Alana Nicole's Writing Corner

This is the main site for all the projects I've been working on through the years. You can jump right to them at the bottom, or you can read a little more About Me then find out what I'm up to- Just click on the links below. .

Feb's list - a draft form is live now if you'd like to review it.

Community Building Theatricals Working to keep the Arts Alive while the theaters are closed. 6 original productions finished in 2020. more planned.

Current Projects

By Genre- with summary details, a few pictures, and links to more info.

By Year- a visual listing, some with links to more info.

Newest Project: CBL Live. A series of biblical plays for the Pittsburgh East End Community


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Balloon Fight See my photos of Pittsburgh's Annual Balloon Fight 2008 with soundtrack by my high school friend and fellow artist, Joy Ike.