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Mama Musings
Tuesday, 5 December 2006
Mood:  celebratory
I figured out how to sign up for PayPal, went through the whole painful process (painful because you KNOW that if I didn't have paypal that I don't use online banking & the process if you are not "confirmed" through your online banking is a pain in the butt) OK....So...anyone wanna throw money my know my email address...LOL...which leads me to my very next thing I have to figure do I get money out of there once its in there? Hmmmm, a quandry to be certain. Paying for something using paypal is another issue...but one thing at a time...right? Ha.

Uh...Oh, Sam ate some dirt out of the Christmas tree the other day, that was kind of cute. I'll be posting a photo of his only partially cleaned face in the photo album, along with some of our Christmas decorating...some have asked...So I'll do it! LOL...

Not too much else going on...PRAISE GOD...last week, Sam had his EEG, to see what is going on with these little seizure episodes he's having and lo and behold his EEG was NORMAL! NORMAL...for the first time EVER! OK...I don't get it...I'm guessing it was normal because he didn't have a seizure during the actual EEG, but I think that has to do also with him being on the Keppra instead of the phenobarb...which he was on when he had his prior EEG. So...he continues to have very few of the eye blinking episodes, in the past two days or so, I've only seen one. He is on klonopin (drug from hell) but wonderful Dr. H cut his dose into smaller doses spread out throughout the day...less at a time, more at least Sam is not screaming at me ALL THE TIME now... He is looking good right now. His color is back. The EEG did not show any encephalopathy or that type of process going on, so while I am convinced that the vaccines are responsible for his becoming so ill and we are infinitely blessed that he has not, hopefully, suffered any permanent damage from the vaccines. He's got a boogery cold now and don't like boogers. Daniel & Jonah, on the rare occasion they get boogery, they can blow their nose or (Jonah can't blow, but he can wipe his face) but Sam tends to be a much more boogery child and oh...ugh. Ha....He tried to hand me one this morning...For the love of God Kid...leave it in your nose...I'll clean it out for you. Then comes in the snot sucker and if anyone likes the snot sucker less than I do...its Sam. Copious amounts of snot...LORD GOD...why oh why?

OK, Things going OK...Puppy driving me crazy, too cold to leave her outside (she would be outside playing with the boys for several hours a day... but she is still too nuts to have run of the house. Maybe we'll try today. She's in her crate right now...I have to figure this out cuz I can't leave her in her crate all day...she sleeps in there, step in being a puppy mama. She's really just like Sam...she'll jump up onto a table (not the kitchen table...that's just gross and too high for the dog to get on...Sam on the other often on top of the kitchen table.) OK....Let's give it a whirl. Have a great day!

Posted by amiga2/jenniz at 8:31 AM CST
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