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Yeah, so, I finally got your layout done. Took me awhile, but It's worth the wait, to me at least. I hope you like it (: Umm, I guess here you could put all your updates and junk, and on the side bar you could put all your links on there. I'm probably going to make separate pages for everything on your links site, and whatnot, just because I don't feel like rigging this thing up to frames :P. Umm yeah, tell if there's anything you want me to change before I continue.


Ehh, I used brushes that I got from the sidebar mostly. Leave those links up though, or else if they find this website they'll probably get all mad and send you hate mail and whatnot. Or rather, they'll send me hatemail >.O seeing as I designed the layout and all.


Anyway, Enjoy ;D


[x] profile
[x] photography
[x] artwork
[x] links
[x] affiliates
[x] misc.

[x] copyright info.

all art and photographs are © justin pomerleau / layout by shane / brushes from vbrush + angelic_trust