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The goal of communication means not only sharing my ideas with other people, but also listening to what they have to say. Communication is a two-way process. It is only through communication that diverse groups of people can exist harmoniously within a society and arrive at understandings that allow them to work together for the betterment of all. Oftentimes communication is the means by which we can erase misperceptions of people based on previous biases or appearances. Communication is also the way in which we can learn from other people’s knowledge and experience, and help them to learn from us. In my individual situation as a student at Portland State, I have been working on the goal of improving my communication with other residents in my dorm building, my fellow students in class, and with my professors. As a naturally shy person, this has been a difficult goal to achieve. I believe I am better able to communicate in writing than with the spoken word. Nonetheless, I have made an effort to improve my communication and listening skills, and I believe I have made progress toward this goal.

Work Examples

Columbia Basin Essay Test, February 23, 2004. This test demonstrated how communication was important in establishing centers of population growth and commerce.

Clash of Civilizations. I wrote this paper for my Freshmen inquiry class at Pacific University during the fall term before I transferred to Portland State. This paper illustrates the importance of communication. It demonstrates how two cultures clashed with disasterous results for both due to lack of communication.

Critical Thinking
Diversity of Human Experience
Ethics and Social Responsibility