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Mama Musings
Friday, 22 December 2006
Its Beginning To Feel a lot like Christmas...
Howdy Everyone,

I should probably not say this "out loud", but the boys are all healthy. Of course, this is relatively speaking, but no ear infections, sore throats, tummyaches, major seizures, stuffy noses... nothing. Pretty cool, eh?

OK, I went to the dentist today...A not yet 30 year old dentist (!!!!) who looks like he is 12. Got my cleaning done and had to find out all the bad news about the damage done to my teeth during my pregnancy with Sam...Oh GOODNESS! Well, everyone was very gentle, very nice, even Doogie Freaking Howser (who is probably not even old enough to remember Doogie Howser!) My cleaning was done and then came the "bad news" LOL...she did the x-rays (all 500 of them) and after the cleaning & gum check (you know, the one where they poke at the gums around each and every tooth 17 times...ugh) and I did OK with that (Remembering the entire time, please, that this is the dentist's office that doesn't even have a happy gas tank/happy nose hose for patients like me who choose to be blissfully unaware of what is going on) So, the puking from the pregnancy (and he confirmed my suspicion that it is from the pregnancies & all the puking) ate away at a few teeth. Basically, the three fillings I have are coming out (I used to be very good about going to dentists, but after my pregnancies, I hate dentists...I don't trust someone who wants to look in people's mouths all day. Gross. So, the three I have (fillings) need to be replaced, one of my fillings (or the inside of the tooth?) is "leaking" and then there are two other small all in all, not too bad. The hygenist complimented me on my brushing & flossing but did tell me (shame on me) that I need to floss every day...I am an every other day flosser because of my limited time, so I got slapped with a wet noodle for that. She said I need to do it every day (Woman, I don't get a SHOWER everyday...) So, Doogie said he'd do the "fixes" in two appointments and I shook my head NO and was very insistent that it be done in one sitting...I know I wouldn't go back if only half was done... I didn't last time...I'm good about cleanings because I do brush & floss, so I like 'em extra clean, but when I've got cavities, I guess its like embarrassing or something...I don't know...I'm glad to get it fixed and not have a tooth hurting anymore. I think I will need to be sedated for this, but here goes nothin...right? Jonah has one cavity, which I knew about, its a big one and it happened when he had such oral defensiveness issues that he would barely eat, much less allow me to get a toothbrush in there. So, he needs a kid version of a root canal (pulpotomy) but no other cavities... Which, honestly is amazing to me because he will still sometimes clench his teeth and not let me brush....So, I can live with one. Daniel had NO cavities, but does have 2 or 3 more loose teeth...Jonah hasn't even lost one yet and is getting pretty angry at the tooth fairy! LOL...

What else...OH, lest I forget, Happy Chanukkah to all who are celebrating. Merry Christmas as well! I'm amazingly not stressed over the holidays! I'm stressed for other reasons (and have the hives all over my face & arms to prove it).

OK...I guess there is not much else going on. More photos added to the boys' photo album: Link to Photo Album The Boys . Some good stuff...'cept for no happy nose hose....bummer! On a note (one that I'm unsure of its source) I think I am the youngest person to have gone to a Neil Diamond concert ever...I was probably 21 when I went...Just kind of weird that I would think of that...odd.

Posted by amiga2/jenniz at 9:50 PM CST
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