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July 2003

July 2003 - Busy Lips in the Hotel
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24 July 2003 - Song Against Sex

- Keep working on that theme.
- YAY! When I get back to Jersey I'm probably going to be working at the doctor's office 2 minutes from my house thats been sporadically employing me for the past year. But I didn't want to go back without a raise. The only problem is I've never asked for a raise before. It's actually pretty stressful. Especially when you have a patronizing boss. In any case, its looking hopeful.
- In the end it's much better to shave your legs for no reason at all.
- Current Music: Moby - 18 (the whole thing)
- Days left in Washington: 2
- Thanks for the hint.
- Good to see you.
- I finally figured out who it is that does the cover of "Wild Horses" that I like. Originally by the stones (a good version) I finally was able to download the one done by The Sundays (the far superior version.) Its such a classic lovey song. I was watching "Fear" for awhile earlier, and it brought back memories, and I knew I had to find the song. Remember those days? The days of "the puritan" and the "boy-crazy-girl?" Long gone now, but sometimes I get nostalgic for that innocence.
- WOW. If I had a search of the week, the winner this week would certainly be the following: "brandeis girls + ready to fuck." My my my! And we wonder why so many guys at Brandeis seem like jerks!
- My roommate Steph is asleep, and all of a sudden I miss Lydia.

23 July 2003 - All We Have Is Now

- Today was mostly a boring day. I spent all of the morning and the majority of the afternoon packing. I guess I didn't realize quite how much stuff I had here. The highlight of the day however was taking Steph (my roommate) out for dinner. I'm really glad we've become friends. It was nice to be able to tell the story to someone who hadn't heard it before.

22 July 2003 - Candy Coated Dream

- I'd be retarded by now if I didn't realize you were no longer interested. So you can stop avoiding me and act like a human. You're only making yourself look more foolish. Work is no place to be pety. Or to find pity for that matter it would seem.

21 July 2003 - Show Me Your Gems

- Current Music: Frente - "Bizarre Love Triangle," "Labour of Love," "Cuscutlan"
- Current Food I'm Craving: Everything!! I need to curb the latest bad eating habits. I don't like how I'm looking, but at least I'm not letting it get me down.
- So I'm home and cleaning out some directories on my computer, and I realized, that there was a picture I've been meaning to post for about 2 months but still haven't. Ali and Nikki are going to kill me, but here's the three of us sporting some of our drunkest looks. Gotta love Nikki - rockin the beer can in one hand, and the lollipop in the other. And Ali...well she's laughing hard, as she usually is when she's a waste. And I don't know what the fuck is up with me, but it'll definitely give you a laugh.
- Not home home, of course, but DC appartment home. Thats what I meant. Don't get all excited, Jersey...5 days yet till that...

20 July 2003 - The Fool

- So someone's got 1/3 of it right - Flaming Lips. 1 down, 2 more to go. Listen... I'm sorry, again. That was dick of me, stuffs all just been strange. And you can still kick my ass at smash if you want. Or if you can... :)
- Slept till nearly 2, and still tired. Grr.

19 July 2003 - It's Summertime

- So anyone get the theme yet?
- Spent a wonderful day today with Sarah. So good to see someone from Brandeis! Not that Justin doesn't count, but he's no Lydian. So we met at the Montgomery Mall, and hung around, had lunch, etc. Then we went back to her cousin's house, where she is living for the summer. It is such a gorgeous house, and we sat out by their nice pool and tanned, and talked, and swam. It was just a great day of visiting. But now I have errands to run, birthday cards to send, and much more. So I've gotta run!!
- Current Music: Jamiroquai - "Just Dance"
- You know what I love about myself? Right now I am sitting in front of the television, eating chinese food, and watching a tom-clancy-books-turned-movies marathon on USA. And I couldn't be more content. How on earth did I get here? Well, however it was, I am so glad that I made it. Go me. :)
- You know what I haven't mentioned in a while? I was just thinking that I really want to do this elf. Doesn't everyone? Lol. I miss Nik, that slutstick.
- Current Music: Maroon 5 - "Through With You"

