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6.26.03 Construction really is nearing an end (we promise)

Up this week we have added the newest verified files on kazaa and the newest released movies. We also updated the codec section, the conversion section and the file sharing section. Alot more comming thanks for being patient.

Last Updated: 6/12/03
The Updating process is fully underway. The uploaidng and scripting process will end and the amount of content should increase. Verified and file type pages up today. New BLOG style movie forum and site forum updated. No registering requierd. Stay tuned, more to come

Construction nearing an end.
Sorry we are still under Massive construction. Thank you for baring with us as we get the new site up and running. We are very proud and believe this site will be a big help to people just getting into the scene. Please post comments, suggestions or inquaries on joing in the forum section, or by contact us. Your feedback is important to us. Thanks again, stay tuned.

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