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In Loving Memory of
Cody Wayne Fugate
September 27, 1993 - December 19, 2001

Go and run free with the angels,
Dance around the golden clouds,
For the Lord has chosen you to be with him,
And we should feel nothing but proud.
Even though he has taken you from us,
and our pain a lifetime will last.
Your memory will never escape us,
but make us glad for the time we did have.
Your smiles will be forever hidden deep inside our hearts,
and each moment you gave us never will depart.
So go and run free with the angels,
as they smile so tenderly,
and please be sure to tell them to take good care of you...
for me.
~ Author unknown

Cody's Story

Cody was born on Sept.27, 1993. We were told he was a perfectly healthy baby. On April 1, 1994,
I was bathing him and felt a lump under the right side of his ribs, being a new mom and all,
it scared me. I took him to the emergency room that night. We stayed the entire night doing testing, all they told me was,
there was a large mass. That morning they sent us to UK Childrens Hospital in Lexington, Ky. We live in South-East Ky.
We spent days doing testing there. We were told that Cody had Hepatoblastoma, which is liver cancer. His first major surgery
consisted of taking out 90% of his liver, in order to get all the tumor, then he had to take chemo for four months.
Seemed like so much for a six month old baby to go through. We were told he could live a normal life
on the 10% liver that he still had, that it would grow as he grew, but it never healed properly.
They did surgery twice, but it didn't help.

From there, UK sent us to Childrens Hospital in Cincinnati, Oh., said he needed to see a gastroenterologist, we were there within 24 hours.
They tried another surgey, it didn't help either. Within a few days they informed us that he would have to have a liver transplant.
Cody was then put on the waiting list and they said six months would be a long life for him,
in nine days he got his new liver, on Dec.18, 1994. The surgery was very successful. That night after surgery,
when they finally let me go in to see him, he was the most beautiful baby I had ever seen....
the whites of his eyes were white again, his little cheeks were rosey again, he had been so jaundice for months.
In three days he was out of ICU and sitting up in his bed on Christmas Day eating snickerdoodles. Other then his anti-rejection medicine,
and keeping him away from anyone that could have been exposed to a childhood disease, such as chicken pox, measles, etc.,
he was in perfect health, going to school, he was into T-ball, basketball, cubscouts, and loving life to its fullest.

In May of 2000 he got what we thought was a sinus infection, the ENT doctors here at home treated him for that
almost two months. I called his transplant co-ordinator and told her that something wasn't right, that the meds weren't helping him.
We go to Cincinnati and the ENT docs there see him, first they did a CT scan and then a biopsy the next day.
The biopsy confirmed PTLD, a mass in his sinus area. This was on July 14, 2000. He started chemo right away,
he got through that series of chemo very well, only to find out six weeks later it was back again, he had a tumor
in his chest and his abdomen, he started chemo again, he got quite sicker this time and had to have tube feedings,
more meds, and ended up in the hospital on several occasions with high temps. He finally got through this series of chemo,
only to find out about four weeks later, it was back for the third time, he had a couple tumors around his brain,
which were inoperable, he had to take twenty radiation treatments. He got through the radiation and everything was looking great,
his last radiation treatment was on Nov 1, 2001.

We planned his Make A Wish trip to Disney World in the next couple of weeks, it had been postponed four times
in the last year. He got to go and had a blast, and I'm so glad we went when we did.
Four days back from his trip, he woke up that night sick at his stomach, some blood came up, not much,
but enough that it still scared me, I called his doctors in Cincinnati and they said bring him in
and we'll check him, probably just stomach inflamation from all the meds. Little did I know when we left on that 29th day
of November, that my baby would not be coming back home with me. We spent a few more days testing,
only to find out that the PTLD was back for a fourth time, it was all in his sinus area again,
which a biopsy confirmed, and about 30 or 40 spots on his kidneys. He started chemo again and they told me this time
around would be very hard on him, harder than anything he had experienced so far, for the reason he had already had so much chemo
that his body probably wouldn't be able to tolerate the amount he would have to take now, that it would affect his organs
before it would be able to help him. He responded to the first treatment very well, everyone was pleased, his numbers
were looking better and they said he just might get to be home for Christmas. The night of Dec.17, his breathing
started getting worse, I spent the night by his bed holding oxygen in his face, because he wouldn't wear the mask,
with every breath he took, he moaned or grunted, it was getting harder and harder for him to breathe. The next morning
the doctors were very worried and concerned, they said he was acting like he had a type of bacterial (sepsis)
infection and that he needed to go to ICU, he needed to be on a ventilator so his body could rest
and let the medicine work for awhile, it was just part of the treatment, that we would know in 24 hours
if the meds were helping. In a few short hours his kidneys stopped functioning, within an hour or so from then they had
to give him meds to keep his blood pressure up, they were having to support him alot by this time,
and also added he might not make it through the night. We were told the next morning to call the family in,
because there was nothing else they could do, that he couldn't last the day. A family never wants to hear that kind of news.

