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August 2003

Undefined But Never Aimless
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12 February 2004

- I couldn't have asked for a better result! Don't miss the many pics I put up yesterday, as they've quickly moved down the page.

You're Siddhartha!
by Hermann Hesse
You simply don't know what to believe, but you're willing to try anything once. Western values, Eastern values, hedonism and minimalism, you've spent some time in every camp. But you still don't have any idea what camp you belong in. This makes you an individualist of the highest order, but also really lonely. It's time to chill out under a tree. And realize that at least you believe in ferries.
Take the Book Quiz at the Blue Pyramid.

11 February 2004

- Sometimes I really don't get my friends.
- Here's some pics I finally got developed of my kick ass jackolantern at halloween this year. In case you can't tell, its a cat on a branch.
- Also below, a pic Sarah took of my new haircut with her digital camera. They took off 5 or 6 inches!!
- Current Music: Holst - 'Second Suite in F'


4 February 2004

- Struggling a lot lately with the dichotomy of what is relevant to post here and what is not, as the same for appropriate/inappropriate, interesting/boring, etc. etc. So for now, I'll just fill it with some fun graphics. Sorry all. I wish my life was more interesting for you. Yee-ha.

- [[Clearly there was a road trip in here, but hey...56%, I'm not complaining @ 2o years old...]]

create your own visited states map or check out these Google Hacks.

- As a side note, I'm excited Stina has a blog. I've always really really liked her. Wish I could have gotten to know her better. Perhaps at some point I still can. In any case, I echo her thoughts on last weeks "Angel." Tonight's was better in the freaky respect, but now that their big season plot is ended, what will they do?? Apparently Spike as a Nazi. I'm gonna give a big veto to the Spike-Nazi. Bad bad bad.

27 January 2004

- Wait...what?

20 January 2004

- Current Music: New Mix:
1. Poe, "Hello"
2. Cibo Matto, "Sugar Water"
3. Fiona Apple, "On the Bound"
4. Ani DiFranco, "The Whole Night"
5. Tweet, "Oops! Oh my!"
6. Fiona Apple, "The First Taste"
7. Annie Lenox, "Bring You Down"
8. Lucsious Jackson, "Under Your Skin"
9. Jewel, "Jupiter"
10. Madonna, "Human Nature"
11. Tori Amos, "Lust"
12. Evanescence, "Away from Me"
13. Sneaker Pimps, "Six Underground"
14. Bjork, "Venus as a Boy"
15. Norah Jones, "Turn Me On"
16. Smashing Pumpkins, "Landslide" (cover)
17. Madonna, "Bedtime Story"
18. Enigma, "Return to Innocence"

15 January 2004

- I miss you, down under.

2 December 2003

- Shit. Not now. Please not now.

1 December 2003

- Thanks to Nikki for getting me back into Poe. She rocks.

30 November 2003

- north
You are North Quad. You're new here, but still
fairly normal, unlike the weirdos over in

what brandeis location are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

- interesting. at the end of freshman year i got massell, in january of last year i got the mods, and now this year i get north. always a little behind. or maybe just thinking about how i felt where i lived last.
- anyone know the code in HTML to make a link change color just when you put your mouse over it? quiero saber. i have a paper to write for tomorrow and i'm procrastinating.

23 November 2003

- Four days ago, it was a year. November 19th. The day just passed and luckily I didn't think about it. But today, I look through some old files on my computer, and I see it. The deleted entry. The thing I couldn't bear to wholly get rid of, forced into stale file purgatory, removed but not forgotten. Those feelings I expressed there are things I can hardly even conceptualize now. Things I said, things I felt - its been so long. Yet I can still remember it, and cry. Have tears as fresh as though it were yesterday and as multitudinous as the rain. Pain, lots of pain. This past March I resolved that things would roll of my back, and for the most part my back has obliged. It doesn't affect me like it used to. But I remember. In October he thought he was in the right. That I was 'just bitching.' The wound was fresh - the stiches ripped and the gash appeared. And then the hero came. Walked me away and was there for me like old times. Still so in love. Doesn't know, couldn't understand. And I go through the motions of everyday life, and for the most part, am totally content. Is this better? Feeling some things but refusing to let others be felt? I guess so, but it seems a little hopeless now and then. In any case, tonights a little fucked up. But tomorrow will be better. It has to. That is how tomorrows work these days. Function away. Feel a day. I don't even know - reading babble breeds new babble. Its 3 am, I must be lonely. Only a little though. Night.

