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King Sphinx

King Sphinx was created by Finster when Rita Repulsa decided the best way to destroy the Power Rangers was to single Jason out and eliminate him, thereby making the other Rangers helpless. Appearing in a children's theater in Angel Grove Park, King Sphinx lured Jason, Zack, and Kimberly into battle. He used powerful gusts of wind from his wings to teleport Kimberly and Zack away (demorphing them in the process), and then attacked Jason, teleporting both of them to the rock quarry. After a brief fight, Goldar joined the fray, and it was then that Rita made them both grow. For some reason, Jason didn't summon the Tyrannosaurus DinoZord, and merely tried to avoid the two giant monsters until he was able to use the Power Crystals to summon the other Rangers to his location. Once the Zords were summoned, the Rangers tried to battle King Sphinx and Goldar with the DinoTanker for a while before converting to the MegaZord. Despite the villains' superior numbers, the fight was fairly even, and neither side could gain an advantage. Finally, Jason summoned the Power Sword, which the MegaZord used to destroy King Sphinx in a firey blast.




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