18 July 2003 - Communist Daughter

- Still feeling a little sour today. Doesn't really help that Head Start ruined my article. Oh right, I didn't write about that. On Thursday, I got my best assignment yet. Burns Strider, one of Nancy's advisors, in charge of her Rural Working Committee stuff, gave me an assignment. He had me ghostwrite an 800 word op-ed on why the School Readiness Act (the new Head Start bill) is bad for rural communities. He then sent it off to Head Start to edit and return, which they did. And they totally ruined it, in my opinion. They just dumbed it down a lot. But I guess perhaps I didn't do my job too well in terms of the audience I was supposed to address. In any case, it will be published, probably in several places, under the names of Congressmen Thompson and Peterson (MN & MS). So if you see it, its me. In the next few days I'll try to post both my version and the revised version. Anyhoo, back to work.
- Oh, one last thing. I was much too ticked before to bother mentioning that I was about 20 feet away from Tony Blair yesterday afternoon. :-D
- Just for the record - Nancy Pelosi is the BOMB. I want to be her! and I couldn't be more thrilled with my choice to work for her this summer. When all ridiculousness ensued in the house today, she kept her cool, and did what she had to. (& not to mention giving a good ass kicking to Mr. Louisiana (McCrery) and his RIDICULOUS point of order!) Life is good again.

17 July 2003 - Do You Realize

- I need to stop letting so much time pass between updates. Cause bad things happen. I lose them, or I forget what I was going to write, or I go back and look at them and no longer want to say what I had originally intended to say. I'm having a bad night. Justin is mad at me because I didn't help him convince this girl who had been drinking not to drive. All I said was, "You know your body best." And I offered her to stay at my appartment. And now he's all telling me its my fault she decided to drive and trying to make me feel guilty and that's just not cool. So whatever. I'm also upset because I have so many people I need to get in touch with and there just AREN'T ENOUGH HOURS IN THE DAMN DAY. I've been at work till 7 every night this week. Zeshan has called me like 5 times in the past 2 weeks, and I really want to talk to him, but I dread calling because whenever we catch up we always talk for a long time, and I'm just afraid I'm not going to be able to talk enough, and I'll have to go, and feel like a jerk. Same goes for Bragin, who I miss dreadfully, and haven't spoken to all summer. But he's making me feel guilty too, like its my fault we haven't spoken when really he could also have called me. I just feel so much pressure to do so many things. And Chia emailed me and it was so cute, but I want to write her back a real letter, and not just an email, because I thought it was so nice of her to write to me. But whenever you set something up like that you won't settle for anything less, even if it takes you forever to do what you've got to do. And Sami, I should call her too. AAAAAAH. Life is an endless list of things to do sometimes. But I just want everyone to know that I miss them, and I'm not a shithead, I'm just really busy. Life is BUSY! On other notes, I'm having a shitty night because I feel a little weird about some work things and people and stuff. In other, better news, however - CONGRATULATIONS EM AND STOREY ON YOUR NEW MARRIAGE!!!! It was a beautiful wedding, and a super fun weekend, and thanks go out to Kate and Steve, who made stuff a lot easier for me this weekend. But it was wonderful in all, and I'm so glad I did it. Even if its the only thing I do for me this whole summer, it was a good choice. Fun to see Pat and Nikki and Stor and Em and Ariel and the multitudinous other people who attended. Alright, well I'm tired and cranky. So bed. Sorry again about the lack of updates. Sometimes its shitty, sometimes its good.
- UGH. and to top it all off, i just got some pictures from my sister of her visit down here and i'm looking large and in charge. its gross. and it makes me sad. its really time for sleep.

9 July 2003 - Busy Busy Busy

- Yup.

8 July 2003 - Buckle Down

- Arg!!! So last nite I got home from Jersey and html-ed in most of my updates for the past 10 days, and threw away the various papers upon which they were written. So I get home today, eager to put in the days news, and find that all that I did last night was gone. So either I was so tired that I didn't save, or angelfire really does hate me. In any case, its so frustrating, and I have so little free time, that any attempts to reconstruct will be more of an annoyance than they are worth. I had a great visit with Rach when she came down to visit the 29th 30th and 1st. We did all kinds of fun museum visits and dinners, and we even went canoeing on the Potomac which was great! So then on the 2nd I went to Jersey. All kinds of craziness ensued - my parents 35th wedding anniversary, a scorching case of poison oak, a 6 hour video game session ending at 6am, diner-ing with the much missed group, and tons more. I got to drive my car (and Nikki's cabrio!) - a great thrill after nearly two months of trips all planned around the nearest metro station. So I got back last night. I'm exhausted, and......hold on, the pizza I ordered for dinner just got here. Be back with today's updates shortly.
- FYI, do not try Papa John's new chicken alfredo pizza. Not good. So I was going to talk a bit about my day, but to be more cryptic is easier at the moment: To the "philosopher king" --- you intrigue me.
- Adrianne won!! Yay!! (if you know to what I refer, don't hate me, lol...)
- I'm trying several things again for the entry titles this month, but I'm sure I'll be able to be more faithful than I was for the silly boy bands. Good luck.
- Current Music: obsessing over "Through With You" by Maroon 5, (& that's not a clue - the only clue you get is the month title.)