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"You are only human, and no mere human is a match for Goldar!"

Goldar is a powerful warrior that served under the command of Rita Repulsa and Lord Zedd. Having escaped 10,000 years of imprisonment with Rita, Goldar led her very first invasion against the Earth. However, he was soon faced with the Power Rangers, and was soundly beaten by their Dino MegaZord. Ever since then, Goldar fought the Rangers and their Zords, growing a strong hatred for Jason and Tommy, the Red and Green Rangers, for their continual defeats of him.

When Lord Zedd arrived on the moon, Goldar eagerly abandoned Rita for his old master, regaining his wings in the process. As Zedd's right hand man, Goldar led many missions for him, encountering the White Ranger again and again. Each time they fought, the White Ranger would best him, sending Goldar back to Zedd in disgrace. When Rita returned to the moon and married Zedd, Goldar was aghast, wondering what could've caused his lord to lose his mind. When he finally discovered it was a sham, he was floored to find out that Zedd loved Rita anyway. Often paired with Rito Revolto, Goldar was disgusted by the skeleton's stupidity (and stench), although they eventually became friends of sorts. Goldar was also essential in Lord Zedd's powering of the Shogun Zords, as he soundly defeated Ninjor, allowing Zedd to capture him.

Goldar, along with Rito, went to destroy the Command Center with an implosion generator. Despite their arguing, they managed to locate the Command Center and destroy it and steal the Zeo Crystal. However, they somehow lost the Crystal, and their memories (and in Goldar's case, his wings), and ended up wandering around Angel Grove. They eventually found Bulk and Skull, and ended up becoming their butlers in exhange for food and shelter. Zedd and Rita eventually found them and restored their memories (and Goldar's wings). They returned to their employers and helped them in their quest to destroy the Machine Empire.

Unlike Rito, Goldar went with Zedd and Rita to the Cimmerian Planet for Dark Specter's conference, and was present in their invasion of the Vica Galaxy, helping to subdue the Gold Ranger. When Zordon's energy wave washed over their army, Goldar was destroyed, reduced to a pile of sand.




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