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If you’re looking for some websites actually worth checking out, try these.

Defiance, Ohio really awesome radical folkpunk rockers with excellent instrumentation that includes cello, violin, and standup bass.
Against Me! a lot of people are bitching about how they suck now that they sold out by signing to Fat Wreck Chords. I say their music still rules. everyone’s talking about them these days, so check them out for yourself.
Dillinger Four drunk, smart, heavy pop punk that’s political without sounding preachy and stupid.
JerkOff JackOff Frigface a spazzcore punk rock guy who writes hilarious and awesome satirical country music. he’s in the process of booking his tour of the United States. so listen to his stuff, fall in love with it, and then help him get the tour together.
Chipmunk Economy slow like a waltz, fast like amphetamine. putting the "rock" back in "rock and roll". dedicated to rocking the night.
The Can Kickers traditional folk tunes played by punk rock kids. "extreme old-tyme music". if this band plays near you, see the fuck out of them live.
Erik Peterson/Mischief Brew extremely well-written anarchist folkpunk. this guy also indicated that he has an IQ above that of a rock when he decided against doing a split with Johnny Hobo and the Freight Trains.
MANTITS a man with an acoustic guitar and brilliant songs. seriously. don't miss him.

labels/organizations/cool projects
Spare Change Records independent, underground, do-it-yourself label located in Brattleboro, VT that's dedicated to releasing cheap, rocking music by quality folks.
Plan-It-X Records "If it ain’t cheap, it ain’t punk!" a label full of excellent bands (such as This Bike Is A Pipe Bomb and Ghost Mice) and cheap CDs ($5 or less). proof that you can be D.I.Y. and still pay the rent.
Book Your Own Fucking Life a list of underground/D.I.Y. bands, venues, zines, etc. we tried to use this to book our tour but nobody ever got back to us. maybe if you’re a better band than us you’ll have better luck.
Gutter Rock VT removing underground music from venues and placing it where it belongs: drinking forties by the train tracks.