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Family History
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 Dirty Pictures

    Welcome to the Finazzo Family fun page.  We are here to impart completely useless information to you, the web browser.  This information was compiled by both myself and my family.  What is so wonderful about it is that after you visit this site you will be no more smarter than you were when you first arrived.  As a matter of fact you should be dumber (or at the very lest very confused.)

One of my favorite contributors to this site walker said just yesterday, "even my big head can't fit all this useless knowledge."  He then quickly left for some unknown destination.  But, please don't let the testimonial of just one convince you, read what others are say:

       "The Finazzo Family Family Fun site is...very confusing."         Steven Hawkins (smartest man on the planet)

       "After perusing the FFFF site I realize that only you can waste your own time."          Dr. Phil (smartest talk show host on the planet)

       "The FFFF site is a plethora of information from a common salt of the earth dumb ass, whose intelligence doesn't compare to my superior intellect and yet has turned out a web page which I find viewing to be of the up most importance if I am to keep abreast of what the common dumb ass is thinking since I am so smart and my super high intellect, and wealth, doesn't allow me to be at such standards, before or after I have thought about such intellectual items of great importance to me and those people intelligent enough to understand what I am saying.  It is for this reason that I think this site and others like it are so important."         John Kerry (failed presidential candidate)

       "Um...ditto to what he said."          George W Bush (not-failed presidential candidate)

    Now that you have heard from the best and brightest see for yourself what you are missing.  Step inside and become a FFFF head, (they're kind of like deadheads but without the drugs, or body order and they have jobs and a life.)