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"Angel Grove is just one giant scratching post to me, and I'm digging my claws in!"

Katastrophe was created by Rita out of Katherine's cat form, PC. Sent to ambush Billy and Adam on their way to Billy's lab, Katastrophe overwhelmed the two Rangers until they were able to summon the others. The five Powers Rangers easily thrashed Katastrophe, and she quickly retreated. When Tommy escaped a fight with Goldar and Rito elsewhere, Lord Zedd summoned Katherine, who turned back into Katastrophe and returned to Earth to fight the Rangers. As soon as the Rangers arrived to fight her, she was grown to giant size by Rita and Zedd. She was clobbered by Ninjor, then destroyed by the sage's fireball and the Ninja MegaFalconZord's Power Punch.

Katastrophe was later present in Divatox's army on the planet Gratha, where she was presumably vaporized by Zordon's energy wave.




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