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Rhetorical Analysis

The following is a sample of my Rhetorical Analysis Essay;

One of the most inspiring and influential speeches given by an American President is the Gettysburg Address. On November 19, 1863, President Abraham Lincoln delivered this speech that has stood the test of time and has remained one of the finest speeches in American History. It was a cool November day when President Lincoln stood on the battlefields in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania and addressed the American nation. While on his way to Gettysburg, Lincoln sat in his train car and wrote his speech. Upon completion he felt that the speech was pure garbage (Smith). Lincoln was on his way to commemorate the battles at Gettysburg and honor the memories of those who lost their lives in Pennsylvania. Despite the fact that President Lincoln felt that his speech was not up to par for the event at hand, he did not have enough time to write a new one. The Gettysburg Address was a complete failure. At the time, it was the worst speech that President Lincoln had ever delivered. Even though, the Gettysburg address failed at the time, it has come to represent American ideals and it is now a symbol of the Civil War.

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