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State of Florida
Tallahassee, Florida 32399

December 30, 1998

Ms. Sila C. Hernandez-Nicholson
6621 N.W. 22 nd Street
Sunrise, FL 33313

RE: JUDGE LAWRENCE L. KORDA, 17th Judicial Circuit

Dear Ms. Hernandez-Nicholson:

Receipt is acknowledged of a copy of your Appeal, with attachements, dated, November 20, 1998 and received in this office on December 1, 1998 concerning the actions of the above-named Judge in the handling of your child custody and support case.

Please be advised that pursuant to the provisions of Article V, section 12, Florida Constitution, the Judicial Qualifications Commission does not have authority to act as a court to review, determining the legal correctness or incorrectness of decisions made on cases in the courts. The Concerns outlined in your correspondence relate to legal and procedural issues which have rememdy solely thought the courts by motion or Appeal. This Commission lacks jurisdiction to act as an alternative to that process. It has constitutional authority to review only ethical misconduct by a judge. The commission of possible judicial error is not an act of judicial Misconduct whicl falls with this Commission's scope and jurisdiction. PLEASE BE ASSURED that our inability to take any action is due to "his constitutional rights" and limitation and not to a Lack of concern on our part.

Brook S. Kennerly
Executive Director


All content is property of Sila Hernandez Nicholson. ©2002
This page and its graphics were created by
Dee Kellogg of Cyberian Web Development and is a member of
The DSS/CPS Victims Association (© 2001 - The DSS/CPS Victims Homepage