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Artist Statement by Angeline Dixon

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Artist Statement

From an early age on, I was haunted with graphic nightmares, which terrified me as a child, from menacing ghouls coming up from the basement, fears of abandonment, to witches with glassy eyes. Into adulthood, I came to appreciate my terrific nightmares, and always thought what a great B movie these would make. My works originate from these shadowy corners of my psyche, my digital photographs are the houses that haunt my re-occurring dreams, my writings are metaphoric slander, stories of truth, to be read and deciphered. I find myself lying in bed most nights, with these images, and I will get up out of bed and commence illustrating or writing, fervently until the early morning hours. I use a mixed media of pencils, pens, markers, acrylic paint, and multimedia software to enhance each drawing, and digital photograph. This is a form of meditation, and inner healing, a positive outlet, in which I lock all of my emotions into each work.

My future goals are a mixture of photography, art, continuing my education, along with publishing a macabre poetry book that I am currently working on, filled with tormented angry love poems, along with a few dysfunctional faerie tales. I feel passionate about knowing many people, and I am meant to be a humanitarian, traveling around the world and reaching out to others who lack the direction needed to fully flourish into whatever field they desire, and point some direction into their lives and help them believe in their dreams, in exchange for myself to know true suffering, wonder, respect for cultural diversity, and appreciation of the life we are granted, and the world we reside in.

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