22 November 2003

- Hey kids. Here's some fun for you. A picture of me and Alan at the group dinner tonight before screw your roommate.

- And another one thats too cute not to include...

21 November 2003

- I think you leave that profile there to spite me. Then again, maybe you're just busy. I don't really care.
- Getting really into this RPG. And how recently I made fun of my suitemate for playing D&D. Bad Beth...

20 November 2003

- Wheeeeeeee! Bunjee cords and velcro!!
- I am so weird right now. Anyways, on a happy note, Rachel and I had another great talk tonight. Love the sister. Best friend ever.
- Holy shit. Where is my airline ticket for Singapore? Having a heart attack...
- Ahhh, mothers. They find stuff.

18 November 2003

- I suck at painting. And Joe doesn't even seem to want to help me anymore ever. Its as if he knows that I suck. Teachers aren't supposed to give up on their students. Bad for morale.

11 November 2003

- I'm so outta touch with the whole APDA social scene. Strangely, I don't find myself caring much.

10 November 2003

- Wonderful coffee with Bragin. God, he's such an amazing friend.

9 November 2003

- Bad things happened to both of my best friends from Jersey this past week, and I was too busy to do much about it. I feel really badly, and it makes me wonder for how long in life will I be plagued by the work/play obligation dichotomy? Either way my thoughts and love are with you both.

4 November 2003

- Today was a good day...aside from Justin being oblivious to the desires of any member of the female gender. Anyhoo...
- DISCLAIMER!! Those desires had nothing to do with HIM you sick people!! Ugh! To quote clueless, "AS IF!"

3 November 2003

- Whew. I'm glad thats over.
- Still promise, makeover coming soon. This is going to be a hell week - tourney this weekend, and both a paper and a presentation due on monday. Craaaaazy. And the first four seasons of Buffy on DVD sitting on my desk. Waiting.

24 October 2003

- My blog needs a SERIOUS makeover. I think one is coming soon, in addition to somewhat more regular updates. Tough to say, though. Had a great visit with Emily this week, and a fun time drafting last night with the guys. So good to talk to people who have been absent for awhile.
- Ahh, egregious self loathing....gets em every time.

1 October 2003

- Dammit Beth. Get some freaking balls and just ask. Arg.
- Current Music: REM - "Suspicion," Guster - "Amsterdam"

30 September 2003

- Someone should snap up Sirota and Gelfand in fantasy apda soon - they're going to be a killer team this year.

29 September 2003

- Happy birthday Mike Randolph.
- I am sick. Quite sick. Guess exhaustion finally caught up with me. I've got all the upper respitory infection joy, coupled with sinus stuff and a bit of headache. But it hasn't stopped me from going to class. I'm taking it easy in other ways - going to bed early, making soup instead of going to usdan, blah blah. I just hope I feel better by this weekend. I am going home and I want to be 100%. As a long overdue side note, thank you to all the people who remembered my birthday with cards, calls, posts, all that. You rock. Anyhow, so yes, looking forward to family solidarity. Minus Aaron, whos in North Carolina and can't really make it up just for Yom Kippur. Anyhoo, getting late, and got lots to do tomorrow. Nite.
- No excuses.

11 September 2003

- Yeah. So some days passed. I dropped political leadership. Prof just wasn't with it. And boring. So whatever. Other classes have been good - oil painting harder than I expected. I turned 20 on September 7th. Birthday was really fun. Good to have friends. On that same note, living in the suite is great. I love it. And I have addicted all my roommates to smashbrothers and tricky. Other than that, I've been really busy with debate. Looks like we've got 7 and a half teams going to Columbia novice. Fuckin-a-right. When I hand over this team to the new prez in January, its going to be a beautiful 6 layer cake. All they have to do is put on the icing and keep it chilled. And that feels great. I feel so narcassistic writing in this thing these days. Life has just become so much more than the tidbits I write down or reflect upon, and the shite that happens. Life just is. Right on.

3 September 2003

- First real day of class today. First three went well, but I'm not so sure about "History of Political Leadership." Its being taught by this guy who just got his PhD from Brandeis last spring. They asked him to stay on for a semester and do some teaching. Plus it has a midterm and a final, instead of more papers - which is not really my style. I highly prefer having more time and being able to produce the best work I can. We'll see. I'll give it one more class. I think I'm really going to like Global Prospects though. And for the record - my latin american politics professor is this old british eccentric who likes Eminem. At the very least it will be an interesting semester.