We called the family and he hung in there till they made the four hour trip. My pastor from home
was already there and I don't know what I would have done without him, he took care of everything, I will always be forever grateful
to him. Everyone arrived, which was probably around 20 or so family members, they all got to individually say their goodbyes,
the doctors said that deep down Cody could hear us and to speak to him and say whatever we wanted,
and that's what we did, the most heart breaking sight I have ever witnessed in my life. At the end,
I got into bed with him, cradled him in my arms and held him tightly, the vent was disconnected from him
and the machines were turned off, within 10 to 15 minutes my baby was gone, I held him for another 45 minutes or so,
sobbing my heart out and asking that, what seems to be famous question "why". Cody passed away approximately at 5 pm
on Dec.19, 2001. He was my only child and now I'm so lost and broken hearted, I don't know what to do.
I pray to God everyday and night to take me home to, 'cause I know I can't go through this life without him
with me. It just isn't fair for this to happen to any family, especially a mother.

Thank you to my dear friend, Rosemary, for your help
with the poem above and with the music
on all of Cody's pages.

The Anchor Holds
Written and performed by Ray Boltz

I have journeyed
Through the long dark night
Out on the open sea
By faith alone
Sight unknown
And yet His eyes were watching me

The anchor holds
Though the ship is battered
The anchor holds
Though the sails are torn
I have fallen on my knees
As I faced the raging seas
The anchor holds
In spite of the storm

I’ve had visions
I’ve had dreams
I’ve even held them in my hand
But I never knew
They would slip right through
Like they were only grains of sand

The anchor holds
Though the ship is battered
The anchor holds
Though the sails are torn
I have fallen on my knees
As I faced the raging seas
The anchor holds
In spite of the storm

I have been young
But I am older now
And there has been beauty these eyes have seen
But it was in the night
Through the storms of my life
Oh, that’s where God proved
His love to me

The anchor holds
Though the ship is battered
The anchor holds
Though the sails are torn
I have fallen on my knees
As I faced the raging seas
The anchor holds
In spite of the storm

"A Very Special and Heart Felt Thank You goes to Maria for all her hard work on these pages, without her,
it wouldn't have been possible, and I Love her dearly for it...
Love, Michelle (Angel Cody's Mom)"

Please continue to Cody's Christmas Page

And also continue to Cody's Anniversary in Heaven

And continue to Happy Birthday Angel Cody!

Also continue to Mommy, Please Don't Cry, a book dedicated in Cody's memory by his mom.

Please also visit Happy Easter From Angel Cody!

And don't forget to also visit Cody's Mom's Wedding Day

These beautiful awards above are a gift from Terri's Treasures.

Some of the kind words that Terri wrote to Angel Cody's mom ~
Terri's Treasures

Cody's Celebration Page by Terri

In Loving Memory of Lee Henry Aguilera

My Angel Son Michael.

"From My Heart to Yours - Cody's website was so absolutely beautiful
that I just have to give it my very highest award
my "Award for Excellence" for a site with beauty in all areas.
Maria has done a magnificent job."

"For Cody - An Angel of God
You suffered so much and then you died
You fought until the end
And on that day your mother cried
But you will meet again
God Bless You Cody."
Ann, Laurasmom

A friend can hear a tear drop.

This webpage is created
In Loving Memory of Cody Wayne Fugate
on January 19, 2002
Last updated: November 5, 2009
© 2000 - 2009

Maria's Tribute to Christopher

"Wow this is truly a beautiful site. Sadly there is so much hurt in Cody's moms words. How touching that she was there
to hold him when he left...and tell Cody's mom I bet he's eating all the snickerdoodles
he can get in Heaven."
Welcome to Sheri's Angel Pages

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To view the entries in Cody's old guestbook,
please click on the image below ~