The Anti-Cult Movement & the Fundamental And/Or Pentacostal Protestants Behind It & Why They Tag BENIGN Alernative Religious Groups

What is The Anti-Cult Movement (ACMs),When & Why Was it created, & PRECISELY 'WHO' is Behind It,& What Is There Prime Objective?

The ACMs was started by Fundamental and/or Pentecostal Protestants... in the 1960's and 1970's to counter the series of non-Protestant religious movements that arose in North america. Numberous young people left their traditional Protestant backgrounds to seek out new alternative religious movementss. The perents of these children, who were mostly devote Protestants, became alarmed at this, believing that their kids have become zombie-like cult victims of brainwashing.

A very well known SOUTHERN BAPTIST wrote a book to attacl all these Alternative Religious Movments as "cults". It was first published in 1965 and helped fuel these Protestant perents fear even more. This Southern Baptists writter's name was WALTER MARTIN and is famously known for his book, "KINGDOM OF THE CULTS"

In this book Walter tagged everyone, and I Do mean 'EVERYONE' who happens NOT to be Fundamental Protestant a "Cult"...

Some ACMs actually concentrate on trying to educate the public about what they preceive to be as mental and physical health dangers associated with REAL DANGEROUS CULTS. Hower, more often than not...ACMs (Fundamental and.or Pentecostal Protestants)lump BENIGN ALTERNATIVE RELIGIOUS GROUPS with REAL DANGEROUS AND SUICIDE-BOUND "CULTS" The results has been a rise in widespread public hysteria against 'ALL" Alternative Religious Groups that happen to simply not be Protestant. The ACms , aka fundamental and/or Pentecostal protestants use the word "cult" mostly on BENIGN ALTERNATIVE RELIGIONS (ARMs)Or New Religious Movements (NRMs). The ACMs 'accuse' ARMs of engaging in psychologucal abuse. But what the ACMs usually REALLY does is tag the label "cult" on, and I do mean 'ANY' religious group that happens to simply NOT be Protestant. When ARMs are tagged by the label "cult" it is always hurtful. No Alternative Religious Group will willingly accept being called "cult". The right and ethical thing to do is always make clear the difference between actual dangerous death-bound "Cults' vs. BENIGN Alternative Religious Groups. PROFESSIONAL NON-religiously BIAST NRM researchers DO clearify these difference between actual dangerous movements vs. simply BENIGN ARMS...but the problem is that the ACM ( the Fundamental/Pentecostal Protestants) don't.

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