2 September 2003

- Why does it hurt so much more when it comes from you?
- I CANNOT BELIEVE IT! We had the demo round tonight and almost 30 people showed up! I'm not positive, but i'm pretty darn sure thats more than usual. And the round went well - lots of people gave floor speeches. Good stuff all around.
- Thinking about things, and chicken wings, and ass kings, or queens perhaps.

1 September 2003

- Spent from 9:30 this morning until 9:30 this night doing debate stuff. And let me tell you, I had so much fun, and learned so much!! It was wonderful. I wasn't always happy with how I was performing, but at least I was getting some practice in. And getting closer with my team. I must say that the mandatory 10 minutes of situps and pushups did turn out to be a good call, lol. I am kind of frustrated that I got so bitchy with Justin at certain points today, but its so hard not to. We disagree upon EVERYTHING under the sun. Plus I'm feeling the Bernbaum-esque strain there a bit lately. Anyhoo.

31 August 2003

- Activities fair went great today!! We got a hundred signatures as we usually do, but this year such a large percentage of them seem genuinely interested!! I'm so excited. It even made getting a horrible sunburn worth it, lol. Alright, well I've only got a few hours between now and "debate boot camp" to relax, so I'm gonna go take advantage.
- Wow. So tired. But happy. Part one of boot camp went pretty well. Bragin and I did a bit of case writing, well mostly case re-writing. Still don't know if that facist piece will ever be worth running. I gave a decent PMR in the first round, but the PMC was rusty. No big. But it just felt good to be getting back into it. Then dinner at Wendy's at 9:30 was fun. Still so many thoughts about worlds floating around, and rumors, but all will be decided soon enough.

30 August 2003

- So maybe now maybe a bit more of the specifics. So I'm living this year in Ziv Quad. Included a link for you non Brandeisians, but the short of it, is that its pretty sweet housing. Air conditioning, a single, a common room, and lots of friends around. Living with the Lydians this year, so named because I met them through my freshman year roommate, Lydia. 12 of us live in Ziv, in 2 suites which are right across the hallway from each other. Its really nice. Its also going to much different from last year; a much more positive environment for me, where I anticipate I will have a lot of fun, but still actually get work done. Probably party a little less too, which will also be a good thing for me I think. As for classes, the schedule (so far) goes as thus: Global Prospects of the Democratic Model (politics - professor seely), Latin American Politics (pol - professor hindley - focusing this semester on cuba and mexico), Classical Mythology (classical studies - professor muellner), History of Political Leadership (history - professor fein), and Intro to Oil Painting. The first three are MWR classes, the 4th is a MW, and the painting is TF from 8:30 am to 10:30 am. Thats a little intense, but I think I'll be fine with it. Its worth it because it seems like its going to be an excellent class. So thats a bit more detail for ya.
- Went into Boston today with the suite. It was kinda nuts. We walked around Harvard Square for awhile shopping, and then walked ALL THE WAY TO NEWBURY STREET. FROM HARVARD SQUARE!! My feet are killing me, and my legs are sore cause like an idiot I wore a skirt. But I really didn't think we were going to walk like three and a half miles. So afterwards we all had dinner together in the Pru, and that was fun. Now I'm going to relax for a bit before heading off to False Advertising with Alan. Speaking of whom, I am so glad things seem to be back to normal with us. Whatever it was that happened, its over now, and I guess it just had to happen for us to be okay again. So whateva.

29 August 2003

- You may chose, dear readers, to believe me or not, but I have updates from every single day in the month of August. They're written in a little notepad which I took with me through many things and to many places. But now that its almost over, I'm not sure they're going to go in. Maybe they'll just stay, preserved as they are - a note of a different time and place. For now I've returned to Brandeis, and everything is different, and will be different. I'll say these few simple things only: It was a good summer - it happened just as it should. I am so lucky to have the friends, the family, and the life I have. And I know that I'm lucky. I had a lot of fun with the girls, and the group, and the original whippany crew. I made a few new ventures, and recrossed a few old paths. Went to a Radiohead show, and another from DMB. I was always feeling happy with how things were. And now that I'm back at Brandeis my heart swells with a new emotion: HOPE. For so many things. Hope that this suite will stay as amazing a time and influence as it already has been in these few short days. Hope that the debate team is going to be as awesomely full of energy this year as it has proved this week. Hope that old friendships will come back, and new ones will develop even further. And hope that I will be able to keep riding this crest for quite some time. So far, I'm doing well, dear readers. So if you are still out there, I hope it makes you as happy to read this as it makes me to write it. Farewell, I shall return soon. Promise.