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Amanda's Tabel of Contents

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Amanda's Table Table of Cotents:

1. Explains Exactly what Billy Graham & Evangelical Protestants Beliefs are.
2. Explains 12 Tribe Rastas Main '5' Points That Differ from Evangelical Protestant.
3. This page explains how Armstrong and Russell beliefs arose From The Advent Christian Movement.
4. What The Heck Is Advent Christians? Find Our Here!
5. The Trinity- Who Believes it & Who Does Not. Offers Different Views on Jah, Jesus & What Holy Spirit Is.
6. My Take on the Pros & Cons to JW's & The Bible Students
7. Jah's Name Is Bibical!
8. Explains the Resurrection Hope, the Kingdom of God & The TRUTH about Hell.
9. What is Mount Zion?
10. Cults vs. Alernative Religions.
11. An overview on Ganja.
12. Explains a FAIR Judgement During the 1,000 Year Rein of Christ.
13. Explains My View On HowThe Bible Is NOT Sexist As Churches Claim!
14. Explains The New Age Movement and Why It Appeals To So Many. Pros & Cons.
5. My Bible Recommendations.
6. My Recommened Choices On Herbal/Health Books.

Anthony Marcia's Topics:

Antonio Marcia's take on the Cross.
Antonio's take on why Baptism is important.

Recommended Bibical Articles:

Dawn's Booklet that explains Armageddon
Dawn's booklet on Why Does God Permit Evil?
awn's indepth research of the TRUTH about Hell
The Laymen's article on How Jesus died for ALL.
Will The Earth Be Burned Up?
Can Paradise Be Restored?