My Lair, in Which I Put My POETRY...

Poetry, 'nuff said...

Lonely Moon - the poem that gave me the idea for the page's name
Broken - u can read it w/o the BROKEN parts too
PMS (blues) - the poem in which i get to bitch!
My Scotch Tape - a tribute to my best of friends...
Teach Me - 'nuff said, kinda lovey tho...
Forever Hunted- Vampire Poem, i've been told it's weaker than my other poems
His Words Were Aparentaly Glib- Vamp kinda lovey, not really tho..
Undead- Vamp poem, from a vamps POV
As I Lay Here- for Dia, my sire, and my love :)
SToRy- acctualy it's a poem.. i was told it was 'creepy'... whatever :P
My Poem for J-rock - I couldnt go to sleep untill i wrote it, it's not too bad for being written around 1 in the morning
Purple Vanilla - I'm NOT ON DRUGS!!! >< (although, i probably SHOULD be on anti-depressants uu;;;)
