Gally kicks butt? Well, *flashes pictures of butt kicking from numerous gunm mangas* I have proof!! Gally is the only female anime character that I think is really a good role model for girls. I mean, just look at her. She beheaded her own twin, for goodness sake! (oh...well maybe that's not such a good example...) Gally, unlike Sailor Moon, does NOT need any man to help her win her battles. In fact, she has saved many a male ass in her battling career. Plus, she's just so cool. I mean, not only is she an android, she has managed to be pretty as well! *insert picture of Gally sans eye, arms, and leg here* What can I say? She's the best. (WARNING: if you are afraid of violence, blood, motorcycles, men with long noses, or are generally squeamish, it is recommended that you do not view this anime)

she looks like she can kick butt, ne? :)